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Butter Is Better


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Noticed that a new branch of the Butter Is Better better opened up in the Nim City Daily shopping plaza, right next door to the Rimping. Bought a couple items from the very pleasant Thai woman there. VERY delicious!

And, as an added bonus to top off my day, Rimping is running a promotion on Mountain Dew! 45 THB/ can. Down from 55 THB. Still somewhat pricey, but decent price savings over normal price.


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I have tried some bread but it is not my taste, I prefer the (whole wheat) bread from Rimping.

My guess is that is because they mix whole wheat with white flour as most places do here. Butter is Better uses 100% whole wheat flour which is not what some folks like. I normally prefer whole grain bread with no white flour.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I have tried some bread but it is not my taste, I prefer the (whole wheat) bread from Rimping.

My guess is that is because they mix whole wheat with white flour as most places do here. Butter is Better uses 100% whole wheat flour which is not what some folks like. I normally prefer whole grain bread with no white flour.

The multi grain bread and whole wheat bread from B is B is exactly what you name for Rimping. The B is B bread is like cake without sugar. Rimping has many choices of the real whole wheat bread.

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They are serving house made corned beef again at the main branch too.

If I ever get around to steaming the stuff. Just in time to miss St. Patrick's day. But it's not Irish style corned beef. It's what it euphemistically called New York Style which everyone knows means Jewish. It's supposed to age at least 21 days. Now it's been 23. . If you want to know more about pickling corned beef, and why wouldn't you, you can visit my blog at www.butterisbetterbakery.com

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Whoever is buying up all the outstanding ginger cookies, cut it out!

Please leave me at least one next time.


Guilty as charged. I'll try to leave one, but it's not easy. However, now that Butter is Better created peanut butter chocolate cake and peanut butter chocolate bars, I have been sidetracked, which should free up some of the ginger cookies. :lol:

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Whoever is buying up all the outstanding ginger cookies, cut it out!

Please leave me at least one next time.


Guilty as charged. I'll try to leave one, but it's not easy. However, now that Butter is Better created peanut butter chocolate cake and peanut butter chocolate bars, I have been sidetracked, which should free up some of the ginger cookies. :lol:

Forgiven Ventura... and go for the peanut butter choc cake!! I just can't do that combination.

Just occasionally there is an apple cake (similar to apple tea cake) and it is outstanding!

They should have warnings on their cakes - use in moderation :lol:

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I have tried some bread but it is not my taste, I prefer the (whole wheat) bread from Rimping.

My guess is that is because they mix whole wheat with white flour as most places do here. Butter is Better uses 100% whole wheat flour which is not what some folks like. I normally prefer whole grain bread with no white flour.

The multi grain bread and whole wheat bread from B is B is exactly what you name for Rimping. The B is B bread is like cake without sugar. Rimping has many choices of the real whole wheat bread.

To each his own I guess.

Butter is Better makes their bread from scratch and Rimping uses a commercial mix. They do have one variety of 100% whole wheat bread, but the others are mixed with white flour.

I have nothing against using a commercial mix if it tastes better, but to me, Butter is Better tastes much better. :jap:

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I brought home their Italian bread which was outstanding. I melted some butter, mixed in garlic and oregano and dipped the bread. Fantastic.

Sounds good for the heart!

Hope you're not planning anything too energetic...doh!


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I have tried some bread but it is not my taste, I prefer the (whole wheat) bread from Rimping.

My guess is that is because they mix whole wheat with white flour as most places do here. Butter is Better uses 100% whole wheat flour which is not what some folks like. I normally prefer whole grain bread with no white flour.

The multi grain bread and whole wheat bread from B is B is exactly what you name for Rimping. The B is B bread is like cake without sugar. Rimping has many choices of the real whole wheat bread.

The whole wheat breadyou are referring to is a 100% whole wheat sandwich bread. Sandwich bread is supposed to be soft and not have anespecially strong flavor. The flour itself is freshly milled in Bangkokfrom high gluten Australian wheat berries and can't help but be flavorful despiteour best attempts to subdue it. It's great toasted.

As for it tasting like "cake without thesugar", I can only suspect that you grew up in one of those impoverished nationsmy parents were always reproaching me about in pep talks like “don’t you know that thereare countries with children so deprived that they believe cakes taste like sweet wholewheat bread and you should be grateful that your plate is chock full of succotash and if you didn't eat every lastparticle of it, there'll be no Twinkies tonight for you, young man!!!”

50 yearsago I shrugged that kind of guilt-tripping off off but now I feel just awful. And I feel evenworse about filching all that cash from my Unicef Halloween collection box. I probablyam the reason that no crates of Twinkies were ever airdropped into yourvillage. Forgive me.

But nowyou're in Thailand. You’re free! Get over your PTSD. You should try someof our cake and experience what the stuff actually tastes like. It’s truethat, unlike the bakers of Twinkies, we use ingredients such as cream, sweetbutter, couverture chocolate, and real vanilla extract. So I can't promise you that our versionsare in exactly the same league as Twinkies,but they will have to do until the Real Thingcomes to this nation.

By the way, according to a recent poll, 73 percent of American children believe thatcream comes from Twinkies. I blame theAmerican educational system for this. Americans have got to buckle down and dowhatever it takes to reach that recalcitrant and ignorant 27%. Are you listening, Tea Partyers?

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They are serving house made corned beef again at the main branch too.

I had one this morning. It is truly amazing to find good Jewish corn beef on tasty light rye bread in Thailand.

Better watch out because Jingthing will be moving up there soon.

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I brought home their Italian bread which was outstanding. I melted some butter, mixed in garlic and oregano and dipped the bread. Fantastic.

Sounds good for the heart!

Hope you're not planning anything too energetic...doh!


At least I'm not smoking David. I don't eat bread that often anyway - maybe once every couple of months. It sure was good though!

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They are serving house made corned beef again at the main branch too.

I had one this morning. It is truly amazing to find good Jewish corn beef on tasty light rye bread in Thailand.

With caraway seeds or without? I like with, but have had a lot of difficulty finding it.

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They are serving house made corned beef again at the main branch too.

I had one this morning. It is truly amazing to find good Jewish corn beef on tasty light rye bread in Thailand.

With caraway seeds or without? I like with, but have had a lot of difficulty finding it.


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They are serving house made corned beef again at the main branch too.

I had one this morning. It is truly amazing to find good Jewish corn beef on tasty light rye bread in Thailand.

Better watch out because Jingthing will be moving up there soon.

Time to move out if that every happens! ;) He's enough in the Chiang Mai forum as it is.. I really wish people like him would stay in Pattaya. That's what Pattaya is for.

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