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Making A Nice Cuppa


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I have been in Bangkok now for nearly 6 months and I am finding it impossible to make a cup of tea in my condo. I have tried tap water, bottle water, a new kettle and many different types of teabags. But they all just taste horrible, I know it is possible as I can have not bad cuppa in Starbucks.

Any ideas?



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Being a Brit and loving my morning cuppa, ive finnally worked out the best way from a jug kettle, as soon as the hot light comes on, pour half a cup, this will get rid of any ants and the cooler water in the dispensing tube, then pick the kettle up and shake it a little, when the heating light comes on and goes to hot, make your tea, or when the heating light comes on, open the top so it near boils,

Milk is a matter of choice too, i use foremost low fat uht, and lipton teabags, Its good enough for me, although we brought 200 tetly tea bags from uk last year, well, thats a different story!!!

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Being a Brit and loving my morning cuppa, ive finnally worked out the best way from a jug kettle, as soon as the hot light comes on, pour half a cup, this will get rid of any ants and the cooler water in the dispensing tube, then pick the kettle up and shake it a little, when the heating light comes on and goes to hot, make your tea, or when the heating light comes on, open the top so it near boils,

Milk is a matter of choice too, i use foremost low fat uht, and lipton teabags, Its good enough for me, although we brought 200 tetly tea bags from uk last year, well, thats a different story!!!

Not that the English would know anything about making a cup of tea! We cultured Australian's know that in order to have a "Good" cup or pot of tea first you need a clean cup! Not something that you bought over from "Blighty" and haven't washed since Grandpapa gave it to you in '52...While I commend your use of Lipton yellow label teabags surely you can't be serious about using "Foremost low fat UHT" milk! :bah::bah:

A "Wise " person might consider a full cream milk like "Meiji" as it doesn't have any flavour enhancers like sugar or vanilla flavoring, unlike "foremost" (American for insect urine). Using a large urn that heats the water to 100 degrees C, fill the cup and allow to steep for up to 5 minutes, remove tea bag and add a small dolop of milk, stir, enjoy! It also helps to clean your teeth after you have your morning cup of tea! ;):D

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Being a Brit and loving my morning cuppa, ive finnally worked out the best way from a jug kettle, as soon as the hot light comes on, pour half a cup, this will get rid of any ants and the cooler water in the dispensing tube, then pick the kettle up and shake it a little, when the heating light comes on and goes to hot, make your tea, or when the heating light comes on, open the top so it near boils,

Milk is a matter of choice too, i use foremost low fat uht, and lipton teabags, Its good enough for me, although we brought 200 tetly tea bags from uk last year, well, thats a different story!!!

Not that the English would know anything about making a cup of tea! We cultured Australian's know that in order to have a "Good" cup or pot of tea first you need a clean cup! Not something that you bought over from "Blighty" and haven't washed since Grandpapa gave it to you in '52...While I commend your use of Lipton yellow label teabags surely you can't be serious about using "Foremost low fat UHT" milk! :bah::bah:

A "Wise " person might consider a full cream milk like "Meiji" as it doesn't have any flavour enhancers like sugar or vanilla flavoring, unlike "foremost" (American for insect urine). Using a large urn that heats the water to 100 degrees C, fill the cup and allow to steep for up to 5 minutes, remove tea bag and add a small dolop of milk, stir, enjoy! It also helps to clean your teeth after you have your morning cup of tea! ;):D

Only an Aussie could recommend that nats pee that is Liptons Yellow

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Being a Brit and loving my morning cuppa, ive finnally worked out the best way from a jug kettle, as soon as the hot light comes on, pour half a cup, this will get rid of any ants and the cooler water in the dispensing tube, then pick the kettle up and shake it a little, when the heating light comes on and goes to hot, make your tea, or when the heating light comes on, open the top so it near boils,

Milk is a matter of choice too, i use foremost low fat uht, and lipton teabags, Its good enough for me, although we brought 200 tetly tea bags from uk last year, well, thats a different story!!!

Not that the English would know anything about making a cup of tea! We cultured Australian's know that in order to have a "Good" cup or pot of tea first you need a clean cup! Not something that you bought over from "Blighty" and haven't washed since Grandpapa gave it to you in '52...While I commend your use of Lipton yellow label teabags surely you can't be serious about using "Foremost low fat UHT" milk! :bah::bah:

A "Wise " person might consider a full cream milk like "Meiji" as it doesn't have any flavour enhancers like sugar or vanilla flavoring, unlike "foremost" (American for insect urine). Using a large urn that heats the water to 100 degrees C, fill the cup and allow to steep for up to 5 minutes, remove tea bag and add a small dolop of milk, stir, enjoy! It also helps to clean your teeth after you have your morning cup of tea! ;):D

Only an Aussie could recommend that nats pee that is Liptons Yellow

I've always called Liptons water brownerer. It certainly isn't tea as I know it. We brought 3kg of PG Tips back from England with us (total 1,260 teabags) and it is on track to last until we go back, a nice estimate of a 12 month supply. I can buy a pack of 25 PG Tips in Tops for the same price as a 1kg (420 bags) in Netto. If desperate and not wanting to spend a fortune, Tops own brand English breakfast tea is about the best you can get for the price. And whatever tea you use, don't just wait until the water is brown - leave it to brew for at least 3 minutes.

Also, to anyone having strange tasting tea problems, have you ever let your kettle boil dry? I did this once, and it took more than a dozen boil and empty, boil and empty for the bulk of the taste to go away, but it was a good couple of weeks until it was gone completely.

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anyone who writes 'liptons' in the same sentence as 'tea' doesnt have a clue. Its not cheap, but the Twinings loose leaf (ie. not bags) tins of tea are the best option here in Bkk. Earl Great and English Breakfast being the best flavour - Assam if you can find it. Available at Foodland, HomeFresh...maybe Carrefour.

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Yeah, well, im not in BKK am i,!! i live in a small market town, and the ONLY tea here is Liptons, if i want to travel 220ks, i would have a bigger choice, right?

The op asked , any ideas, i gave him my idea of how i make ,or have to make tea, is that ok with you??

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