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Police Move In To Disperse PAD Rally In Bangkok

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PAD Not Worried about Possible Protest Dispersal

Early this morning, police moved in to surround the People’s Alliance for Democracy on Ratchadamnoen Road, while the group leaders say they are not worried about the possibility of the dispersal of its gathering.

However, there have been no confirmation that the police are preparing to disperse the rally.

People’s Alliance for Democracy or PAD core leader Chamlong Srimuang said the group will not resort to violence even as police surrounded the group at 4 A.M.

He reafffirmed that the group will continue to gather peacefully.

The Center for the Administration of Peace and Order issued warnings for the PAD to leave Ratchadamnoen Road to allow for the organization of the annual Red Cross Fair by March 15.

PAD Coordinator Praphan Khoonmee said speeches on the rally stage about corrupt activities of people in the government is to show how this administration has failed in managing the country.

He affirmed the group is still focused on the three demands related to the Thai-Cambodian border it earlier issued.

He said on March 21, representatives of the group will travel to Parliament to submit a letter asking MPs and senators not to endorse the meeting minutes of the Thai-Cambodian Joint Boundary Commission on March 22.

He said the PAD will seek other legal means to stop the process as the group sees the issue as supporting the loss of Thai territory to Cambodia.


-- Tan Network 2011-03-14


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ASTV claiming that protesters are being prevented from entering protest site /TAN_Network

They were given advanced warning, that the Red Cross Fair had permits to use that area, and had gotten them well ahead of time. Apparently PAD believes Possession is 9/10 the law.:coffee1:

Since 5 years PAD IS the law.

They want Taksin out and he's out.

They want the Dems in charge and they are.

They want the Reds killed and there were.

They want the war against Cambodia and it's there.

They have SO powerful support.

Let's see what their support will do today.

Usual red cheerleader misinformation.

That the reds initiated the violence last year is invisible to our friend.

That the present MPs were elected also seems to have escaped him/them, but maybe not...

If the current parliament is not legitimate then neither will the reds accept the next one if their leader Thaksin continues to be shut out of his rightful place looting the country.

What we increasingly see is that it is not the PAD which is in the sights of the reds who can barely hide their objectives. They are really pissed off that there is going to be an election not caused by their bringing down the government. The PAD cavortings also drives them up the wall because it takes attention away from their own public theatre. The loss of political traction by their defeat last year on the streets of Bangkok is what occupies their minds. The election is not so important to them now. As if it ever was.

More aptly PAD is pissed off that their New Politics Party failed miserably, and they are now marginalized and the Dems are no longer listening to them. This last being the big point, they can't handle being ignored....


Police Back Away from PAD Rally Site

Police officers have decided to back away from the People's Alliance for Democracy rally site after attempting to dismantle toilets set up by the protesters. Hundreds of officers had surrounded the protesters since early this morning. However, no reason was given as to why authorities backed down.


-- Tan Network 2011-03-14



This is all just kid's stuff. When the inevitable happens, I fear that Thailand is in for a massive uprising similar to what we are currently seeing in the middle east. Just my humble opinion. I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

Your not wrong, the same people backing the protests in the Mid East, Europe and Wisconsin and the previous PAD rally are basically the same. Socialist parties and labor unions.

The only place it isn't working is against Gaddy Quaffy Kaffy how ever its spell, hence the cry from the "Obama" and Europe for a no fly zone. If the Obama was backing a people uprising against an oppressive gov't , he'd backed the Iranian people when they tried to rise up against their gov't last year.

Not that I'm a Ghaddafi supporter or he doesn't need to go, but with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood joined in with the Union money against the brutal dictator its a tough call.

In Thailand SEIU, AFL-CIO with other International unions are funneling money for support, those who still think this is about bringing back Taksin are sadly in error.

I got that info from the G man. Did you? 2 of us know this, but try to convince the rest.


More aptly PAD is pissed off that their New Politics Party failed miserably, and they are now marginalized and the Dems are no longer listening to them. This last being the big point, they can't handle being ignored....

The weird thing is that both the PAD and the reds would now like an election later in the year in order to give them more time to push their bullying agendas and that each would like to trigger a military coup but for opposing reasons. The PM is disinclined to afford either of them the 'luxury' of more time to push their nonsense.


Who cares? Bulldozers and APV's work.... whistling.gif So does water canon. There is simply no need for protests now. Reflect your displeasure in a 'vote'.

This is absolutely correct. The authorities need to do everything in their power to reduce, or eliminate the protests. They are totally unproductive, and are products of the delusional mind of Saikuar and his cohorts, and the deposed despot wannabe leader, and his ill gotten billions. Keep them off the street. Lock up the leaders, and keep them in prison, after a trial. Do what you have to do, but keep them off the street, for the sake of this nation, and it's future.


This is all just kid's stuff. When the inevitable happens, I fear that Thailand is in for a massive uprising similar to what we are currently seeing in the middle east. Just my humble opinion. I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

Your not wrong, the same people backing the protests in the Mid East, Europe and Wisconsin and the previous PAD rally are basically the same. Socialist parties and labor unions.

The only place it isn't working is against Gaddy Quaffy Kaffy how ever its spell, hence the cry from the "Obama" and Europe for a no fly zone. If the Obama was backing a people uprising against an oppressive gov't , he'd backed the Iranian people when they tried to rise up against their gov't last year.

Not that I'm a Ghaddafi supporter or he doesn't need to go, but with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood joined in with the Union money against the brutal dictator its a tough call.

In Thailand SEIU, AFL-CIO with other International unions are funneling money for support, those who still think this is about bringing back Taksin are sadly in error.

HUH? people backing "the previous PAD rally" are Socialist parties? I can't find anything factual in your post other than some unions did back the PAD because of Thaksin's attempts to privatize more government agencies.


ASTV claiming that protesters are being prevented from entering protest site /TAN_Network

They were given advanced warning, that the Red Cross Fair had permits to use that area, and had gotten them well ahead of time. Apparently PAD believes Possession is 9/10 the law.:coffee1:

For all it is worth it is 9/10ths :o

Remeber the airport take over by the 'Other Side' ?? :jap:

The "other" side??? You mean the PAD has 2 sides?


ASTV claiming that protesters are being prevented from entering protest site /TAN_Network

They were given advanced warning, that the Red Cross Fair had permits to use that area, and had gotten them well ahead of time. Apparently PAD believes Possession is 9/10 the law.:coffee1:

For all it is worth it is 9/10ths :o

Remeber the airport take over by the 'Other Side' ?? :jap:

It wasn't the other side - it was PAD also and they effectively managed to remove 3 prime ministers including Thaksin and his brother- in-law in the process (all red-shirt oriented by the way - so in my mind with a highly beneficial outcome for 'sensible Thailand') - technically the disbandment of the PPP was the reason but the highjacking of about 5 airports including Don Muang and Suvarnabhumi airports 'set the ball rolling on this'. You can be certain that the protests nowadays don't, and won't carry the same umphhhh as before!!!! just as this one has proved futile!! The days where these types of protests make an impact are indelibaly resigned to Thai history now.



Sorry, you are not correct. The Reds are not touched by police, but killed by army. The Yellows never killed by anybody.


<strong class="bbc">People's Alliance for Democracy. What a f..... joke.  Why didn't they use live rounds like they did against the red shirts? Hi So elitist Chinese Thais can do whatever they want in Thailand(Take over an airport?) and the only move against them is symbolic bullshit. Most of the poor coppers know that everyone they try to move is possibly well connected. Why do all undemocratic regimes use the democracy word. Thailand(apart from yellow shirt elitists) bless its heart can only call itself a democracy when we can talk about everything freely. You all know what I mean. I was happy there once but it's had its day. Eventually no expats = no sad out of shape police volunteers and the knock on effect will be no sad Thai visa edit all the truth types.Good fuc_king riddancexxx<br></strong>


ASTV claiming that protesters are being prevented from entering protest site /TAN_Network

They were given advanced warning, that the Red Cross Fair had permits to use that area, and had gotten them well ahead of time. Apparently PAD believes Possession is 9/10 the law.:coffee1:

For all it is worth it is 9/10ths :o

Remeber the airport take over by the 'Other Side' ?? :jap:

It wasn't the other side - it was PAD also and they effectively managed to remove 3 prime ministers including Thaksin and his brother- in-law in the process (all red-shirt oriented by the way - so in my mind with a highly beneficial outcome for 'sensible Thailand') - technically the disbandment of the PPP was the reason but the highjacking of about 5 airports including Don Muang and Suvarnabhumi airports 'set the ball rolling on this'. You can be certain that the protests nowadays don't, and won't carry the same umphhhh as before!!!! just as this one has proved futile!! The days where these types of protests make an impact are indelibaly resigned to Thai history now.

The last sentence is particularly interesting.

I think we can say that the Thai state has learned both from the PAD and red actions that the liberal right to protest will be hijacked by these groups to force their agendas as they (reds and PAD) have concluded that the State is weak and can be forced back. The State itself is now pushing back and both PAD and reds are weaker as a result. They are not surprisingly angry and will be angrier still when the coalition is re-elected. Both PAD and reds suspect the anticipated result and so are both making last-ditch attempts to derail civic normalcy and upset the election timetable.


<strong class="bbc">People's Alliance for Democracy. What a f..... joke.  Why didn't they use live rounds like they did against the red shirts? Hi So elitist Chinese Thais can do whatever they want in Thailand(Take over an airport?) and the only move against them is symbolic bullshit. Most of the poor coppers know that everyone they try to move is possibly well connected. Why do all undemocratic regimes use the democracy word. Thailand(apart from yellow shirt elitists) bless its heart can only call itself a democracy when we can talk about everything freely. You all know what I mean. I was happy there once but it's had its day. Eventually no expats = no sad out of shape police volunteers and the knock on effect will be no sad Thai visa edit all the truth types.Good fuc_king riddancexxx<br></strong>


so long...



ASTV claiming that protesters are being prevented from entering protest site /TAN_Network

They were given advanced warning, that the Red Cross Fair had permits to use that area, and had gotten them well ahead of time. Apparently PAD believes Possession is 9/10 the law.:coffee1:

Since 5 years PAD IS the law.

They want Taksin out and he's out.

They want the Dems in charge and they are.

They want the Reds killed and there were.

They want the war against Cambodia and it's there.

They have SO powerful support.

Let's see what their support will do today.

Usual red cheerleader misinformation.

That the reds initiated the violence last year is invisible to our friend.

That the present MPs were elected also seems to have escaped him/them, but maybe not...

If the current parliament is not legitimate then neither will the reds accept the next one if their leader Thaksin continues to be shut out of his rightful place looting the country.

What we increasingly see is that it is not the PAD which is in the sights of the reds who can barely hide their objectives. They are really pissed off that there is going to be an election not caused by their bringing down the government. The PAD cavortings also drives them up the wall because it takes attention away from their own public theatre. The loss of political traction by their defeat last year on the streets of Bangkok is what occupies their minds. The election is not so important to them now. As if it ever was.

How can you try to say that the present government is legit . Are youreally that blind .Dear me


ASTV Signal Taken Off the Air

The signal of PAD satellite television station ASTV has been disconnected. It remains unconfirmed whether the blackout is due to a technical problem or orders from the government as police officers surround the rally site. Today is the last day before the March 15 deadline set by authorities for PAD protesters to vacate their rally site


-- Tan Network 2011-03-14


Haha! What do you think?



Sorry, you are not correct. The Reds are not touched by police, but killed by army. The Yellows never killed by anybody.

Sorry, you are not correct.

Bombing in front of PAD stage killed 1, more than 20 injured



1 killed, 24 injured in M79 bomb attack




ASTV claiming that protesters are being prevented from entering protest site /TAN_Network

They were given advanced warning, that the Red Cross Fair had permits to use that area, and had gotten them well ahead of time. Apparently PAD believes Possession is 9/10 the law.:coffee1:

For all it is worth it is 9/10ths :o

Remeber the airport take over by the 'Other Side' ?? :jap:

Yes I remember but just how many were killed there and how many buildings burnt down ?

Yellows were irresponsible protesters Reds however are just plain terrorists


This topic is quite sensitive.. Humm. I don't know who is Red and who is PAD. I rather talk much..then... but I appreciated PAD for doin' good for Siam... Reds are also good people... Make love not war.......dude.


Police Back Away from PAD Rally Site

Police officers have decided to back away from the People's Alliance for Democracy rally site after attempting to dismantle toilets set up by the protesters. Hundreds of officers had surrounded the protesters since early this morning. However, no reason was given as to why authorities backed down.


-- Tan Network 2011-03-14


Could it be " money changed hands " ?


This is all just kid's stuff. When the inevitable happens, I fear that Thailand is in for a massive uprising similar to what we are currently seeing in the middle east. Just my humble opinion. I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

You are wrong, Thai people are Not Arabs... and most are law abiding citizens who are quite happy with this amazing country ther way it is.... Most Thais have jobs , freedom and food... I do not see many starving people here... and now Thaksin is not here, certainly no Dictator.... Get a life..!!!


Who cares? Bulldozers and APV's work.... whistling.gif So does water canon. There is simply no need for protests now. Reflect your displeasure in a 'vote'.

I'll drink to that


Police withdraw from PAD protest site

BANGKOK, March 14 -- Police have withdrawn from the protest site of Thailand's yellow-clad activist movement, the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), on Rajdamnoen Nok Avenue after their deployment there stirred fears among demonstrators that the police might try to disperse their months-long rally.

Eight companies of police from the Metropolitan Bureau and an anti-riot unit with equipped with batons and shields early Monday morning surrounded the protest site as a PAD leader, retired Gen Pathompong Kaysornsuk, led protesters to form a human blockade to prevent police from breaking up the rally.

Metropolitan Police Division 1 Chief Pol Maj Gen Wichai Sangprapai on Monday met PAD core leader Maj Gen Chamlong Srimuang to clarify the police reinforcements behind the PAD's stage on Makkhawan Bridge along Rajdamneon Nok Avenue, in front of the Ministry of Education.

The metropolitan police chief said the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) officials planned to pull down makeshift toilets. Then the police deployment was meant to provide security and to prevent any possible clash between the PAD supporters and BMA officials and protesters.

However, City Hall officials decided not to dismantle the toilets, so the police would be withdrawn, he said.

Gen Wichai explained that the police move was not related to the order of the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) to regain area on Rajdamnoen Nok Avenue by tomorrow to facilitate the Red Cross Fair scheduled to be held March 30-April 7.

He added that the authorities, until now, have not planned to disperse protesters but would handle the protesters through talks.

The PAD have been rallying in the area and at Makkhawan Bridge on Rajdamnoen Nok Avenue since Jan 25 demanding the ouster of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his government, charging it with neglecting its duty, and causing the country to lose territory around the disputed Preah Vihear temple to Cambodia.

The movement is planning to collect 20,000 signatures on a petition to impeach Mr Abhisit, as required by the Constitution, and present it to the Constitution Court. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2011-03-14


This is all just kid's stuff. When the inevitable happens, I fear that Thailand is in for a massive uprising similar to what we are currently seeing in the middle east. Just my humble opinion. I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

Your not wrong, the same people backing the protests in the Mid East, Europe and Wisconsin and the previous PAD rally are basically the same. Socialist parties and labor unions.

The only place it isn't working is against Gaddy Quaffy Kaffy how ever its spell, hence the cry from the "Obama" and Europe for a no fly zone. If the Obama was backing a people uprising against an oppressive gov't , he'd backed the Iranian people when they tried to rise up against their gov't last year.

Not that I'm a Ghaddafi supporter or he doesn't need to go, but with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood joined in with the Union money against the brutal dictator its a tough call.

In Thailand SEIU, AFL-CIO with other International unions are funneling money for support, those who still think this is about bringing back Taksin are sadly in error.

Wow, what connections you must have to have such intimate insights into the machinations of world revolutionary affairs :whistling:


This is all just kid's stuff. When the inevitable happens, I fear that Thailand is in for a massive uprising similar to what we are currently seeing in the middle east. Just my humble opinion. I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

You are wrong, Thai people are Not Arabs... and most are law abiding citizens who are quite happy with this amazing country ther way it is.... Most Thais have jobs , freedom and food... I do not see many starving people here... and now Thaksin is not here, certainly no Dictator.... Get a life..!!!

I bet you have a white stick or you are a bad comedian.Would you like to define freedom to me. Is it the right to have your vote ignored by a military junta governerment by proxy. I think it is you that needs to get a life


I bet you have a white stick or you are a bad comedian.Would you like to define freedom to me. Is it the right to have your vote ignored by a military junta governerment by proxy. I think it is you that needs to get a life

Calling the government (duly elected as even the red shirt English language spokesman Sean B. stated publicly) a junta government by proxy is just plain silly.


Police withdraw from PAD protest site

[Eight companies of police from the Metropolitan Bureau and an anti-riot unit with equipped with batons and shields early Monday morning surrounded the protest site as a PAD leader, retired Gen Pathompong Kaysornsuk, led protesters to form a human blockade to prevent police from breaking up the rally.

The metropolitan police chief said the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) officials planned to pull down makeshift toilets. Then the police deployment was meant to provide security and to prevent any possible clash between the PAD supporters and BMA officials and protesters.

Gen Wichai explained that the police move was not related to the order of the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) to regain area on Rajdamnoen Nok Avenue by tomorrow to facilitate the Red Cross Fair scheduled to be held March 30-April 7.

He added that the authorities, until now, have not planned to disperse protesters but would handle the protesters through talks.

]So arrest the Retired General and a dozen orther ringleaders for obstruction, and then have talks, "go now or the water cannon and the tanks will move you." Ask.. tell.... make them do it... Security forces are a joke.


This latest action by the Reds just proves how low they will stoop to get their own way.

Thai People love the Red Cross Fairs that are held all over Thailand every year.

The Reds are so selfish they only want to show they can bring this country to it's knees again

Forget the election this now proves who is really running the country now.............................THE REDS !!

Why is this government so weak ?

They know the Reds cannot be trusted to keep their word and just protest peacefully and disperse when asked to.

Just how many Millions will this cost Thai people this time in lost business and extra security to control a bunch of thugs ?

Can people who cannot keep their word be trusted to run this country ?

This includes the Government and ALL protesters who renege on their agreements

I hope the costs for all these so called protests come from Mr. Ts seized millions


This is all just kid's stuff. When the inevitable happens, I fear that Thailand is in for a massive uprising similar to what we are currently seeing in the middle east. Just my humble opinion. I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

You are wrong, Thai people are Not Arabs... and most are law abiding citizens who are quite happy with this amazing country ther way it is.... Most Thais have jobs , freedom and food... I do not see many starving people here... and now Thaksin is not here, certainly no Dictator.... Get a life..!!!

I bet you have a white stick or you are a bad comedian.Would you like to define freedom to me. Is it the right to have your vote ignored by a military junta governerment by proxy. I think it is you that needs to get a life

What hysterical baseless cant cha cha


This latest action by the Reds just proves how low they will stoop to get their own way.

Thai People love the Red Cross Fairs that are held all over Thailand every year.

The Reds are so selfish they only want to show they can bring this country to it's knees again

Forget the election this now proves who is really running the country now.............................THE REDS !!

Why is this government so weak ?

They know the Reds cannot be trusted to keep their word and just protest peacefully and disperse when asked to.

Just how many Millions will this cost Thai people this time in lost business and extra security to control a bunch of thugs ?

Can people who cannot keep their word be trusted to run this country ?

This includes the Government and ALL protesters who renege on their agreements

I hope the costs for all these so called protests come from Mr. Ts seized millions

This is a thread about the PAD, the yellows, where does your rant about the reds fit into this?

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