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Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts


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This forum is being turned into a venue for blatant, hate filled, anti-Zionist propaganda. Not just one thread, but pretty much EVERY thread with any news from the Middle East. Why is this tolerated?

It's the other head of the hydra. The left wing loons have infested the body politic of Europe and anyone who publicly confronts the Islamification of Europe is threatened or even murdered. This reality has even led to the populations of moderate Countries such as Holland and Denmark standing up to cancer that's eating away at our democracies.

...no surprise that the pro-Zionist and right-wing haters using that BS for their arguments

Why do you keep posting the same nonsense over and over again? (The video is excellent though). :blink:

Assumed it would be valid argument and not a fine example of islamophobia and hate speech, what has "Islam in Europe" to do with the topic?

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Read again your own articles !

Is Israel going to attack a country or the nuke plant? - nuke plant ONLY

Has Iran made countless statements that it want to wipe Israel from the face of the earth ? Yes. And trying to deny it is just pure madness since there are at least 30 clips of interviews and statements by Iran

Yes Israel is ready and willing to use 1/15 of a nuke bomb to destroy the plant and nothing more.

Has Israel made any threats prior to iran's statement? No

Ermm, guess what could be the outcome if you drop a mininuke, 1/15 power of the Hiroshima bomb, on a nuclear plant?

And you think that would be a totally legit and acceptable way to do so?

Wow, and then someone complains that i said the Zionists are no peace brothers.

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and i don't need Zionist propaganda and their definition of Zionism.

What's your definition of Zionism?

you will label and brand anything what isn't fervent pro.zionist and pro-israel as anti-semitic and report it to a mod in the hope that is get deleted if the mod believes you and don't have the time to look closer at the issue.

Same like you the Zionist are not interested in dialogue.

Thats why Israel becomes more and more international isolated. Thats a fact.

And a topic about Israeli PM Netanyahu is hijacked by Islamophobics and hate speech,who post unrelated stuff about hitlers mufti, islam in europe and their narcissistic definition of 'left'.

Russia position, mentioned in OP, the international view, the UN position gets totally ignored and the topic get derailed by smoke bombs of the pro-zionist front. they are not interested in dialogue.

They advocate the use of nuclear bombs on nuclear plants, they are no peace brothers.

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and i don't need Zionist propaganda and their definition of Zionism.

What's your definition of Zionism?

you will label and brand anything what isn't fervent pro.zionist and pro-israel as anti-semitic and report it to a mod...

Earth to bangkokeddy. The mods do not just accept jingthing or anyone else's reports. If you are sensible and not hateful you are not going to get thrown off. Your problem is that it is pretty obvious that your agenda is not along those lines. :blink:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I guess Bangkokeddy missed the part where the plant is deep deep deep underground.

And also missed the intentions of Iran.

From your perspective of things, Israel should simply lay down its weapons, get rocketed, bombarded and await total destruction.

Now that would be peace brotherhood.

The peace brother

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and i don't need Zionist propaganda and their definition of Zionism.

What's your definition of Zionism?

you will label and brand anything what isn't fervent pro.zionist and pro-israel as anti-semitic and report it to a mod in the hope that is get deleted if the mod believes you and don't have the time to look closer at the issue.

Same like you the Zionist are not interested in dialogue.

Thats why Israel becomes more and more international isolated. Thats a fact.

And a topic about Israeli PM Netanyahu is hijacked by Islamophobics and hate speech,who post unrelated stuff about hitlers mufti, islam in europe and their narcissistic definition of 'left'.

Russia position, mentioned in OP, the international view, the UN position gets totally ignored and the topic get derailed by smoke bombs of the pro-zionist front. they are not interested in dialogue.

They advocate the use of nuclear bombs on nuclear plants, they are no peace brothers.

For the record, no definition given. So I supplied a mainstream definition, which was trashed, by no alternative definition supplied. (Perhaps the Iranian sites are offline at the moment.) Typical.

Let me put it another way, perhaps. Do you consider any Jew who supports the existence of the Jewish state of Israel with some borders to be a Zionist by definition, or not?

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I'm surprised any of you are suggesting Israel has nukes. The last guy that publicly said that wasn't treated to nicely.

I would take it that Israel could hardly threaten a nuclear strike when they will not acknowledge they have nukes, nor will they allow anyone in to inspect.

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For the record, no definition given. So I supplied a mainstream definition, which was trashed, by no alternative definition supplied. (Perhaps the Iranian sites are offline at the moment.) Typical.

You did not supply a mainstream definition, you supplied a Zionist definition.

A Marxist-Lenists cookbook or Fidel Castro will define Communism or the 'rule of the working class' quite different like Hannah Arendt would do. or the 'mainstream' (aka western world centric bias)

Its to complex anyway to bring a short definition.

for further information check this link. probably not the way you like your bagel, cause it are mostly intellectuals, long text to read and its against racism. but you should give it a try.


Let me put it another way, perhaps. Do you consider any Jew who supports the existence of the Jewish state of Israel with some borders to be a Zionist by definition, or not?

No. As I said: Israels biggest problem are the Zionist.

Without them, their bunker mentality, militancy, tendency of a racist view on the others and their arrogance it would be much more easier for Israel to find partners, friends and hold peace talks.

I consider everyone who is for a Zionist state of Israel for a Zionist. And a 'Zionist' don't has to be a Jew, by that definition. Non-Jewish supporter for a Zionist state is would call Zionist too.

Look at Poland, the borders like they are today are a result of communist map making. Now they have a anticommunist stance in Poland, they even have a law that prohibits communist propaganda, ban communist symbols, but they don't question the results of the communist map making nor want change that.

(imperfect comparison, i know. like any comparison will be imperfect, don't start to nail me on that)

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Does anyone else find that answer coherent?

He says no, Jews (or anyone) for the existence of a Jewish state of Israel are NOT Zionists.

But then he says, yes, Jews (or anyone) for a Zionist state of Israel are Zionists.

So the difference is ... ??? ...

Zionism is about a Jewish homeland in Israel. Not an Irish one, a Jewish one.

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It is true Israel won't openly admit to having nukes, but it is widely accepted that they do.

They are also planning to use them, first strike.

They might and they might not and if they do, clearly the target will be to stop Iran's nuke program. To say they are planning to use them implies they have definitely decided to use them, and nobody could prove that. Like any country, I am sure they have developed plans for all kinds of scenarios. That is normal and prudent for any country. But when Israel does it, it is part of the evil Zionist beast, and they get special spankings from those so obsessed (so much evidence here it isn't even funny).

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Does anyone else find that answer coherent?

He says no, Jews (or anyone) for the existence of a Jewish state of Israel are NOT Zionists.

But then he says, yes, Jews (or anyone) for a Zionist state of Israel are Zionists.

So the difference is ... ??? ...

Zionism is about a Jewish homeland in Israel. Not an Irish one, a Jewish one.

Simple. Israel don't has to be a Zionist state. Zionism is a little bit more than just to be a homeland for Jews. And more than a few of these bits more a very objectionable.

Some Zionists bunker boys here at the board seems to be very slow to understand a few things.

There are a lot of states on the globe which are the result of imperialist or colonialist map making. I don't say that they have no right to exist.

An Israel in the border of 1967 in peace with its neighbors. Is that possible? I think its doomed by Zionists.

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Nothing to with the Hamas terrorists. :rolleyes:

Whether they're labeled terrorists or not, their leaders are clearly not accepting of ANY Jewish state of Israel with any borders, and as I provided evidence, the Palestinian people overall mostly agree with that. So the problem is on BOTH sides.

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Simple. Israel don't has to be a Zionist state.

No, if the Palestinians get what most of them want, there doesn't have to be any Israel at all. Why play games. It's clear that's where you're at as well.

Radical Palestinian nationalism, the most common kind actually, that demands all of the lands in that region including ALL of current Israel, is a valid political point of view. It is not any more correct or incorrect objectively than Zionism. However, they are in conflict, yes? So how to solve this?

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Well since US reserve bank owned by the Arab king the good news is Jews do not own it and can not be blamed.

Unless if course the "informed" people are little misinformed or have problems using google.

blaming Jews would be indeed absurd. since they take-over them "Ayrabs" even insist that the CEOs of the FED are Muslims, e.g. Mohamed Greenspan, Ben-Salaam Bernanke...


It's hardly changed since the middle ages. Edward 1st of England financed wars borrowing money from Jewish money lenders and then killed them in lieu of payment. They own the banks you know :whistling: (forgetting money lending was one of the only jobs they were allowed to do) so there it is a ready made scapegoat centuries old and just as ugly and twisted as it ever was. Welcome to the 21st century brother. :jerk:

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It is true Israel won't openly admit to having nukes, but it is widely accepted that they do.

They are also planning to use them, first strike.

They might and they might not and if they do, clearly the target will be to stop Iran's nuke program. To say they are planning to use them implies they have definitely decided to use them, and nobody could prove that. Like any country, I am sure they have developed plans for all kinds of scenarios. That is normal and prudent for any country. But when Israel does it, it is part of the evil Zionist beast, and they get special spankings from those so obsessed (so much evidence here it isn't even funny).

Ohh, talking about Israel in a topic with the title " Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts" now becomes an obsession.

What you wanna talk about here? How peace loving 'You&Obama' are?

One of the pro-Zionists asked for a link that proves Israel plans to use nukes. I gave him that link.

Now is dropping nukes on other countries the most normal thing everybody would do.

WOW and mega LOL, arguments by the peace loving Zionist are really funny.

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Assumed it would be valid argument and not a fine example of islamophobia and hate speech, what has "Islam in Europe" to do with the topic?

Let me spell it out for you. The islamofascists are trying to pull the biggest confidence trick the world has ever seen. It goes as follows - All the problems in the middle east are due to how Israel treats the Palestinians. If you do something about this we will suddenly become model citizens and not detonate bombs on your planes and trains, you see it's the Jews who are responsible for the state the Arab world finds itself in.

So along come the gutless feeble minded politically correct liberals who spring into action on behalf of the Islamofascists and they do so with a fervour and focus which means they can't see the whacking great elephant in the room. The elephant being that militant Islam is systematically undermining western democracy bringing it's ugly totalitarian self in by the back door whilst numbskulls are looking at some slither of land in the middle east as being the root of all problems.

I suggest checking out the Danish cartoon saga, the murdered Dutch M.P who spoke out against Islam as two recent examples, but the rot has well and truly set in inside Europe.


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"Debating" you is like naked Mayonnaise Wrestling.

Still waiting for that definition of Zionism. For someone so committed to anti-Zionism, one would figure that would be easy for you.

(I don't know what it is, but I know I hate it!)

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Assumed it would be valid argument and not a fine example of islamophobia and hate speech, what has "Islam in Europe" to do with the topic?

Let me spell it out for you. The islamofascists are trying to pull the biggest confidence trick the world has ever seen. It goes as follows - All the problems in the middle east are due to how Israel treats the Palestinians. If you do something about this we will suddenly become model citizens and not detonate bombs on your planes and trains, you see it's the Jews who are responsible for the state the Arab world finds itself in.

So along come the gutless feeble minded politically correct liberals who spring into action on behalf of the Islamofascists and they do so with a fervour and focus which means they can't see the whacking great elephant in the room. The elephant being that militant Islam is systematically undermining western democracy bringing it's ugly totalitarian self in by the back door whilst numbskulls are looking at some slither of land in the middle east as being the root of all problems.

I suggest checking out the Danish cartoon saga, the murdered Dutch M.P who spoke out against Islam as two recent examples, but the rot has well and truly set in inside Europe.

another fine example how pro-Zionists using hate speech and islamophobia.

Islamophobia is the fear and/or hatred of Islam, Muslims or Islamic culture.

aka 'anti-Islamic racism' - it combines the elements of dislike of a religion and active discrimination against the people belonging to that religion." The discrimination is racist because it is based on the belief that no matter what such a person does s/he will never be an acceptable to or in the West.

The Runnymede Trust has identified eight components that they say define Islamophobia.

This definition, from the 1997 document 'Islamophobia: A Challenge For Us All' is widely accepted, including by the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia.

The eight components are:

1) Islam is seen as a monolithic bloc, static and unresponsive to change.

2) Islam is seen as separate and 'other'. It does not have values in common with other cultures, is not affected by them and does not influence them.

3) Islam is seen as inferior to the West. It is seen as barbaric, irrational, primitive and sexist.

4) Islam is seen as violent, aggressive, threatening, supportive of terrorism and engaged in a 'clash of civilisations'.

5) Islam is seen as a political ideology and is used for political or military advantage.

6) Criticisms made of the West by Islam are rejected out of hand.

7) Hostility towards Islam is used to justify discriminatory practices towards Muslims and exclusion of Muslims from mainstream society.

8) Anti-Muslim hostility is seen as natural or normal.


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That report is so pre-9/11 ...

If "Islam" is not a monolothic bloc (of course, it isn't) then how may I ask can "Islam" make criticisms of the west?

Can I also ask, please stop posting this block of text again, and again, and again? How many times is it now? Ten? Twenty? If you want to refer to a specific point on your Holy List, you can cite it and post the link? OK, deal?

Also, yes I agree with you that Islamophobia exists in the world but I also think that certain traditional values and practices of some Muslims do indeed directly clash with liberal western values. For example, hanging homosexuals and stoning adulterers, as is done in the Islamic Republic of Iran (which claims to be under Islamic Sharia law, correct me if I'm wrong), that's disgusting enough in an Islamic country, please don't spread those barbaric practices. So liberal western societies do indeed have a real dilemma on how to deal with this. Do their core values matter, or will they bend radically to religious groups? Don't think this is scapegoating Muslims. For example, why is polygamy illegal in the US even though it used to be an important feature of Mormonism? The greater society won out over the values of a religion.

I also have a problem with directly comparing Islamophobia with antisemitism as equivalents. I can see some similarities, but overall, the two phenoms have entirely different histories. Also of course not all antisemitism has anything to do with Muslims, and not all Islamophobia has anything to do with Jews or Zionists. So your knee jerk reaction every time someone correctly identifies some of your thoughts as anti-semitic to post your Holy List of Islamophobia is intellectually lazy to an extreme.

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That report is so pre-9/11 ...

That is such a typically paranoid phobia.

Perhaps but it wasn't Mormons who ran planes into the WTC.

Maybe this is relevant, maybe it isn't --

Global Muslims, 23 percent of the world, about 1.57 billion people (largest group of ANY religion and growing fast, OK some say Catholics but at the rate of Islam growth they will definitely be the biggest if they aren't already)

Global Jews, a tiny fraction of one percent, about 13.5 million people (and shrinking)

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