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Please Give Me Some Advice Regarding Annoying Neighbour Upstairs


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hiya, i live in an apt here in bkk. i got this female upstairs that keeps on bugging me by banging some thing on her table.

some might say this is just everyday noises, such as putting a cup on a wooden table or what not.

but i do feel she is making this noise intentionally, while she was banging frquently couple of times, as i retailate by banging the ceiling, she starts banging more repeatedly.

firstly, i tried "knocking on her door" with a bang, but she never opens. around 3 days i started kicking on the door...

the landlord caught my action on cctv and told me to inform him whenever this happens, hes a nice dude and hardly informs me to contact him to be the buffer, so that i wont be in deep trouble. his intention was to call him whenever theres noise, so that he could visit my room to hear it.

but this female upstairs does this at around 6:50am ish and at night, and sometimes in between, most likely to disturb my sleep. i can sense it... it's hard to explain, and u prolly know what i mean.

seems to be a single female, may be around 30 ish, maybe working parttime, maybe middle class since she's living alone.

i dont know what to do, i tried putting my tv on a cupboard to amplifiy the noise today, but it;s really sad and i dont wanna be like this... so i put it back wheere it was.

it is making me depressed, and when i was boxing today, i couldnt get it out of my mind for a while... im scared that i might thump her or even kill her and end of my life in jail... seriously... to be honest... i really want to throw my fists to her... why is maybe ok to exhancge fists at bar with males, yet not with females? i mean u wont get into deep trouble by hitting males comapred to females.

some females think they are bullet proof or something? i mean on this border line, when i cross the line, my life will probably end up in jail... please help me and advice me before it's too late...

(to be honest, i dont generally like thais, maybe 50/50 im here, cuz cost is cheap.)


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gravion, have you tried medication? Perhaps you should present yourself to the doctors & explain how you are feeling, because it sounds like you are a real threat to the community. ohmy.gif

As for the woman upstairs, let the landlord handle her, hes already offered.

Geeze dude, take it easy.

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The general advice with situations like this is not to post when you are completely p*ssed because it makes for very strange reading when you sober up


In Simon's case we prefer him to post when half cut, it normally makes alot more sense then cheesy.gif

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har har har it's not about being rich or poor, i mostlikely got more money in my bank account than u collecting pentions every months...

i won a lottery!!! nah im joking...

anyways everywhere aorund the world would be the same prolly, i like some of the thai ladies cheerful attitudes which brings me light to my darknezz... no im not talking about bar girls., although i have never talked to one, they prolly want ur money righty or something and get rid of u once ur empty ot somehting. i actually want to marry my thai teacher :unsure: wow she brings light to be darknezzz... wow :lol:

landlord is usually in this apt office from 9-5pm, then hes off, and he would like to hear the noise, so that he could give warning to the female upstairs. hes a really nice dude... he was running off to me room, when i told him about the noice. hes the owner of the condo as well as owner of some water pumping company. wow... he even got master degree in electric eng from states... wow hes also young and cute too... wow :ermm:

so sad that the environments causes ppl to be behave as like that awwww... :ermm:

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I don't suppose it has crossed your mind that the banging you here morning and evening is her making some somtam, chilli paste or some other Thai delight with her pestle and mortar. Something which every Thai that I know does at least a few times a day and involves lots of banging ? :blink:

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Yup, given the times when the noise occurs it does sound like a mortar and pestle. Usually the pounding doesn't last long unless she's cooking for a restaurant. We live two doors down from a restaurant and do hear pounding several times a day. Also, we can hear the mortar and pestles of our across-the-soi neighbors. I like to cook and find myself using my mortar and pestle more and more, especially once I realized it's easier to clean than a food processor and safer than trying to cut up stuff into small pieces with a knife. I don't pound anything for breakfast, though, but Thai ladies do.

The OP should ask someone to demonstrate the use of a mortar and pestle and see if that's the sound. There are two kinds of mortar and pestles -- wooden ones used for somtan and gently crushing garlic or peanuts. Then there are the heavy duty models -- they look like they're made of concrete. You use those to totally pulverize peppers, garlic and various other plant materials into paste. They can make some noise. Hubby knows it's time to get up from his late afternoon nap when he hears my mortar and pestle, because it means dinner is coming soon.

If the noise is a mortar and pestle, then the OP should just learn to live with it and maybe get to know the lady. My Thai language teacher says there's an old saying in Thailand that in order to find a good wife, a man should listen for a home where the mortar and pestle is used frequently -- it means that a good cook lives there.

Continuing on his present course is only going to get the OP tossed out of the building. No Thai manager is going to ask a lady to refrain from using her mortar and pestle a couple times daily (unless tenants aren't allowed to cook in the building). Pounding and kicking the door of a lady living alone is considered harassment in any country.

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gravion, have you tried medication? Perhaps you should present yourself to the doctors & explain how you are feeling, because it sounds like you are a real threat to the community. ohmy.gif

As for the woman upstairs, let the landlord handle her, hes already offered.

Geeze dude, take it easy.

By virtue of the fact that neverdie and I never agree on anything you may take this post with all seriousness. I completely agree with neverdie. Go to a doctor. You have a problem.

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Yup, given the times when the noise occurs it does sound like a mortar and pestle. Usually the pounding doesn't last long unless she's cooking for a restaurant. We live two doors down from a restaurant and do hear pounding several times a day. Also, we can hear the mortar and pestles of our across-the-soi neighbors. I like to cook and find myself using my mortar and pestle more and more, especially once I realized it's easier to clean than a food processor and safer than trying to cut up stuff into small pieces with a knife. I don't pound anything for breakfast, though, but Thai ladies do.

The OP should ask someone to demonstrate the use of a mortar and pestle and see if that's the sound. There are two kinds of mortar and pestles -- wooden ones used for somtan and gently crushing garlic or peanuts. Then there are the heavy duty models -- they look like they're made of concrete. You use those to totally pulverize peppers, garlic and various other plant materials into paste. They can make some noise. Hubby knows it's time to get up from his late afternoon nap when he hears my mortar and pestle, because it means dinner is coming soon.

If the noise is a mortar and pestle, then the OP should just learn to live with it and maybe get to know the lady. My Thai language teacher says there's an old saying in Thailand that in order to find a good wife, a man should listen for a home where the mortar and pestle is used frequently -- it means that a good cook lives there.

Continuing on his present course is only going to get the OP tossed out of the building. No Thai manager is going to ask a lady to refrain from using her mortar and pestle a couple times daily (unless tenants aren't allowed to cook in the building). Pounding and kicking the door of a lady living alone is considered harassment in any country.

A well reasoned and thoughtful reply as usual, Nancy..

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This thread has got to be a joke right ?


Can someone please let me know (as I only speak English and Thai) what are "prolly" and "noice" !!!!;)

It is a troll post.

The expression "prolly" is some idiot's version of the perfectly good word, "probably"

I have no idea what "noice" means. My best guess is someone doesn't know how to spell and is too lazy to check the spelling on WORD.

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Ian, thank you for suggesting that the OP may be a troll. After reading his profile and previous posts, I think he's a professional troll. In the future, I'm going to spend a few moments checking out an OP's pedigree before I invest 15 minutes in crafting a thoughtful reply.

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Ian, thank you for suggesting that the OP may be a troll. After reading his profile and previous posts, I think he's a professional troll. In the future, I'm going to spend a few moments checking out an OP's pedigree before I invest 15 minutes in crafting a thoughtful reply.

Because of where I live we have what I call "intermittent-net". I never know when it's going to just stop working. Consequently, if I'm going to write any more than one sentence I save it in WORD before posting. If the internet shuts down in mid paragraph I lose everything. Also, over time you start to know the various posters and their style. It saves time knowing your opponent when making a reply.

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Thanks, Ian. I've never thought of fellow Thai Visa members as "opponents". However, I do need to get to know more about individual posters before investing time in responding, be it in Word or using the forum directly. This guy is clearly a loser (I was thinking of a stronger adjective initially, one that started with the letter "A"). I hope that if he does try to kick down the door of a Thai lady living alone her neighbors or building security will handle him before he gets to her. I think, though, he'll be too busy dreaming up new troll posts and won't do anything that involves physical activity.

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