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Thailand should take a stand against Gadhafi

Opinion by The Nation.

Arab states and international community needs to provide more support to victims of regime

The Libyan opposition took a courageous stand when they said they do not want military assistance from other nations in their struggle against Mu'ammar Gadhafi and his regime.

While they may lack in military hardware, the opposition makes up for this with their fighting spirit. But how they can hold out remains to be seen, as a possible humanitarian crisis looms.

From a bird's eye view, one might think the Egyptians could easily cross the border adjacent to their home. But this is not the case, as geography does not permit this. As a result, the Libyan-Tunisian border has quickly become a humanitarian disaster. This past week saw some 70,000 refugees, mostly Egyptians, crossing the border into Tunisia. Food, medical supplies and shelter are hard to come by and more help is needed.

The Egyptian military, especially the navy, seen as a regional powerbroker and caretaker authorities in their home country overseeing this transition period, risk jeopardising their reputation if more is not done to help their citizens stuck on Libyan soil. Sailing along the North African coast to pick up stranded Egyptians shouldn't be so difficult.

As for the people of Libya, uncertainty awaits them. Beside the possibility that this struggle could be protracted, cities held by opposition forces will face a food crisis. The opposition has put up a good fight but they will not be able to sustain their resistance on an empty stomach. It's very likely that Gadhafi may try to starve them out.

Moreover, medicine is hard to come by in the areas they control.

France has led the way on the humanitarian front, sending doctors, nurses and medical supplies. Others in the international community, especially Arab countries like the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia, could do more.

They give out money to buy friends but find it hard to write a cheque for their own kind especially in times of crisis. Generosity doesn't count for much if it is filled an agenda with other motives.

Hundreds have been killed at the hand of Gadhafi's loyalists since the uprising began more than a week ago. Apparently, Gadhafi means it when he says he will fight to the last drop of his blood. Well, what it may amount to is the last drop of his fighters' blood.

He has ruled Libya for four decades with an iron fist and, given his erratic personality, he will probably go down taking as many opponents as he can, even if it means undertaking crimes against humanity.

In fact, his actions in recent weeks should qualify him for a trial in the International Criminal Court.

The UN Security Council was right to issue a resolution to condemn Gadhafi's regime and call on him to step down. Slapping an embargo on his government and freezing his assets abroad are steps in the right direction.

The Thai government has been working hard to provide transport for Thai citizens in Libya. Much of the money earned by Thai workers has been sent back to Thailand to better their lives. In this respect we have benefited from oil-rich Libya.

But we should also look inside ourselves and go beyond the shallow acknowledgement that our workers provide labour and that Libya pays them a salary. A rapport has been established between the two people and with that comes a sense of moral obligation between mankind.

Thailand needs to do more and take a stance on this issue and our stance should be with the people of Libya, the vast majority of whom appear to want an end to this ruthless regime of Gadhafi.


-- The Nation 2011-03-06

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since thailand always says it never wants outside help they should practice what the preach and keep their noses out of other affairs. added to this is the fact this government can not even control this country so what chance have they of helping to control other countries, and thirdly, I would suggest this government would have more in common with gaddafi than the Libyan people, both are adept at murdering their own people with the use of their military.


since thailand always says it never wants outside help they should practice what the preach and keep their noses out of other affairs. added to this is the fact this government can not even control this country so what chance have they of helping to control other countries, and thirdly, I would suggest this government would have more in common with gaddafi than the Libyan people, both are adept at murdering their own people with the use of their military.

Most of got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.;)


since thailand always says it never wants outside help they should practice what the preach and keep their noses out of other affairs. added to this is the fact this government can not even control this country so what chance have they of helping to control other countries, and thirdly, I would suggest this government would have more in common with gaddafi than the Libyan people, both are adept at murdering their own people with the use of their military.

Most of got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.;)

Not just this morning.

He does the same with every post, any opportunity to twist things around so he can have a go at Thailand and the Govt.

But I do agree with him (first time ever) that thailand should keep out of this one, other than getting the Thai's out of there.


since thailand always says it never wants outside help they should practice what the preach and keep their noses out of other affairs. added to this is the fact this government can not even control this country so what chance have they of helping to control other countries, and thirdly, I would suggest this government would have more in common with gaddafi than the Libyan people, both are adept at murdering their own people with the use of their military.

Most of got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.;)

every day :D

it pisses me off when I read about Thailand trying to sort out other countries problems while denying help themselves in ALL matters, added to the fact that most of these reporters seem to forget what Thailand has done to its own people over the past year, one thing i will say though, since the ICJ is prepared to look at gadaffi over his use of the army to kill his own people, I guess they will also look at abhisit over his use of the army to to kill thai people. The ICJ are setting a nice little precedent for amsterdam to use, abhsit will either have to admit he gave the order or say the army did it without his order.


since thailand always says it never wants outside help they should practice what the preach and keep their noses out of other affairs. added to this is the fact this government can not even control this country so what chance have they of helping to control other countries, and thirdly, I would suggest this government would have more in common with gaddafi than the Libyan people, both are adept at murdering their own people with the use of their military.

Most of got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.;)

Not just this morning.

He does the same with every post, any opportunity to twist things around so he can have a go at Thailand and the Govt.

But I do agree with him (first time ever) that thailand should keep out of this one, other than getting the Thai's out of there.

not every post :D don't exaggerate.

but my opinion on this government is just as valid as your differing opinion.


Against Gaddafi :bah: , I am Afraid they will need more than Thailand i to take a stand , the follow on from this will be interesting though, if the opposition win, all those other despot run countries will be on notice to some degree,especially the country north of Burma / Myanmar,good example of people power, taking power, Egypt is the latest ,who's next?:D


No, Random, your comment, seeing as its derived from fact, is way more valid than the OP's 'differing opinion' which is essentially crap. An no, you won't see that Brit twit Abhisit or his HiSo ilk raising a little finger to assist the mostly Isaan contract labor still stuck in Qaddafi's hell. Nor, unfortunately, will we ever see any of the contemptible thai government officials, current or deposed by coup, brought to justice in Den Hague. Not gonna happen.


No, Random, your comment, seeing as its derived from fact, is way more valid than the OP's 'differing opinion' which is essentially crap. An no, you won't see that Brit twit Abhisit or his HiSo ilk raising a little finger to assist the mostly Isaan contract labor still stuck in Qaddafi's hell.


What are you talking about? The government ARE getting the Thai workers out of Libya.


I believe Thailand was one of the countries that supported the election of Libya to the UN's human rights council. 155 countries voted for Libya. 33 countries did not and the countries voting against Libya had for the most part made their views known beforehand. 5 countries abstained. If Thailand did vote for Libya, and one cannot know for certain since the ballot was "secret", then there is a bit of egg on the face of the Abhisit administration. The horse already got out of the barn, so what's the point in closing the door now?

In fairness to the government, there are still tens of thousands of Thais still in Libya. Thailand has to watch what it says or else these Thais will be at further risk. Now is not the time to offer empty slogans or hollow statements about human rights. Thailand has an obligation and a duty to not put its nationals in danger by saying anything that might cause a retaliation. Unlike some of the nato countries now sending special forces to Spain, Malta and Italy to secure evacuation zones if need be, Thailand has no capacity to do anything to protect its nationals. If you are watching the evacuation flights, the western countries are working closely putting anyone they can on the rescue flights that can get in. The other day, a Canadian Forces C-17 managed to land at an oilfield southwest of Tripoli but only found one Canadian and a German. It evacuated one Vietnamese citizen and about 50 Filipino and Thai workers. Yesterday, a German rescue flight managed to pluck a few German and UK nationals. The British have been getting their people out by buses to staging areas, but its been dangerous. Thailand cannot do the same. it is far away. it has a limited naval capacity to mount a sea rescue. Thailand has no capability and is at the mercy of the Libyans.


Thailand cannot do the same. it is far away. it has a limited naval capacity to mount a sea rescue. Thailand has no capability and is at the mercy of the Libyans.

I thought they had an aircraft carrier?

Maybe they could send over the blimp to airlift a few Thais to safety.


So then Thailand should protest to Israel:

Israeli arms distribution company Global CST has reportedly, under the authorization of Tel Aviv, provided Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi with African mercenaries to clamp down on anti-government protesters. Egyptian sources have revealed that the Israeli company has so far provided Gaddafi's regime with 50,000 African mercenaries to attack the civilian anti-government protesters in Libya.

The arms company was previously convicted in an African country over illegal deals, News-Israel website reported. Sources say Global CST had obtained the permission for providing the mercenaries to Gaddafi from the Israeli officials in advance.



I believe Thailand was one of the countries that supported the election of Libya to the UN's human rights council. 155 countries voted for Libya. 33 countries did not and the countries voting against Libya had for the most part made their views known beforehand. 5 countries abstained. If Thailand did vote for Libya, and one cannot know for certain since the ballot was "secret", then there is a bit of egg on the face of the Abhisit administration. The horse already got out of the barn, so what's the point in closing the door now?

In fairness to the government, there are still tens of thousands of Thais still in Libya. Thailand has to watch what it says or else these Thais will be at further risk. Now is not the time to offer empty slogans or hollow statements about human rights. Thailand has an obligation and a duty to not put its nationals in danger by saying anything that might cause a retaliation. Unlike some of the nato countries now sending special forces to Spain, Malta and Italy to secure evacuation zones if need be, Thailand has no capacity to do anything to protect its nationals. If you are watching the evacuation flights, the western countries are working closely putting anyone they can on the rescue flights that can get in. The other day, a Canadian Forces C-17 managed to land at an oilfield southwest of Tripoli but only found one Canadian and a German. It evacuated one Vietnamese citizen and about 50 Filipino and Thai workers. Yesterday, a German rescue flight managed to pluck a few German and UK nationals. The British have been getting their people out by buses to staging areas, but its been dangerous. Thailand cannot do the same. it is far away. it has a limited naval capacity to mount a sea rescue. Thailand has no capability and is at the mercy of the Libyans.

You make some good points. In recent interviews Qaddifi has said he will kill all those that oppose him. Thailand has nothing to gain by vocally entering this arena. Why put their own at risk? Libya's biggest trading partner is Italy and it's largest supplier of arms. Here is another perspective. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/06/world/europe/06italy.html?_r=1&hp


So then Thailand should protest to Israel:

Israeli arms distribution company Global CST has reportedly, under the authorization of Tel Aviv, provided Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi with African mercenaries to clamp down on anti-government protesters. Egyptian sources have revealed that the Israeli company has so far provided Gaddafi's regime with 50,000 African mercenaries to attack the civilian anti-government protesters in Libya.

The arms company was previously convicted in an African country over illegal deals, News-Israel website reported. Sources say Global CST had obtained the permission for providing the mercenaries to Gaddafi from the Israeli officials in advance.


The source you are using

Press TV takes revolutionary steps as the first Iranian international news network, broadcasting in English on a round-the-clock basis.Our global Tehran-based headquarters is staffed with outstanding Iranian and foreign media professionals.

How reliable is an Iranian based organization that supports the Tehran government? The same government that has slaughtered its own citizens protesting peacefully? A quick review of the "news" from this site shows a distinct negative bias against the west. Of course the Iranians will blame Israel (or the USA). It is government policy. You have basically quoted a mouthpiece for the repressive Iranian regime. Why did you leave this key piece of information out of your response. You should be ashamed of yourself for attempting to mislead people. Libya has been supporting radical elements in Chad and Niger for decades, dating back to its days when Libya was calling for the destruction of Israel, was murdering its dissenters that had taken refuge in western countries, and was murdering foreign nationals.

Your post is reprehensible and demonstrates your own prejudice.


The source you are using

Press TV takes revolutionary steps as the first Iranian international news network, broadcasting in English on a round-the-clock basis.Our global Tehran-based headquarters is staffed with outstanding Iranian and foreign media professionals.

How reliable is an Iranian based organization that supports the Tehran government? The same government that has slaughtered its own citizens protesting peacefully? A quick review of the "news" from this site shows a distinct negative bias against the west. Of course the Iranians will blame Israel (or the USA). It is government policy. You have basically quoted a mouthpiece for the repressive Iranian regime. Why did you leave this key piece of information out of your response. You should be ashamed of yourself for attempting to mislead people. Libya has been supporting radical elements in Chad and Niger for decades, dating back to its days when Libya was calling for the destruction of Israel, was murdering its dissenters that had taken refuge in western countries, and was murdering foreign nationals.

Your post is reprehensible and demonstrates your own prejudice.

Calm down.

Considering Israel's history of false flag ops, repeated and blatant disregard for International Law, and the worst skullduggery imaginable, I'd say there's more than a good chance of it being true.

"Wikileaks has revealed lately that “sources in the (Israeli) police estimate that Russian organised crime (Russian Mafia) has laundered as much as US $10 billion through Israeli holdings."

"Israel is ‘doing well’ because it is the leading trader in blood diamonds. Far from being surprising, Israel is also the fourth biggest weapon dealer on this planet. Clearly, blood diamonds and guns are proving to be a great match."

"In short, Israel is doing better than other countries because it runs one of the dirtiest- non -ethical economies in the world... Increasingly, Israel seems to be nothing more than a humongous money laundering haven for Jewish oligarchs, swindlers, weapons dealers, organ traffickers, organised crime and blood diamond traders."


And that source? Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli living in the UK.


I care about the Thai people remaining in Libya getting out safely before a civil war fully erupts and the genocide that may occur after words. I thought that was what this thread was about .the Nations editorial espousing Thailand entering this venue. While I might not fully agree with the Nation's editorial, this should be a good forum to discuss their assertions.. The Isralei versus arab debate would be better served on another thread. imho


since thailand always says it never wants outside help they should practice what the preach and keep their noses out of other affairs. added to this is the fact this government can not even control this country so what chance have they of helping to control other countries, and thirdly, I would suggest this government would have more in common with gaddafi than the Libyan people, both are adept at murdering their own people with the use of their military.

Most of got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.;)

Not just this morning.

He does the same with every post, any opportunity to twist things around so he can have a go at Thailand and the Govt.

But I do agree with him (first time ever) that thailand should keep out of this one, other than getting the Thai's out of there.

not every post :D don't exaggerate.

but my opinion on this government is just as valid as your differing opinion.

Despite being the one and only person on my ignore list, it is still impossible to not notice that you are a one track record bleeting on about the same anti government/yellow and pro red crap in every single post, every single day.

Apparently when you block/ignore someone on this forum their quotes from other people still show up so I can still see you just arguing with members about the same one note all the time.

Funny thing is you are not Thai and your opinion on their politics is completely irrelevant so it's all just a huge waste of time and energy that could be spent finding something to enjoy this wonderful country instead.


it pisses me off when I read about Thailand trying to sort out other countries problems while denying help themselves in ALL matters, added to the fact that most of these reporters seem to forget what Thailand has done to its own people over the past year, one thing i will say though, since the ICJ is prepared to look at gadaffi over his use of the army to kill his own people, I guess they will also look at abhisit over his use of the army to to kill thai people. The ICJ are setting a nice little precedent for amsterdam to use, abhsit will either have to admit he gave the order or say the army did it without his order.

Must have missed this one before :ermm:

In the case of Libya and Ghadaffy the ICC is asked by the UN to investigate. That's part their charter. The ICC must look at it.

Apart from that there seems to be a reference to a doctored tape 'kill them all', or just an opinion that PM Abhisit ordered the army to 'get going and kill me some protesters'. Not much of a precedent there I'm afraid. Personally I think comparing the April - May 2010 protests and casualties with what's happening in Libya at the moment a gross insult.

(edit: ICJ or ICC?

On 4 March 2011, the Presidency of the International Criminal Court (ICC), noting the unanimous decision of the United Nations Security Council to refer the situation in Libya since 15 February 2011 to the ICC Prosecutor and noting the Prosecutor’s letter informing the ICC President of this referral, decided to assign the situation in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to Pre-Trial Chamber I.)


1. you probably mean ICC:

On 4 March 2011, the Presidency of the International Criminal Court (ICC), noting the unanimous decision of the United Nations Security Council to refer the situation in Libya since 15 February 2011 to the ICC Prosecutor and noting the Prosecutor’s letter informing the ICC President of this referral, decided to assign the situation in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to Pre-Trial Chamber I.)

2. situation in Libya totally different. As you seem to be so set on 'Abhisit ordered protesters to be killed' a further discussion is useless.



If the government of Thailand wanted to demonstrate its commitment to good international relations, the first thing it could maybe try to do would be to efficiently rescue its own citizens in the region and anyone else in need.

Otherwise nobody could take their pontifications seriously, not even the western governments who actually do appreciate the finer points of total hypocrisy on the subject of the arab states.



abhsit will either have to admit he gave the order or say the army did it without his order.

Did I say 'ordered'??? i said 'use of'


Maybe you can explain how your quote above doesn't say "order(ed)".

edit: or maybe this quote -

but then I remember the UNARMED people murdered on his orders

bickering posts have been deleted. It is possible to have a civil debate without resorting to boys in the sandbox bickering. Try it. You will find you like it. Because if you don't, you will all be suspended. Enough already

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