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Heroin Suspects Paraded In Chiang Mai

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Phrae suspects paraded with 195kg of heroin

By The Nation on Sunday.


Drug trafficking continues to be a major problem, but police currently conducting a crackdown voiced success yesterday after arresting many drug dealers - including a major bust involving 195kg of heroin by officers from Provincial Police Region 5.

Police held a press conference in Chiang Mai yesterday to explain the arrest of 12 suspects in Phrae along with 195kg of heroin worth Bt1.2 billion, which was reportedly bound for Bangkok and the South before transport to other countries such as Australia, Europe and the US.

Region 5 chief Pol Lt-Gen Chaiya Siriampankul said the arrest stemmed from a drug bust in Pathum Thani last November in which 576,000 ya ba (speed) tablets and seven kilograms of crystal meth were seized. Police were checking to see if any state officials or politicians were involved.

In Phichit's Bang Mun Nak district, two brothers, aged 39 and 21, were taken yesterday to re-enact a crime in front of Bang Mun Nak train station after they were arrested for dealing ya ba on Friday night. Police searched the men following a tip that one brother would carry the pills and arrive on a Bangkok-Taphan Hin train at 7.30pm and the other brother would collect the drugs. The men allegedly resisted and punched a policeman, who sustained a broken tooth and a wound to his mouth that needed eight stitches.

In Tak's Umphang district, border patrol police arrested a Burmese man identified only as Ae So, 54, and seized 13,200 ya ba tablets, which the suspect reportedly got from two Karen people over the border, to deliver to customers in Tapeupoo village in Tambon Moko.

In Nong Khai, Mekong River Patrol Patch officials said a Laotian man and woman were arrested early yesterday with 10,000 ya ba tablets while getting out of a long tail boat at Huai Khamin Pier in Sangkhom district. They said they were paid Bt30,000 to deliver the drugs to customers in Udon Thani's Na Yung district.

In Bangkok's Dusit district, two men in their 20s were arrested with 10,005 ya ba tablets and one gram of crystal meth at a police checkpoint in front of Rajamangala University of Technology in Phra Nakhon yesterday afternoon.

The duo approached on a motorbike and tried to avoid police by riding in the middle of road but police stopped them and found the drugs.


-- The Nation 2011-02-20

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There is no presumption of innocence before being convicted? Geez, parading suspects is very medieval...only thing missing are the dunce hats and a signboard around their necks outlining their crimes. I see that the lynch mob has already assembled.

In another thread, we have a poster who alleges that he was hassled by police and there was even a veiled threat that they might plant something on him. And even other threads alleging police misconduct, graft and basically other acts that raises questions about the integrity of the force. Yet we are happy to believe these suspects are indeed guilty. Is there no doubt whatsoever that these guys were framed for some payback or evidence had been planted or there was collusion amongst the arresting cops? Well, we will never know but I certainly wouldn't be so happy to parade them and then pre-judge...it could be you being paraded next for underage sex or drugs trafficking or whatever else you did not do.

I hate to say this but if the suspects were foreigners (mind you, white ones, not those Arab types holding French nationality or Asian looking British passport holders) quite a few posters here would be demanding a fair trial, questioning the veracity of police claims and claiming innocence until proven guilty.

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There is no presumption of innocence before being convicted? Geez, parading suspects is very medieval...only thing missing are the dunce hats and a signboard around their necks outlining their crimes. I see that the lynch mob has already assembled.

In another thread, we have a poster who alleges that he was hassled by police and there was even a veiled threat that they might plant something on him. And even other threads alleging police misconduct, graft and basically other acts that raises questions about the integrity of the force. Yet we are happy to believe these suspects are indeed guilty. Is there no doubt whatsoever that these guys were framed for some payback or evidence had been planted or there was collusion amongst the arresting cops? Well, we will never know but I certainly wouldn't be so happy to parade them and then pre-judge...it could be you being paraded next for underage sex or drugs trafficking or whatever else you did not do.

I hate to say this but if the suspects were foreigners (mind you, white ones, not those Arab types holding French nationality or Asian looking British passport holders) quite a few posters here would be demanding a fair trial, questioning the veracity of police claims and claiming innocence until proven guilty.

Well Doggie, thats wherin lies the difference.... Here in Thailand , the same as France and Spain to name but 2 places.... you are guilty until you prove your innocence.... the way it should be if you are caught red-handed...

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