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Loud Bangs


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Anyone know where to buy the devices which villagers seem to use to keep the pigeons out of the rice fields. They do make a terrific bang and do work at least for 30 minutes. Or maybe someone can tell me where to buy fireworks. Those crackers would do the job.

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re ... Or maybe someone can tell me where to buy fireworks. Those crackers would do the job.

the biggest fireworks wholesaler i know of is this one !

go down the road towards the river and the us embassy north east corner

turn left a the white round thing in the road

go past the fruit maket and you will see this place after about 300 yards on your left

these fireworks were stock for loy krathong in november ... but im sure they will have some left

see green arrow... dave2

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re ... Or maybe someone can tell me where to buy fireworks. Those crackers would do the job.

the biggest fireworks wholesaler i know of is this one !

go down the road towards the river and the us embassy north east corner

turn left a the white round thing in the road

go past the fruit maket and you will see this place after about 300 yards on your left

these fireworks were stock for loy krathong in november ... but im sure they will have some left

see green arrow... dave2

We could start WW3 with that lot.:lol:

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I'd given up waiting for anymore replies but just on the offchance I had another peep to-day and find your comprehensive pics and map with that reassuring big green arrow hopefully pointing to where I'll find what I'm looking for. Haven't been yet ; obviously, as I've only just found your reply.

I think that well stocked warehouse will be a bit more productive than Doi Saket market (thanks be to gotlost) where I found a box of "bangers" : 10 for 375 baht ,reduced after protests to 350baht. Too expensive !! I don't want an artistic display of lights in the sky more a barely visible puff of smoke accompanied by an horrendous explosion. My aim is not to entertain the beasts but to scare the living daylights out of them for a few minutes. I still wonder why Thais don't shoot them for dinner. Many thanks for this promising looking lead.

Edited by Asmerom
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nong hoi area just about across from holiday in driveway has a couple stores with temple stuff and also firecrackers for a 120 bt you get one of them 2m long strands which must be 2oo bangs.they are pretty loud .ask your neighbor.i think i will poison mine,the pigeons -not the neighbor-of course.

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How long will a big bang or two keep them away?? We have aflock of those pigeons that roost in the bamboo right outside our bedroom and drive me crazy for afternoon nap.......doesn't bother wife, as she is Thai.

There is also another breed of bird that is really anoying........one will perch in a high tree 200mt away and sing it's mating call over and over for hours.......a monotone 'WEET' over and over. I have shot those 'penny rockets' at the tree that I think the sound comes from, but I think they are ventriloquists and are actually in another tree to fool me.

Gotta restock my arsenal.....

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Thanks for the heads up. Is it a permanent setup as with that bunch of stalls in Warorot? Their 15 baht homemade rockets are particularly impressive.

I looked for the firework wholesaler displayed in dave2's photos without success. There are lots of big warehouse type spaces lined up there which could quickly be emptied and stocked up with whatever is the latest craze. The biggest one is, at the moment, full of "wholesale snacks". Sadly I don't have a tame Thai in tow, and trying to make myself understood by miming a "a 2 meter long firework cracker" raises strange suspicions and doesn't produce the intended result. But I will go again armed with a print of that photo and a few written -in-Thai words which may jog a salesman's memory.

uptoyoumyfriend's suggestion(opposite the Holiday Inn) was easily found and although the guy had a cupboardfull of fireworks I still couldn't get a cracker out of him, only a box, costing 750 baht ,the contents of which being a complete mystery.

As for finding 15 baht homemade rockets I reckon I would need a bloodhound trained to sniff them out. But I do think crackers are just the thing to do the job. My search continues.

<div><br></div><div><b><br></b></div><div><b> I</b>t's highly unlikely <b>jackr</b> that you'd know where to find helium to blow up a balloon but do you, by any chance?</div>

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How long will a big bang or two keep them away??

I suspect the effect will be very short lived, so for this to work you will have to set off new explosions frequently making you very unpopular with the neighbours.


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Believe there's a place down Chiang Moi (not far from moat) that has helium. One of those little bottles would do the trick. Spray the underbelly white, draw big eyes and gnashers on the beast, and have a long tissue paper tail.

On the fireworks, the guys here use the little rockets which can be had in Warorot. They do packs of 10 for 10 baht for the ones that go about 20m and make a small pop (red), and 10 baht for pack of three that go further and make a decent bang (wood tail). Can also buy in bulk for less. Then there's the 15 baht homemade ones with blue plastic pipe that have lots of thrust and go a good 200m, although you wouldn't use them for scaring birds but good for New Year, Loy Krathong, etc. They stopped making the latter after the protests last year due to them shooting at helicopters. Back on sale now though.

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