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Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts


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No. You didn't answer my questions. And personnally I don't care much for your, what I deemed a RHETORICAL, question about blacks being enslaved and mistreated because that is a disgusting suggestion as it is being directed towards me in an almost acussational way I find that on the extremely high side of offensive.

Yet you think it is OK when you make similar insinuations about Jews - and not for the first time either. :bah:

:bah: right back at you sport. Hope you have a nice Sunday afternoon. I am heading out for a Sunday session myself. Take care.:D

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Most of them were from other Arab countries and had immigrated to Jerusalem because the Jewish majority had made it thrive and then declared war on the Jews and lost. Arafat was Egyptian.

Read some legitimate history books before posting such twaddle. :whistling:

The flip side of that coins is the fact that alot of Jews from Europe flocked to what is now called Israel after British handed then Palestine to the Jews. ;)

And a lot more Jews flocked to Israel after the surrounding Arab countries drove them out simply for being Jewish.

By the way, the Brits stabbed the Jews in the back by allowing rampant Arab immigration and doing their best to stop the Jews. It is no secret that they played both sides against the middle. ;)

Then one must ask these questions. Why is this so? Why, throughout history, have they been persecuted by the Germans, the British, the Arabs? And why now in the present day are countires such as France, Indonesia, Russia, UK, USA and UN etc etc condeming Israels policies on Palestine and pushing for the establishment of an Palestinian state?

Children who play fair at school are usually popular amongst thier peers.

One would only need to read some books and that one will know the answer

Throughout the 19th and 20th Century, several different societies and countries persecuted the Jews. The Jews and the Masons were blamed for gaining control of the country through their influence in business and banking. This was a way for people to put blame for bad government onto a group of people.

Historians have classified six explanations as to why people hate the Jews: http://www.simpletoremember.com/vitals/Why_Do_People_Hate_The_Jews.htm

  1. Economic -- "We hate Jews because they possess too much wealth and power."
  2. Chosen People -- "We hate Jews because they arrogantly claim that they are the chosen people."
  3. Scapegoat -- "Jews are a convenient group to single out and blame for our troubles."
  4. Deicide -- "We hate Jews because they killed Jesus."
  5. Outsiders, -- "We hate Jews because they are different than us." (The dislike of the unlike.)
  6. Racial Theory -- "We hate Jews because they are an inferior race."

So which category do you fit in?:unsure:

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Brahmburgers, Thanks for your insight, that was most interesting. I think any arguements based on genetic differences between people tends towards racism, human development is predominantly of a cultural nature and here is where change has to happen. If you teach your children to hate and fill their heads with superstitious nonsense there can never be peace, but if you let them develop as human beings then future generations have hope. This applies to the children from left wing liberal parents as well as Muslim children. :)

What is your definition of " superstitious nonsense " ?

Some children perhaps merely hear their parents commenting when someone

asks Israel about certain matters, they never get an answer for. Only

an accusation that you are anti- semetic just for asking those questions ? :blink:

So some children may then grow up simply not trusting Jews - but this does not have to be the

same as hating them ?

Just a small sample of the kind of outstanding questions :-

1. Why is Israel allowed to possess the only nuclear arsenal in the Middle East and not

even have to comply with NPT ?

2. Why hasn't Israel cooperated with the findings of the Goldstone Report .

3. Who exactly owns The Federal Reserve Bank of USA ( of course we know :rolleyes:)and

why is this ridiculous situation allowed to continue ?

1. The NPT, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, wasn't signed by the Zionists. Its an international treaty and for Zionist it doest matter what the world or international community has to say. They ignore it.

Why they have nuclear weapons? Zionism a militant and agressive movement making Israel to a militaristic state. Zionism has nothing to do with peace.

2. Zionist don't accept the Goldstone report, the the UN Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict, because in their paranoid worldview is the whole word already against them.

3. I don't know.

The pro-Israel policy of the USA is maybe partly a result of Zionist lobby work, but much more a result of the US global interests. The USA like to have friends around the globe and supported and supports various more or less questionable figures, not only the Zionists. If times are changing the USA is also willing to end support and friendship.

Historical there was support as a counter balance to the growing influence of the soviet union in the region.

Israel is always protected by US-veto in the UN Security Council. Veto power an old cold war instrument to protect interests. And it becomes more and more difficult to continue to use the veto right to protect Israel, as Israel becomes more and more international isolated and the USA having a few more interests than only Israel.

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Brahmburgers, Thanks for your insight, that was most interesting. I think any arguements based on genetic differences between people tends towards racism, human development is predominantly of a cultural nature and here is where change has to happen. If you teach your children to hate and fill their heads with superstitious nonsense there can never be peace, but if you let them develop as human beings then future generations have hope. This applies to the children from left wing liberal parents as well as Muslim children. :)

What is your definition of " superstitious nonsense " ?

Some children perhaps merely hear their parents commenting when someone

asks Israel about certain matters, they never get an answer for. Only

an accusation that you are anti- semetic just for asking those questions ? :blink:

So some children may then grow up simply not trusting Jews - but this does not have to be the

same as hating them ?

Just a small sample of the kind of outstanding questions :-

1. Why is Israel allowed to possess the only nuclear arsenal in the Middle East and not

even have to comply with NPT ?

2. Why hasn't Israel cooperated with the findings of the Goldstone Report .

3. Who exactly owns The Federal Reserve Bank of USA ( of course we know :rolleyes: )and

why is this ridiculous situation allowed to continue ? :ph34r:

1. Why is Israel allowed to possess the only nuclear arsenal in the Middle East and not

even have to comply with NPT ? Well perhaps its because Israel is the only democratic country in the region, who does not make threats to wipe out other nations. Who does not make threats to use its nukes even when being attacked. Also perhaps because it was Jewish Scientist who developed it.

2. Why hasn't Israel cooperated with the findings of the Goldstone Report .

I can think of a few reasons such as

  • The report violates international standards for inquries, including UN rules on fact-finding, replicating earlier UNHRC biased statements.
  • The Commission systematically favored witnesses and evidence put forward by anti-Israel advocates, and dismissed evidence and testimony that would undermine its case.
  • The commission relied extensively on mediating agencies, especially UN and NGOs, which have a documented hostility to Israel; the report reproduces earlier reports and claims from these agencies.
  • At the same time, the Commission inexplicably downplayed or ignored substantial evidence of Hamas’ commission of war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of terror, including specifically its victimization of the Palestinian population by its use of human shields, civilian dress for combatants, and combat use of protected objects like ambulances, hospitals and mosques.
  • The Commission openly denies a presumption of innocence to the Israelis accused of crimes (while honoring Hamas’ presumed innocence) and acknowledges that it made accusations of crimes without proof that would stand up in court.
  • The report contains numerous gratuitous digressions into issues beyond the purview of a fact-finding commission that are inaccurate and profoundly hostile to Israel and Jews.
  • The Commission distorted legal standards, imposing on Israel standards that reverse their generally understood and applied meaning, while ignoring important rules of international law that put the onus of responsibility on an organization as base, by Goldstone’s own standards, as Hamas.

3. Who exactly owns The Federal Reserve Bank of USA ( of course we know :rolleyes: )and

why is this ridiculous situation allowed to continue ? :ph34r:

Correct me if i am wrong, but i always thought Government of USA owns the reserve bank, i guess we are with with conspiracy theory's. and because there are a large number of VERY wealthy Jews, they are to blame for all the troubles :blink:

You along with anyone else is welcome to work hard, make money and be wealthy, money does not fall from the sky when you are Jewish, i only hope you realize that.

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Brahmburgers, Thanks for your insight, that was most interesting. I think any arguements based on genetic differences between people tends towards racism, human development is predominantly of a cultural nature and here is where change has to happen. If you teach your children to hate and fill their heads with superstitious nonsense there can never be peace, but if you let them develop as human beings then future generations have hope. This applies to the children from left wing liberal parents as well as Muslim children. :)

What is your definition of " superstitious nonsense " ?

Some children perhaps merely hear their parents commenting when someone

asks Israel about certain matters, they never get an answer for. Only

an accusation that you are anti- semetic just for asking those questions ? :blink:

So some children may then grow up simply not trusting Jews - but this does not have to be the

same as hating them ?

Just a small sample of the kind of outstanding questions :-

1. Why is Israel allowed to possess the only nuclear arsenal in the Middle East and not

even have to comply with NPT ?

2. Why hasn't Israel cooperated with the findings of the Goldstone Report .

3. Who exactly owns The Federal Reserve Bank of USA ( of course we know :rolleyes:)and

why is this ridiculous situation allowed to continue ?

1. The NPT, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, wasn't signed by the Zionists. Its an international treaty and for Zionist it doest matter what the world or international community has to say. They ignore it.

Why they have nuclear weapons? Zionism a militant and agressive movement making Israel to a militaristic state. Zionism has nothing to do with peace.

2. Zionist don't accept the Goldstone report, the the UN Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict, because in their paranoid worldview is the whole word already against them.

3. I don't know.

The pro-Israel policy of the USA is maybe partly a result of Zionist lobby work, but much more a result of the US global interests. The USA like to have friends around the globe and supported and supports various more or less questionable figures, not only the Zionists. If times are changing the USA is also willing to end support and friendship.

Historical there was support as a counter balance to the growing influence of the soviet union in the region.

Israel is always protected by US-veto in the UN Security Council. Veto power an old cold war instrument to protect interests. And it becomes more and more difficult to continue to use the veto right to protect Israel, as Israel becomes more and more international isolated and the USA having a few more interests than only Israel.

1. The NPT, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, wasn't signed by the Zionists. Its an international treaty and for Zionist it doest matter what the world or international community has to say. They ignore it.

Why they have nuclear weapons? Zionism a militant and agressive movement making Israel to a militaristic state. Zionism has nothing to do with peace.

Please provide 1 link or post when Israel threatened to wipe out any nation or use its nukes

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This forum has turned into a venue for blatant, hate filled, anti-Zionist and yes often antisemitic propaganda. Not just one thread, but pretty much EVERY thread with any news from the Middle East. Why is this tolerated? I was under the impression that coordinated AGENDAS were not allowed here.

Edited by Jingthing
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This forum is being turned into a venue for blatant, hate filled, anti-Zionist propaganda. Not just one thread, but pretty much EVERY thread with any news from the Middle East. Why is this tolerated?

It's the other head of the hydra. The left wing loons have infested the body politic of Europe and anyone who publicly confronts the Islamification of Europe is threatened or even murdered. This reality has even led to the populations of moderate Countries such as Holland and Denmark standing up to cancer that's eating away at our democracies.

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Correct me if i am wrong, but i always thought Government of USA owns the reserve bank,

OT but,,,,,,,,,,

It is a common misconception.... like thinking that Federal Express would be owned by the government

Interesting history worth reading about

Ron Paul's book End the FED

Also G. Edward Griffin's book The Creature from Jekyll Island

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Correct me if i am wrong, but i always thought Government of USA owns the reserve bank,

OT but,,,,,,,,,,

It is a common misconception.... like thinking that Federal Express would be owned by the government

Interesting history worth reading about

Ron Paul's book End the FED

Also G. Edward Griffin's book The Creature from Jekyll Island

i just did some research and it appears i was wrong. Majority of Fed Bank is owned by other 6 banks, they hold 63%.

But that still does not change the fact that money does not fall from the sky for Jewish people, nor does it grow on trees.

Money comes from hard work, hard study and determination to succeed.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to put in the hard yards, from generation to generation.

But as always , its just easier to blame Jews for the bad economy and everything else, while when its good, for some reason no one mentions Jews.

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Correct me if i am wrong, but i always thought Government of USA owns the reserve bank,

OT but,,,,,,,,,,

It is a common misconception.... like thinking that Federal Express would be owned by the government

Interesting history worth reading about

Ron Paul's book End the FED

Also G. Edward Griffin's book The Creature from Jekyll Island

i just did some research and it appears i was wrong. Majority of Fed Bank is owned by other 6 banks, they hold 63%.

But that still does not change the fact that money does not fall from the sky for Jewish people, nor does it grow on trees.

Sorry but......My post was just to correct the misconception of ownership only.

I made no comments about where the banking cartels get their money

Just thought the history of the FED may be of interest to you

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Then one must ask these questions. Why is this so? Why, throughout history, have they been persecuted by the Germans, the British, the Arabs? And why now in the present day are countires such as France, Indonesia, Russia, UK, USA and UN etc etc condeming Israels policies on Palestine and pushing for the establishment of an Palestinian state?

Children who play fair at school are usually popular amongst thier peers.

The historical and still existing anti-semitism has not much to do with todays criticism of Israel. Anti-semitism is some irrational hate.

Albeit the support for Israel in the west could be interpret as rooted in anti-semitism. to tell the Jews 'get out', 'go home', 'you don't belong here' - all the hate speech right wingers have against immigrants or minority groups. Now they can 'friendly' suggest 'hey, you can go to Israel'

Read about the right wing concept Ethnopluralism


Many Jews live outside Israel, have nothing to do with Israel, are disinterested in Zionism or even opposed Zionism and became anti-Zionist activist. They are still target of anti-semitic hate because anti-semitism still exist.

But the Israel issue and surrounding problems has to be seen more strictly separated and not put together like you did above.

With validity of all the criticism towards Israel and Zionism comes no proof or evidence that the anti-semitism in the past, in the history, can be justified. nor today anti-semitism of course.

Zionism is only the beef of some Jews, thought Zionist claim to act in jewish interests and on behalf of all Jews, it has to been seen and discussed separated from Judaism or Jewishness.

Edited by bangkokeddy
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Correct me if i am wrong, but i always thought Government of USA owns the reserve bank,

OT but,,,,,,,,,,

It is a common misconception.... like thinking that Federal Express would be owned by the government

Interesting history worth reading about

Ron Paul's book End the FED

Also G. Edward Griffin's book The Creature from Jekyll Island

i just did some research and it appears i was wrong. Majority of Fed Bank is owned by other 6 banks, they hold 63%.

But that still does not change the fact that money does not fall from the sky for Jewish people, nor does it grow on trees.

Sorry but......My post was just to correct the misconception of ownership only.

I made no comments about where the banking cartels get their money

Just thought the history of the FED may be of interest to you

My bad, its was indeed another poster.

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Correct me if i am wrong, but i always thought Government of USA owns the reserve bank,

OT but,,,,,,,,,, It is a common misconception.... like thinking that Federal Express would be owned by the government

Interesting history worth reading about Ron Paul's book End the FED Also G. Edward Griffin's book The Creature from Jekyll Island

informed people know that the Federal Reserve is owned by rich Arab Kings, Amirs and to a lesser extent by well-off Sheikhs. that's where they keep the surplus of their petro-dollars which (according to the fifth islamic commandment "zakat") are mainly used for charitable purposes.


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This forum is being turned into a venue for blatant, hate filled, anti-Zionist propaganda. Not just one thread, but pretty much EVERY thread with any news from the Middle East. Why is this tolerated?

It's the other head of the hydra. The left wing loons have infested the body politic of Europe and anyone who publicly confronts the Islamification of Europe is threatened or even murdered. This reality has even led to the populations of moderate Countries such as Holland and Denmark standing up to cancer that's eating away at our democracies.

^^ a proven racist. no surprise that the pro-Zionist and right-wing haters using that BS for their arguments. pro-zionist are the most active racist here in every middle east topic.

Comic in US 'hate speech' row

Condell branded racist

A British stand-up has been accused of spreading ‘racist hate speech’ in California.

Pat Condell has faced a barrage of criticism after links to his anti-Muslim monologue on YouTube were circulated to commissioners in the city of Berkeley.

In the five-minute video, Condell condemns Islam as a religion of war and its prophet Mohammad as ‘some rambling ancient desert nomad with a psychological disorder’.

He attacks fundamentalist men as ‘primitive pigs whose only achievement in life is to be born with a penis is one hand and a Koran in the second’ and accuses women who wear veils of their own will of being ‘mentally ill’.

‘If God had intended for you to cover your face then in His wisdom He would have provided you with a flap of skin for the purpose,’ he said.

Jonathan Wornick, who is on the ‘peace and justice commission’ adivisng Berkeley city council emailed his colleagues with the link, saying it was ‘an honest attempt to bring dialogue’.

But his actions have caused a political storm. Commissioner Michael Sherman said Condell’s views were ‘stunning’ because of his ‘stereotyping and bigotry of the tone and the language’.

And commissioner Elliot Cohen called the tape ‘insulting, degenerating and racist’.

‘People should not be allowed to spew racist propaganda without others being able to respond,’ Cohen said. ‘It’s not about free speech - it’s hate speech.’



Islamophobia is the fear and/or hatred of Islam, Muslims or Islamic culture.

aka 'anti-Islamic racism' - it combines the elements of dislike of a religion and active discrimination against the people belonging to that religion." The discrimination is racist because it is based on the belief that no matter what such a person does s/he will never be an acceptable to or in the West.

The Runnymede Trust has identified eight components that they say define Islamophobia.

This definition, from the 1997 document 'Islamophobia: A Challenge For Us All' is widely accepted, including by the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia.

The eight components are:

1) Islam is seen as a monolithic bloc, static and unresponsive to change.

2) Islam is seen as separate and 'other'. It does not have values in common with other cultures, is not affected by them and does not influence them.

3) Islam is seen as inferior to the West. It is seen as barbaric, irrational, primitive and sexist.

4) Islam is seen as violent, aggressive, threatening, supportive of terrorism and engaged in a 'clash of civilisations'.

5) Islam is seen as a political ideology and is used for political or military advantage.

6) Criticisms made of the West by Islam are rejected out of hand.

7) Hostility towards Islam is used to justify discriminatory practices towards Muslims and exclusion of Muslims from mainstream society.

8) Anti-Muslim hostility is seen as natural or normal.


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This Jewish American writer has a point. Neither side really can be relied on to create a plan that will really bring peace to the region. I think his idea of Obama pushing it aggressively has a better chance than the games going on now in the UN.


The importance of an Obama plan is not that Netanyahu accept it right away; the Palestinian leadership, which is weak and suffers from its own issues of legitimacy, might not embrace it immediately, either, particularly the limits on refugees. Rather, it is important as a way for the United States to assert that it stands not with the supporters of Greater Israel but with what the writer Bernard Avishai calls “Global Israel,” the constituencies that accept the moral necessity of a Palestinian state and understand the dire cost of Israeli isolation. Even as Obama continues to stress his commitment to Israeli security, he has to emphasize the truth that, without serious progress toward an agreement, matters will likely deteriorate, perhaps to the point, yet again, of violence.


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Well since US reserve bank owned by the Arab king the good news is Jews do not own it and can not be blamed.

Unless if course the "informed" people are little misinformed or have problems using google.

blaming Jews would be indeed absurd. since they take-over them "Ayrabs" even insist that the CEOs of the FED are Muslims, e.g. Mohamed Greenspan, Ben-Salaam Bernanke...


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What is your definition of " superstitious nonsense " ?

Some children perhaps merely hear their parents commenting when someone

asks Israel about certain matters, they never get an answer for. Only

an accusation that you are anti- semetic just for asking those questions ? :blink:

So some children may then grow up simply not trusting Jews - but this does not have to be the

same as hating them ?

Just a small sample of the kind of outstanding questions :-

1. Why is Israel allowed to possess the only nuclear arsenal in the Middle East and not

even have to comply with NPT ?

2. Why hasn't Israel cooperated with the findings of the Goldstone Report .

3. Who exactly owns The Federal Reserve Bank of USA ( of course we know :rolleyes:)and

why is this ridiculous situation allowed to continue ?

1. The NPT, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, wasn't signed by the Zionists. Its an international treaty and for Zionist it doest matter what the world or international community has to say. They ignore it.

Why they have nuclear weapons? Zionism a militant and agressive movement making Israel to a militaristic state. Zionism has nothing to do with peace.

2. Zionist don't accept the Goldstone report, the the UN Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict, because in their paranoid worldview is the whole word already against them.

3. I don't know.

The pro-Israel policy of the USA is maybe partly a result of Zionist lobby work, but much more a result of the US global interests. The USA like to have friends around the globe and supported and supports various more or less questionable figures, not only the Zionists. If times are changing the USA is also willing to end support and friendship.

Historical there was support as a counter balance to the growing influence of the soviet union in the region.

Israel is always protected by US-veto in the UN Security Council. Veto power an old cold war instrument to protect interests. And it becomes more and more difficult to continue to use the veto right to protect Israel, as Israel becomes more and more international isolated and the USA having a few more interests than only Israel.

1. The NPT, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, wasn't signed by the Zionists. Its an international treaty and for Zionist it doest matter what the world or international community has to say. They ignore it.

Why they have nuclear weapons? Zionism a militant and agressive movement making Israel to a militaristic state. Zionism has nothing to do with peace.

Please provide 1 link or post when Israel threatened to wipe out any nation or use its nukes

From The Sunday Times January 7, 2007

Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/article1290331.ece (use a VPN connection, a Thai IP can produce a 404 error)

Report: Israel Planning, Training for Low-Level Nuke Strike Against Iran


Israel has plans for nuclear strike on Iran: paper



Israel primed to attack a nuclear Iran


Anyway, maybe someone else can post that map again how Israel expanded over the years from the controversial 1948 UN separation plan till now.

There is no question that this all was only achieved with the help of massive military force, aggression, wars and occupation.

Zionist are definitely not peace brothers.

Zionist didn't care what the Arabs think when the Zionist founded their state and Zionist don't care what nowadays the international community think.

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According to the United Nations, about 1,500 homes were demolished by the IDF just in the Rafah area in the period 2000-2004.[11]

In 2004, Human Rights Watch published the report 'Razing Rafah: Mass Home Demolitions in the Gaza Strip'.[12][13] The report documented what it described as a "pattern of illegal demolitions" by the IDF in Rafah, a refugee camp and city at the southern end of the Gaza Strip on the border with Egypt where sixteen thousand people lost their homes after the Israeli government approved a plan to expand the de facto "buffer zone" in May 2004.[13][14] The IDF's main stated rationales for the demolitions were; responding to and preventing attacks on its forces and the suppression of weapons smuggling through tunnels from Egypt[15]

Hardly the actions of a government with a policy of nation building [except for thier own] or seeking a peaceful resolution with Palestine.

Anybody who refutes these facts, that occured only in a 5 year period and continue to occur on a similar scale today, is a person in denial with themselves.

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What is your definition of " superstitious nonsense " ?

Some children perhaps merely hear their parents commenting when someone

asks Israel about certain matters, they never get an answer for. Only

an accusation that you are anti- semetic just for asking those questions ? :blink:

So some children may then grow up simply not trusting Jews - but this does not have to be the

same as hating them ?

Just a small sample of the kind of outstanding questions :-

1. Why is Israel allowed to possess the only nuclear arsenal in the Middle East and not

even have to comply with NPT ?

2. Why hasn't Israel cooperated with the findings of the Goldstone Report .

3. Who exactly owns The Federal Reserve Bank of USA ( of course we know :rolleyes:)and

why is this ridiculous situation allowed to continue ?

1. The NPT, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, wasn't signed by the Zionists. Its an international treaty and for Zionist it doest matter what the world or international community has to say. They ignore it.

Why they have nuclear weapons? Zionism a militant and agressive movement making Israel to a militaristic state. Zionism has nothing to do with peace.

2. Zionist don't accept the Goldstone report, the the UN Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict, because in their paranoid worldview is the whole word already against them.

3. I don't know.

The pro-Israel policy of the USA is maybe partly a result of Zionist lobby work, but much more a result of the US global interests. The USA like to have friends around the globe and supported and supports various more or less questionable figures, not only the Zionists. If times are changing the USA is also willing to end support and friendship.

Historical there was support as a counter balance to the growing influence of the soviet union in the region.

Israel is always protected by US-veto in the UN Security Council. Veto power an old cold war instrument to protect interests. And it becomes more and more difficult to continue to use the veto right to protect Israel, as Israel becomes more and more international isolated and the USA having a few more interests than only Israel.

1. The NPT, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, wasn't signed by the Zionists. Its an international treaty and for Zionist it doest matter what the world or international community has to say. They ignore it.

Why they have nuclear weapons? Zionism a militant and agressive movement making Israel to a militaristic state. Zionism has nothing to do with peace.

Please provide 1 link or post when Israel threatened to wipe out any nation or use its nukes

From The Sunday Times January 7, 2007

Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran

http://www.timesonli...icle1290331.ece (use a VPN connection, a Thai IP can produce a 404 error)

Report: Israel Planning, Training for Low-Level Nuke Strike Against Iran


Israel has plans for nuclear strike on Iran: paper



Israel primed to attack a nuclear Iran


Anyway, maybe someone else can post that map again how Israel expanded over the years from the controversial 1948 UN separation plan till now.

There is no question that this all was only achieved with the help of massive military force, aggression, wars and occupation.

Zionist are definitely not peace brothers.

Zionist didn't care what the Arabs think when the Zionist founded their state and Zionist don't care what nowadays the international community think.

Have you actually read the articles you posted?

Let me quote it for you

"ISRAEL has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons."

"Under the plans, conventional laser-guided bombs would open “tunnels” into the targets. “Mini-nukes” would then immediately be fired into a plant at Natanz, exploding deep underground to reduce the risk of radioactive fallout."

"The Israeli weapons would each have a force equivalent to one-fifteenth of the Hiroshima bomb."

Please underline for me where and when Israel threatened or planned to use nukes to destroy the country or kill the people. It is Iran who can not stop issuing threats to wipe out Israel not other way around.

Might be time to get the facts right.wink.gif

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Zionist are definitely not peace brothers.

This guy uses the word Zionist like it's the dirtiest word in the world. You can feel the hatred seeping from the screen reading his stuff, which he repeats over and over and over again ...

What is Zionism, really?

Zionism, the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, advocated, from its inception, tangible as well as spiritual aims. Jews of all persuasions, left and right, religious and secular, joined to form the Zionist movement and worked together toward these goals. Disagreements led to rifts, but ultimately, the common goal of a Jewish state in its ancient homeland was attained. The term “Zionism” was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum.


To learn more?


Edited by Jingthing
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According to the United Nations, about 1,500 homes were demolished by the IDF just in the Rafah area in the period 2000-2004.[11]

In 2004, Human Rights Watch published the report 'Razing Rafah: Mass Home Demolitions in the Gaza Strip'.[12][13] The report documented what it described as a "pattern of illegal demolitions" by the IDF in Rafah, a refugee camp and city at the southern end of the Gaza Strip on the border with Egypt where sixteen thousand people lost their homes after the Israeli government approved a plan to expand the de facto "buffer zone" in May 2004.[13][14] The IDF's main stated rationales for the demolitions were; responding to and preventing attacks on its forces and the suppression of weapons smuggling through tunnels from Egypt[15]

Hardly the actions of a government with a policy of nation building [except for thier own] or seeking a peaceful resolution with Palestine.

Anybody who refutes these facts, that occured only in a 5 year period and continue to occur on a similar scale today, is a person in denial with themselves.

So again Israel has no right to defend itself, and should just sit around and be bombed? Firing rockets into another Nation aiming at civilians is hardly an action of a government with any policy at all, furthermore, i would not even call it a government but rather a terrorist state, would not you?

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According to the United Nations, about 1,500 homes were demolished by the IDF just in the Rafah area in the period 2000-2004.[11]

In 2004, Human Rights Watch published the report 'Razing Rafah: Mass Home Demolitions in the Gaza Strip'.[12][13] The report documented what it described as a "pattern of illegal demolitions" by the IDF in Rafah, a refugee camp and city at the southern end of the Gaza Strip on the border with Egypt where sixteen thousand people lost their homes after the Israeli government approved a plan to expand the de facto "buffer zone" in May 2004.[13][14] The IDF's main stated rationales for the demolitions were; responding to and preventing attacks on its forces and the suppression of weapons smuggling through tunnels from Egypt[15]

Hardly the actions of a government with a policy of nation building [except for thier own] or seeking a peaceful resolution with Palestine.

Anybody who refutes these facts, that occured only in a 5 year period and continue to occur on a similar scale today, is a person in denial with themselves.

So again Israel has no right to defend itself, and should just sit around and be bombed? Firing rockets into another Nation aiming at civilians is hardly an action of a government with any policy at all, furthermore, i would not even call it a government but rather a terrorist state, would not you?


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Well since US reserve bank owned by the Arab king the good news is Jews do not own it and can not be blamed.

Unless if course the "informed" people are little misinformed or have problems using google.

blaming Jews would be indeed absurd. since they take-over them "Ayrabs" even insist that the CEOs of the FED are Muslims, e.g. Mohamed Greenspan, Ben-Salaam Bernanke...


Evidence is clear and hence we have an interesting turn of events.

US is a strong supporter of Israel, provides aid, weapons money and everything else.

Arabs own the fed and control US government, so it fact it is Arabs who support Israel and it is Arabs who do not support Palestine.

So why are there people on this board still blaming Israel or Jewish people is beyond merolleyes.gif

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According to the United Nations, about 1,500 homes were demolished by the IDF just in the Rafah area in the period 2000-2004.[11]

In 2004, Human Rights Watch published the report 'Razing Rafah: Mass Home Demolitions in the Gaza Strip'.[12][13] The report documented what it described as a "pattern of illegal demolitions" by the IDF in Rafah, a refugee camp and city at the southern end of the Gaza Strip on the border with Egypt where sixteen thousand people lost their homes after the Israeli government approved a plan to expand the de facto "buffer zone" in May 2004.[13][14] The IDF's main stated rationales for the demolitions were; responding to and preventing attacks on its forces and the suppression of weapons smuggling through tunnels from Egypt[15]

Hardly the actions of a government with a policy of nation building [except for thier own] or seeking a peaceful resolution with Palestine.

Anybody who refutes these facts, that occured only in a 5 year period and continue to occur on a similar scale today, is a person in denial with themselves.

So again Israel has no right to defend itself, and should just sit around and be bombed? Firing rockets into another Nation aiming at civilians is hardly an action of a government with any policy at all, furthermore, i would not even call it a government but rather a terrorist state, would not you?


so you support the rocket attacks?You support unaimed rocket firing into civilians? but do not support Israeli response? State your position!

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1. The NPT, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, wasn't signed by the Zionists. Its an international treaty and for Zionist it doest matter what the world or international community has to say. They ignore it.

Why they have nuclear weapons? Zionism a militant and agressive movement making Israel to a militaristic state. Zionism has nothing to do with peace.

Please provide 1 link or post when Israel threatened to wipe out any nation or use its nukes

From The Sunday Times January 7, 2007

Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran

http://www.timesonli...icle1290331.ece (use a VPN connection, a Thai IP can produce a 404 error)

Report: Israel Planning, Training for Low-Level Nuke Strike Against Iran


Israel has plans for nuclear strike on Iran: paper



Israel primed to attack a nuclear Iran


Anyway, maybe someone else can post that map again how Israel expanded over the years from the controversial 1948 UN separation plan till now.

There is no question that this all was only achieved with the help of massive military force, aggression, wars and occupation.

Zionist are definitely not peace brothers.

Zionist didn't care what the Arabs think when the Zionist founded their state and Zionist don't care what nowadays the international community think.

Have you actually read the articles you posted?

Let me quote it for you

"ISRAEL has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons."

"Under the plans, conventional laser-guided bombs would open “tunnels” into the targets. “Mini-nukes” would then immediately be fired into a plant at Natanz, exploding deep underground to reduce the risk of radioactive fallout."

"The Israeli weapons would each have a force equivalent to one-fifteenth of the Hiroshima bomb."

Please underline for me where and when Israel threatened or planned to use nukes to destroy the country or kill the people. It is Iran who can not stop issuing threats to wipe out Israel not other way around.

Might be time to get the facts right.wink.gif

Is Israel ready and willing to attack another country?


Is Israel ready and willing to use nuclear weapons in that attack?


That was your question. i gave you the answer.

I didn't say anything about that someone is ready to wipe out another country. Nobody said that. that is some propaganda meme and fairy tale.

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Read again your own articles !

Is Israel going to attack a country or the nuke plant? - nuke plant ONLY

Has Iran made countless statements that it want to wipe Israel from the face of the earth ? Yes. And trying to deny it is just pure madness since there are at least 30 clips of interviews and statements by Iran

Yes Israel is ready and willing to use 1/15 of a nuke bomb to destroy the plant and nothing more.

Has Israel made any threats prior to iran's statement? No

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This forum is being turned into a venue for blatant, hate filled, anti-Zionist propaganda. Not just one thread, but pretty much EVERY thread with any news from the Middle East. Why is this tolerated?

It's the other head of the hydra. The left wing loons have infested the body politic of Europe and anyone who publicly confronts the Islamification of Europe is threatened or even murdered. This reality has even led to the populations of moderate Countries such as Holland and Denmark standing up to cancer that's eating away at our democracies.

...no surprise that the pro-Zionist and right-wing haters using that BS for their arguments

Why do you keep posting the same nonsense over and over again? (The video is excellent though). :blink:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Zionist are definitely not peace brothers.

This guy uses the word Zionist like it's the dirtiest word in the world. You can feel the hatred seeping from the screen reading his stuff, which he repeats over and over and over again ...

What is Zionism, really?

Zionism, the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, advocated, from its inception, tangible as well as spiritual aims. Jews of all persuasions, left and right, religious and secular, joined to form the Zionist movement and worked together toward these goals. Disagreements led to rifts, but ultimately, the common goal of a Jewish state in its ancient homeland was attained. The term “Zionism” was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum.


To learn more?


Anti-Zionism is a totally legit opinion. Shame on you and your try to outlaw it and branding it as hate speech.

And i think i made in many post clear why i am using term Zionism quite explicit. To point out the difference between Zionism and Judaism or Jewishness.

and i don't need Zionist propaganda and their definition of Zionism.

No, anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism

As an idea, a Jewish homeland was always controversial. As a reality, Israel still is - and it is not anti-Jewish to say so

Brian Klug, The Guardian,


You will find many Jews, secular liberals, university professors, peace activists or orthodox rabbis who are against Zionism.

one example:



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