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Political Rap Song


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That’s a link to a political rap song sponsored by the opposition I presume.

It has both Thai subtitles and transcript. I’m having a bit of trouble

getting through the first couple of lines. If I could get some hints on

the first couple of lines, I think I can get through the rest. How would

you translate it? Thanks for any input.


       ชอบตอแหลแล้วยังขี้ขลาด ๆ เป็นไอ้หล่อขายชาติของแม่ยก ปชป

 สี่เหลี่ยมก็มีสี่ด้าน a square has 4 sides

แต่คนหน้าด้าน but a shameless person ? the side of a persons face?

คือไอ้หน้าหล่อ Mr. dam_n handsome ? nickname for the PM ?

ชอบตอแหลแล้วยังขี้ขลาด frequently or likes to lie like a coward

เป็นไอ้หล่อขายชาติ dam_n handsome ? sells out the country

ของแม่ยก of mother elevate ? a play of words on Nah Yok ?

ปชป Democratic party

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While slightly off topic of your O/P. Especially given your video certainly has more 'substance' in terms of catchy and semi-meaningful lyrics; I always thought these two videos (made a while ago) were good for a tongue-in-cheek poke at the political movers and shakers here. . Sadly, they're short on substance, but long on humor :whistling: . ..

Whoever did 'em made one about Thaksin and another one about Abhisit as well. They poked fun at both sides of the political spectrum. I thought their use of 'creative' editing to get totally out of context sentences, their capitalization on mispronunciation and purposeful misuse of words to get different meanings to be quite amusing. (Then again, I am easily amused :o )!

Here's the Thaksin one:

แม้วแร็พ - Thaksin Rap

And here's the Abhisit one:

มาร์คแร็พ - Abhisit Rap

I've played them here in my house 20 or 30 times to thais of EVERY color shirt currently out there and to a person, they laughed at BOTH of them! Showing that even thais can lighten up once in a while and see the fun in taking the piss out of each other.

I will say, your vid has better words. .. Thaksin's nickname has been "Square Face" and Abhisit's has morphed into "Pretty Face" (in almost all the gossip rags). Once the rest of the wording is hashed out; I can only surmise that this wasn't written by the Democrat Party as a rallying song to be played at their next get together. :lol:

BTW: I am not affiliated with ANY "colored shirt group"; other than the black KISS tour shirt group (which evidently consists of only me :blink: ). Also, thankfully no thai faction has adopted this as their 'official color scheme' yet. Sheesh, if/when that happens I'll be out of an entire wardrobe! ;)

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The OP's video is an anti-Abhisit song by the PAD. Manager is the main PAD-affiliated news site.

Perhaps we shouldn't delve too much further into this to avoid conflict. The OP's understanding of the first few lines is basically correct. There's some wordplay going on, too.

The only addition I'll make: แม่ยก is kind of hard to translate literally -- it's a term for a woman who is the benefactor/patron for a folk performer (the Royal Institute dictionary defines it as หญิงที่เป็นผู้อุปถัมภ์พระเอกลิเกหรือนายวงดนตรีลูกทุ่ง), so it's a derisive way of saying he's sucking at the teat of the Democrats, or that they control him.

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