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If You Can Change Bangkok What Would You Change?


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1/ More pedestrian areas like Kao san road, less car power and no more cross-overs.

2/ Proper sewage system (not smelling open drains everywhere).

3/ More BTS/MRT

4/ A decent pension for ederly (500 Bht / month is a joke)

5/ Free entry in town's swimming pools for governement schools so kids can learn to swimm

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More trains. (sooner)

New Trains :- current trains are 35yrs old and made in Korea)

btw Korean's must be happy they have lasted so long.

1day a month no cars in the city, would be called people's day.

Ok maybe just Pratunam for a start.

More Pedestrian Overpasses.

New cars to only run on alternative fuels.

Unoccupied buildings new/old must be demolished.

The wearing of red shirts.

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More trains. (sooner)

New Trains :- current trains are 35yrs old and made in Korea)

btw Korean's must be happy they have lasted so long.

1day a month no cars in the city, would be called people's day.

Ok maybe just Pratunam for a start.

More Pedestrian Overpasses.

New cars to only run on alternative fuels.

Unoccupied buildings new/old must be demolished.

The wearing of red shirts.

Actually, I was talking about the commuter trains (MRT, BTS, ARL) and basically meant new lines, which they are building, but not enough.

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Make it obligatory for girls 18-30 to wear university uniforms, regardless of whether they actually go to Uni or not. :)

More connecting roads, to and from the expressway.

Less traffic.

Less motorbikes.

20 degrees Celsius all year round.

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Better public transport such as double decker air conditioned buses and a light rail system.

Better general infrastructure: power and phone cables underground, drinkable tap water etc.

More elevated walkways, such as those connecting Siam and Chidlom BS stations making it easier to get around without the arduous trek down cluttered footpaths and having to cross against never ending traffic. Which reminds me of another - more crossings with pedestrian activated lights.

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I like the advice of changing the way one looks at something- cute. Does not really change anything much other than ones own perspective. Which may feel good, but does not really help in so many ways.

Child prostitution

All prostitution ( but some say then it would no longer either be Bangkok nor on the map!)

Elephants in the city

A more accountable police force.

People being allowed to question everything.

An education system that actually educates instead of basically teaching non -thinking.

The notion that " we are poor because we did something wrong in a past life"

Less of the western criminal element

Awful government health care ( a young local lady was turned away from a private hospital because of some policy that dictates that locals must show proof of funds!) A top local hospital "lost" my friend's body some years ago. I waited 7 hours to be told something I knew! Mind you, in Europe we should improve our lot too.

People being made aware of why they are bowing to something which is neither a religious symbol and/or an effigy that specifically did not want that .

Foreigners who are always moaning but make this beautiful land their homes! ( a bit like me today!)

All in all, I love my short time here. I just cannot abide seeing good people kept down and not so nice things going on

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"People being made aware of why they are bowing to something which is neither a religious symbol and/or an effigy that specifically did not want that ."

Good one!! I've asked members of my staff who wai to every gold statue if they knew that Buddha said people should forget him when he died so he wouldn't be treated as a god.....blank stare...but this is Thailand, they say...yes but Buddha himself said forget him...blank stare.

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"People being made aware of why they are bowing to something which is neither a religious symbol and/or an effigy that specifically did not want that ."

Good one!! I've asked members of my staff who wai to every gold statue if they knew that Buddha said people should forget him when he died so he wouldn't be treated as a god.....blank stare...but this is Thailand, they say...yes but Buddha himself said forget him...blank stare.

Did he say forget his teachings?

Buddha didn't want people to worship him but I have never read anywhere in his teachings that he asked that he or his teachings should be forgot. Keep in mind that a wai is a way to show respect and not a prayer although it may appear this way to those who use a similar gesture when they pray to a God.

No doubt people incorporating many things into religions and believes that others believe shouldn't be there just as Christians/Catholics use symbols and images in their prayers and many have images of Jesus unless by shear luck are false images.

One could also question the respect and reverence a family member may have for an object that helps them feel connected to a loved one who has passed away. But not sure it means the person has elevated that loved one to God like status.

Edited by Nisa
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controls on air and noise pollution.

I am currently bombarded by both.

While i understand that to drive piles you need to make noise, i cannot accept that that noise is made by a 30 year old compressor that belches enough deisel exhaust to create a 100 meter smog cloud. everything in and around my house reeks of deisel, and i am one of hundreds affected by just this one instance.

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who are you to explain Thai Buddhism to a Thai?

It seems pretty arrogant and presumptuous to me.

why would such remarks, especially to your employees, rate anything more than a vacant stare? you are lucky you don't get slapped.

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"People being made aware of why they are bowing to something which is neither a religious symbol and/or an effigy that specifically did not want that ."

Good one!! I've asked members of my staff who wai to every gold statue if they knew that Buddha said people should forget him when he died so he wouldn't be treated as a god.....blank stare...but this is Thailand, they say...yes but Buddha himself said forget him...blank stare.

Did he say forget his teachings?

Buddha didn't want people to worship him but I have never read anywhere in his teachings that he asked that he or his teachings should be forgot. Keep in mind that a wai is a way to show respect and not a prayer although it may appear this way to those who use a similar gesture when they pray to a God.

No doubt people incorporating many things into religions and believes that others believe shouldn't be there just as Christians/Catholics use symbols and images in their prayers and many have images of Jesus unless by shear luck are false images.

One could also question the respect and reverence a family member may have for an object that helps them feel connected to a loved one who has passed away. But not sure it means the person has elevated that loved one to God like status.

Then please read more. Perhaps Krishnamurti rather hard hitting opinions on things here. " it is all lie's" could help.

Wai is just used.

People do so because they have been told to. It becomes an automatic instinct particular to 3rd world nations.

And it is this sort of thing and worst, the defense of it, masquerading as national pride that really is quite pathetic.

They do not really know why they do and do not seem to care.Although quite cute- it is so misplaced. This brainwashing.

They have not been told that this is specify against the effigy they do it to also mistakenly regard as religious figurehead, when it most definitely is not. Mistake upon mistake.

You see, we can dance all day long, and what you say does have some point.

But it falls down when basically most people simply just do not know what they are doing and why. and far,far worst is that inquiry is frowned upon and on some subject-illegal.

Parents who truly love their children allow them to question everything when they reach the right age. If they do not, they remain children.

Look around the streets of Bangkok. What do you see?

If you see a mature ,progressive, democratic,society then please let me know.I shall recommend a good doctor!

And then when it is pointed out to them retort the biggest cop-out of all. This has been mixed with that great old chestnut national pride.

" well, just you have just made me look foolish, but,,,, this is Thailand"

As harsh as I may sound I do love this country and am glad to see things changing.

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who are you to explain Thai Buddhism to a Thai?

It seems pretty arrogant and presumptuous to me.

why would such remarks, especially to your employees, rate anything more than a vacant stare? you are lucky you don't get slapped.

so one has to be thai to show someone a mistake?

if that were true my goodness where would we be...

God, i fear for this land. Surely the fact that they are not doing as Buddha asked shows that they are in dire need of education.

"Slapped.."- typical retort of someone who knows that they are wrong and have lost face and then show their trues colors by a childlike and really quite pathetic and sad threat.

Real progress there, a real point for the Thai camp and logical robust thinking. These are the words of a backward coward who simply cannot stand being found lacking and so try's( and fails) to gain some ground.

And people wonder why there is so little progress.

Congratulations on the best self slap I have seen for a long time! Very amusing, thank you.

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OK - settle down please.

This topic is not about the teachings of Budha & how they are interpreted by the locals; we do have a specific fourm for that on Thai Visa.

It is about things you would like change in Bkk.

Back on topic please.

sorry , we must of been typing at the same time- back on topic. I do apologize.

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