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There is nothing heroic about this post; it is just a statement of facts:

I have been a hard drinker for more than twenty years; lots of beer and spirits, sometimes wine and sometimes champagne.

Recent liver tests suggested problems; scan and biopsy have proven the worst:- Cirrhosis.

I have about eight months to live; the prognosis is absolute. I can only say to fellow drinkers beware, of course don't stop, I am unlucky.

I shall end my days in Pattaya. I feel a bit cheated at 39 years of age, but it is in the genes.

All the best.


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There is nothing heroic about this post; it is just a statement of facts:

I have been a hard drinker for more than twenty years; lots of beer and spirits, sometimes wine and sometimes champagne.

Recent liver tests suggested problems; scan and biopsy have proven the worst:- Cirrhosis.

I have about eight months to live; the prognosis is absolute. I can only say to fellow drinkers beware, of course don't stop, I am unlucky.

I shall end my days in Pattaya. I feel a bit cheated at 39 years of age, but it is in the genes.

All the best.


Whatever you do don't despair. I was told 14 years ago that I was past it. I was finished. Gone.They put me in a clinic for six months to dry out in case there was a chance, and my liver got better for some reason. When I got out I carried on just as I had before, up until two and a half years ago, then I stopped completely. And I run a pub! I never fought the addiction to booze, I revelled in it. I sometimes drank for breakfast what a good drinker would have on a night out. I had minitures hidden all over the house, so wherever I was there was always a double on hand. I didn't regret it either. Then I met someone special, and after five years marriage she managed to wean me off it. Look on the bright side, you might be one of the lucky ones too.


Thanks Lampard 10, that was good to get a quick reply on the positive side. At the moment I feel really depressed. It is strange; I am not at all concerned for myself, just the few people who love me; family and my Thai girlfriend (Don't laugh) she is a good lady......

Perhaps if I abstain 100% I can buy some more time........



Sorry to hear that friend. I hope some miracle happens and u get better. Dont tear apart, have faith in God and he'll lead u to the right path. Life and death isnt all that matters, what matters is that u r good person or not. Be good and all the best!


I didn't know it was fatal. Especially at 39 ... I am glad you posted as it reminds us all to take more care of ourselves, and to get past addictions to bad food, smoking and drinking.

Wishing you the Best of Luck ...

Perhaps if I abstain 100% I can buy some more time........

Syd, you are correct and you can prove the Drs wrong.

Just do it....... you'll be around for a long time mate.

Good Luck and keep us posted. :o

Perhaps if I abstain 100% I can buy some more time........

I think you will, if you can do it. It's also worth investigating diet and vitamins as a way to minimize further damage to your liver. I used to be highly sceptical of "natual therapies" to cure ailments until I got rid of my excruciatingly painful trigeminal neuralgia by taking vitamin B complex and calcium for 3 years. The action of vitamins is slow and subtle, but they often work.

In fact this success inspired me so much that I now drink nothing but mineral water, take all those anti-oxidant vitamins and generally avoid eating meat. It's worth a try. At the very least, you should feel a little healthier.


Hi Syd,

This kind of news is no joke and it will leave you reeling for a bit (been there myself with a different disease, where the doctors told me that I would very possibly be dead that same day if I did not allow them to admit me to the hospital). Unfortunately modern western medicine has lost touch with its roots in healing. I did not buy into their mindset and I am still going strong 5 years later.

As Udon said you can prove the doctors wrong. Depends on what you feel about the whole thing and if you are really willing to get through this and continuue on with this life. I'll be happy to point you in the direction that helped me so far, but you first need to make the decision yourself that you want to do what it takes to beat this to keep your lady and family happy. Drying out right away would probably be a good start.

The ancient Indian system of health care (ayur veda) is really experiencing a great resurgence in the past 5 to 10 years. If you can find a real good practioner (not some boutique spa) you can get great results. I know of a few ayurvedic doctors in India that are real good (and there may very well be thousands of others that I do not personally know). One of them was just brought to BKK last week. Unfortunately he was only able to be there for 3 or 4 days as he had to get back to his clinic in Delhi. He will no doubt return again as many could not get appointments despite the fact that he saw 70 patients each day. Anyway one of the specialties of his family tradition is curing liver problems and if anyone can help restore your liver I would say it would be him.

As you should not wait for his uncertain return to BKK, email or PM me and I will be happy to give you his contact details (this also goes for anyone else with a serious need and a desire to go for a more natural, traditional cure of some serious problem). There may also be a source of some of the ayurvedic medicines that you need, right in BKK right away (I will check into this with friends there).

As an aside, there is also a branch of traditional Thai healthcare that comes directly from this (called similarly ayuraveda), but I do not know of any practioners there that I can recommend as of yet.

When I had my life threatening problem I went and saw this same doctor and got an apartment near his family home in Hyderabad for two months of daily treatments until enough of a cure occured so that I could function normally. His father and brother and one sister are all ayurvedic doctors and he was down there most of the time, at that time, for family reasons as well. Anyway get in touch with me if you want to do something with this. It may not be necessary to go to India, though with your liver as far along as you indicate this might be best. However he may say that you can just take treatments and medicines there in Thailand.

All the best, whatever you decide


Perhaps if I abstain 100% I can buy some more time........

Syd, you are correct and you can prove the Drs wrong.

Just do it....... you'll be around for a long time mate.

Good Luck and keep us posted. :o

Yeah up the bastards Syd. Prove the bloody quacks wrong. Remember that you've been naughty and only the good die young. Good luck my friend.


This post and the responses speaks volumes for the TV members and dispels the ungainly thoughts of that idiot in Thai Visa Post Bag ( not Penzman he/she only provided us with the information)(See the Penzman -General Topics - I, You, We've Got Mail!)

Syd look on the bright side and stick it up em (the Quacks I mean) I have consumed the odd ale or two in my day but my real downfall is women - if my good old Dad had gelded me a birth I reckon I would be richer in Baht than the PM but much more poorer in the experiences of life.

An Australian Prime Minister once said "Life is not meant to be easy" - Not long after this He was in the news again He was caught without his pants in a Hotel somewhere - Moral Live life to the fullest.


Syd, there are still plenty of people walking the Earth years after receiving a death prediction by doctors. You are still walking the Earth, and as long as you are here, you are not dead yet, so don't give up.

I urge you to consult the poster who has information on Ayurvedic medicine. Medicine is a science, but there are still mysteries of the human body and spirit which can't be explained.

By all means, this is a wake-up call, but don't give up.


If I was to give any advice Syd, it would be like the others have said and don't give up.

When I was 12 my parents were advised by doctor's to prepare my funeral, 6 years on I'm as healthy as ever and have never looked back. It is not that I done anything out of the ordinary to survive, I just believed it wasn't my time and thankfully it wasn't, I urge you to think the same.

I sincerely wish you the best of luck



Get yourself to Bangkok.

Get a second opinion from one of the top private hospitals here. My aunty works at Vejthani Hospital in Ladprao, she can tell me if there is a liver specialist there. Otherwise BNH, Bumrungrad. *

If you're too far gone, liver transplant may save you.

Don't just sit there with a stiff upper lip and keeping chin-up as recommended.

The Moog

(you remember me - 'the evil goblin' you called me in 2/04)

*If you don't know these places I will meet you off the bus at Ekkamai Bus Station and escort you there myself.


No words can describe what you must be going through I am sure. This particular disease really scares me as I have no idea how much at risk I am. Were there symptoms and how long ago did they start? How much were you drinking and how often? You mentioned genetics, how does that play into it?

No words can describe what you must be going through I am sure. This particular disease really scares me as I have no idea how much at risk I am. Were there symptoms and how long ago did they start? How much were you drinking and how often? You mentioned genetics, how does that play into it?

According to the Mayo Clinic, there aren't any obvious symptoms in the early stages. A liver function test is included in most hospitals' annual checkup procedure, but most people don't start getting annual checkups until they are at least 45 years old. Have it done every year if you're concerned.


To everyone; thanks for all the advice, and the longer posts. I have printed them out and will try everything.

To the Moog; sorry I called you a 'Goblin' a while ago.

I am very thankful for all the response, actually my head is spinning, it is such a shock to think that 20 years of booze has created this result.

A few of you have asked 'how much, how often?' It has been steady; daily drinking; never vodka for breakfast, just beer at lunch and beer at night; perhaps 20 units a day for 20 years. It never interupted my work or life, I just liked beer.

I suspect that I am unlucky; I have to quit 100% and hope that my damaged liver can just get by.

More tests to come...will keep all posted.

Thanks again.

Syd Barrett.


Syd mate,

I worked in a Haematology lab when I was 20 years old. I was totally humiliated when my doctor sent a blood sample for testing to my own bloody work with alcohol abuse on it. Off course everyone knew. I was ok then. All my friends said that I would never see 30, the rate I was going with the booze and accossionally harder drugs. I carried on drinking ignoring the warnings, I couldn't stop! and 10 years later got bad liver problems.

Well here I am at 40 having never been better. Life is truly wonderful now.

Should you quit the booze? Up to you mate, but it is not easy. But please check first. The liver can repair itself.

My friend had liver damage which was made worse when he was diagnosed with HIV 5 years ago. When he found out about the HIV he went on a massive bender. Luckily he found AA and is now 4 years sober taking one day at a time.

I know of a few guys and one good ex drinking buddy who died.

My friend was given 6 months to live with liver problems. He stopped for 17 months.

Unfortunately he didn't think he was an alkie. When an alcoholic has untreated alcoholism he will eventually succumb to a drink again, life becomes unbearable without a drink and deadly with one. Why not take out insurance by going to AA? certain attitudes to life and steps have to be taken. I couldn't do it alone, and believe me I tried. My friend had two lovely little girls too, but they couldn't make him stay off the booze.

I think that liver transplants have been screwed up because of what george best did.

He got a new liver and and is now drinking.

you say 8 months to go.

Why not quit the booze with perhaps a 90% chance of living another 40 years.

Seems wiser than to give up and reduce your time on earth.

I know many many alkies who have had liver problems, I repeat it is repairable.

But give up the booze.

You do have a choice. There is an AA meeting in Pattaya.

check www.aathailand.org for details.

There are guys there who can offer you some real advice based on their own experiences.

As someone else said <deleted> the doctors, they could never help me.

I was contemplating ending it all one miserable day back in Scotland when I heard a new song by the Stranglers called "Always the sun", which really stuck in my mind all the way to Thailand.

Good luck

BTW love the songs you wrote.


Liver damage from cirrhosis cannot be reversed, but treatment can stop or delay further progression and reduce complications. Treatment depends on the cause of cirrhosis and any complications a person is experiencing. For example, cirrhosis caused by alcohol abuse is treated by abstaining from alcohol. Treatment for hepatitis-related cirrhosis involves medications used to treat the different types of hepatitis, such as interferon for viral hepatitis and corticosteroids for autoimmune hepatitis. Cirrhosis caused by Wilson's disease, in which copper builds up in organs, is treated with medications to remove the copper. These are just a few examples—treatment for cirrhosis resulting from other diseases depends on the underlying cause. In all cases, regardless of the cause, following a healthy diet and avoiding alcohol are essential because the body needs all the nutrients it can get, and alcohol will only lead to more liver damage. Light physical activity can help stop or delay cirrhosis as well.

Treatment will also include remedies for complications. For example, for ascites and edema, the doctor may recommend a low-sodium diet or the use of diuretics, which are drugs that remove fluid from the body. Antibiotics will be prescribed for infections, and various medications can help with itching. Protein causes toxins to form in the digestive tract, so eating less protein will help decrease the buildup of toxins in the blood and brain. The doctor may also prescribe laxatives to help absorb the toxins and remove them from the intestines.

When complications cannot be controlled or when the liver becomes so damaged from scarring that it completely stops functioning, a liver transplant is necessary. In liver transplantation surgery, a diseased liver is removed and replaced with a healthy one from an organ donor. About 80 to 90 percent of patients survive liver transplantation. Survival rates have improved over the past several years because of drugs such as cyclosporine and tacrolimus, which suppress the immune system and keep it from attacking and damaging the new liver.


I look at Keith Richards and Eric Clapton, and I figure - its actually pretty damned hard to actually kill yourself with abuse.

Or - check out the childhood story of Wilma Rudolph - who won three gold medals as a sprinter at the 1960 Rome Olympic Games.

You got your "wake up" call - now get down to business - and beat it!

Best of luck to you!




Hang in there.

If you have asymptomatic cirrhosis, that already is a good sign, especially if the damage is due only to alcohol...you would have to stop drinking, of course. If there's any other causes for liver disease, such as hepatitis B or C, or a whole lot of rarer conditions, it does get more problematic.

The liver does have an amazing capacity for regeneration, and quite a capacity as well for doing its many tasks; if this were not so, living donor transplantation would not be possible. That being said, unfortunately, cirrhosis is not a reversible condition. As another poster mentioned, if you do have diffuse cirrhosis, the goal is to prevent further damage - no booze, ever, not for New Year's, not for your birthday, nothing. Cold turkey. Honestly, would that one drink hurt that much? Probably not, but the point is not to fan the fire.

I don't mean to sound so pessimistic. I agree that hope is a good thing, and I have no way of readily assessing to what degree, if at all, TCM would be helpful. I can't even comment on whether your doctors are good, bad, or indifferent, or your stage of cirrhosis. Although I don't agree with certain opinions and practices in western allopathic medicine, I would encourage you not to dismiss the doctors out of hand. Liver disease is a very active area of research and treatment interest.

Best of luck,

the Teakhead.



I'm a recovering addict, and have many friends who have been were u now are. One friend after 40 years of alcohol and heroine addiction was given 3 months to live, that was 4 years ago and he's still going strong and is happier than he ever has been. So don't dipare, theres lots of like mind folks out there who can help u. God bless and good luck

The liver can repair itself.

The Liver

Some of the most serious effects on the body of drinking alcoholic drinks are caused by damage done to the liver by alcohol. If alcohol is frequently in the blood in large amounts, it causes the liver cells to die and prevents the liver from working efficiently. This disease is called Cirrhosis. In the case of a generally healthy person, if alcohol is taken infrequently or only in moderate amounts, any damaged liver tissue has time to repair itself.

Chinese herbal medicine has been known to have good results as well.

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