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Has Anyone Compiled A List Of Health Insurance For Thailand ?


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In addition to the Thai Government plan for which I qualify as I have obtained a Ta Bian Ban (yellow book), I carry two private health plans:

1. The VIP policy from the Thai Life Insurance Company; it is a basic plan with low maximum limits that combines the most common forms of health/accident insurance with a life insurance policy. Cost – approximately $800 U.S. per year.

2. A major medical policy from Pacific Cross that has a high deductable but also high maximum limits to cover anything that my first policy does not. Cost – approximately $1,500 U.S. per year.

3. I use the Thai Government plan to obtain inexpensive prescriptions filled at Thai Government hospitals. I wouldn't touch the doctors at most government hospitals with a 10 foot pole. They are basically medics who fix cuts, sprains and broken bones. There are of course exceptions.

Hope this helps.

Edited by Utley
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  • 4 months later...

The yellow book gives you acces to thai hospitals?

It is the first i heard

Yes, if you have a yellow book you qualify as if you were a thai. Just go to your hospital with your wife and yellow book and within 30 minutes you will get your health card.

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