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Israel strikes Hamas tunnel in northern Gaza in retaliation to rocket attacks


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That is a pretty radical post dude. We can all finally see how passionate you are on the subject. ;)

The UN, the EU, the Non-Aligned Movement, African groups, Arabs groups - all biased, pretty much everyone around the globe got it wrong.

That report that speaks about Hamas war crimes is wrong according to Zionists because it speaks also about Israeli war crimes.

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BTW, is the thread topic the Goldstone Report? I didn't think so.

Goldstone report aka United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict

I think its somehow related to the topic. Interesting who is denying it, isn't it.

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BTW, is the thread topic the Goldstone Report? I didn't think so.

Goldstone report aka United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict

I think its somehow related to the topic. Interesting who is denying it.

It's just that we've rehashed that report many times before on other threads. It seems to me we should get more focused on the more specific content of each of these new threads. Otherwise, a total broken record all around, and not from any one side either. I am for more sincere discussions here, not the same rehash 1000 times.

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That is a pretty radical post dude. We can all finally see how passionate you are on the subject. ;)

The UN, the EU, the Non-Aligned Movement, African groups, Arabs groups - all biased, pretty much everyone around the globe got it wrong.

That report that speaks about Hamas war crimes is wrong according to Zionists because it speaks also about Israeli war crimes.

No its biased because it does not speak the full truth of Hamas war crimes and exaggerates the truth when it comes to israel

Using Hamas operatives as eye witnesses would classify it as biased, would not you say?

Denying Hamas used civilians as human shields while all evidence points otherwise is also biased, would not you agree?

Claiming that Israel targeted civilians when there is endless evidence that Israel warned civilians prior to attacks is also considered biased, do not you think?

I only wish Hamas had the same courtesy to warn the civilians prior to firing rockets, OH but wait, they aim at civilians bah.gif

Not only that but Hamas kills and tortures its own people, but putting that in the report just sliped his mind

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That is a pretty radical post dude. We can all finally see how passionate you are on the subject. ;)

The UN, the EU, the Non-Aligned Movement, African groups, Arabs groups - all biased, pretty much everyone around the globe got it wrong.

That report that speaks about Hamas war crimes is wrong according to Zionists because it speaks also about Israeli war crimes.

No its biased because it does not speak the full truth of Hamas war crimes and exaggerates the truth when it comes to israel

Using Hamas operatives as eye witnesses would classify it as biased, would not you say?

Denying Hamas used civilians as human shields while all evidence points otherwise is also biased, would not you agree?

Claiming that Israel targeted civilians when there is endless evidence that Israel warned civilians prior to attacks is also considered biased, do not you think?

I only wish Hamas had the same courtesy to warn the civilians prior to firing rockets, OH but wait, they aim at civilians bah.gif

Not only that but Hamas kills and tortures its own people, but putting that in the report just sliped his mind

Sounds like your problem is definately with Hamas. Why don't you take it up with them and leave the rest of us in peace ? :unsure:

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That is a pretty radical post dude. We can all finally see how passionate you are on the subject. ;)

The UN, the EU, the Non-Aligned Movement, African groups, Arabs groups - all biased, pretty much everyone around the globe got it wrong.

That report that speaks about Hamas war crimes is wrong according to Zionists because it speaks also about Israeli war crimes.

No its biased because it does not speak the full truth of Hamas war crimes and exaggerates the truth when it comes to israel

Using Hamas operatives as eye witnesses would classify it as biased, would not you say?

Denying Hamas used civilians as human shields while all evidence points otherwise is also biased, would not you agree?

Claiming that Israel targeted civilians when there is endless evidence that Israel warned civilians prior to attacks is also considered biased, do not you think?

I only wish Hamas had the same courtesy to warn the civilians prior to firing rockets, OH but wait, they aim at civilians bah.gif

Not only that but Hamas kills and tortures its own people, but putting that in the report just sliped his mind

Sounds like your problem is definately with Hamas. Why don't you take it up with them and leave the rest of us in peace ? :unsure:


Israel strikes Hamas tunnel in northern Gaza in retaliation to rocket attacks

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It's just that we've rehashed that report many times before on other threads. It seems to me we should get more focused on the more specific content of each of these new threads. Otherwise, a total broken record all around, and not from any one side either. I am for more sincere discussions here, not the same rehash 1000 times.

Nice, can we now accept that the Goldstone report aka United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict is a so called 'mainstream' opinion on this? widely accepted by many.

Its always some ultra radical Zionists who go contra on this. A tiny minority, fanatics, with a bunker mentality.

Okay, stick to what we have here in the news.

IDF soldiers killed two Palestinian militants who were allegedly planning to plant an explosive device near the northern Gaza Strip fence on Saturday night. Three Hamas security officers, a 3-year-old boy, and a 26-year-old man, were also injured in retaliation fire from Israel.

Don't forget: Avoid broken records.

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That is a pretty radical post dude. We can all finally see how passionate you are on the subject. ;)

The UN, the EU, the Non-Aligned Movement, African groups, Arabs groups - all biased, pretty much everyone around the globe got it wrong.

That report that speaks about Hamas war crimes is wrong according to Zionists because it speaks also about Israeli war crimes.

No its biased because it does not speak the full truth of Hamas war crimes and exaggerates the truth when it comes to israel

Using Hamas operatives as eye witnesses would classify it as biased, would not you say?

Denying Hamas used civilians as human shields while all evidence points otherwise is also biased, would not you agree?

Claiming that Israel targeted civilians when there is endless evidence that Israel warned civilians prior to attacks is also considered biased, do not you think?

I only wish Hamas had the same courtesy to warn the civilians prior to firing rockets, OH but wait, they aim at civilians :bah:

Not only that but Hamas kills and tortures its own people, but putting that in the report just sliped his mind

My friend, i said it already: The UN, the EU, the Non-Aligned Movement, African groups, Arabs groups - all biased, pretty much everyone around the globe got it wrong.

What else you wanna here?

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Nice, can we now accept that the Goldstone report aka United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict is a so called 'mainstream' opinion on this?

No, we can't accept that, but it's pointless to have the SAME discussion 1000 times. Move on.

I hereby propose, end all discussion of the GR unless the topic is explicitly about the GR. We've said all that is likely to be said, changed nobody's mind about it, and provided enough links to choke a gila monster.

So please, Eddyboy, next time there is a Gaza thread, please don't start posting about that old GR again, can you agree to that?

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Nice, can we now accept that the Goldstone report aka United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict is a so called 'mainstream' opinion on this?

No, we can't accept that, but it's pointless to have the SAME discussion 1000 times. Move on.

here we go, ... again. The Zionists deny.

second try:

Okay, stick to what we have here in the news.

IDF soldiers killed two Palestinian militants who were allegedly planning to plant an explosive device near the northern Gaza Strip fence on Saturday night. Three Hamas security officers, a 3-year-old boy, and a 26-year-old man, were also injured in retaliation fire from Israel.

Don't forget: Avoid broken records.

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Israel retaliates after being attacked and as usual finds itself in the dock whilst not a single word of condemnation comes from those criticize it for the perpetrators and the politically biased and flawed Goldstone report makes yet another appearance.

This is designed to delegitimise Israel so that it no longer should even have the right of self defence. But is it Israel which should be on trial at all or is this just a cynical device to get people to look in the wrong direction?


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Eddie, your last post was incoherent.

here we go, ... again. as i said we have already established that the Zionists

That is meaningless statement.

As far as IDF soldiers killing some militants planting a bomb. So what's the point? If they really were militants doing that, didn't the IDF have the right to kill them as legit military targets? Do you think the IDF soldiers there are in the area for their health? They are soldiers involved in an active theater. If you are complaining about collateral damage in war, yes that is horrible and universal, but hardly something that is unique to wars involving Zionists. So do you think the targets really weren't planting bombs? Based on what evidence? If you are trying to paint Hamas controlled Gaza, and Hamas is clearly an Islamofascist entity, as a bunch of innocent victims of the evil murderous "Zionists", you picked a bad example.

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As far as IDF soldiers killing some militants planting a bomb. So what's the point? If they really were militants doing that, didn't the IDF have the right to kill them as legit military targets? Do you think the IDF soldiers there are in the area for their health? They are soldiers involved in an active theater. If you are complaining about collateral damage in war, yes that is horrible and universal, but hardly something that is unique to wars involving Zionists. So do you think the targets really weren't planting bombs? Based on what evidence? If you are trying to paint Hamas controlled Gaza, and Hamas is clearly an Islamofascist entity, as a bunch of innocent victims of the evil murderous "Zionists", you picked a bad example.

allegedly planning to plant an explosive device near the northern Gaza Strip fence

So you know what allegedly means. But what is the Gaza Strip fence ?

Few Palestinians are dead, killed by IDF soldiers other were injured. Totally legitimate and the right of IDF to do so.

Lets play the record of the Islamofascists. If that is legit, the one below is it too.

FALK, Richard. Top US law Professor on “Slouching toward a Palestinian Holocaust”

Professor Richard Falk is an outstanding Jewish American scholar: emeritus professor in international law at Princeton University, writer, the author or co-author of 20 books ) speaker, activist on world affairs, and an appointee to2 UN positions on the Occupied Palestinian Territories (for detailed biography see Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_A._Falk ). In 2008 this eminent Jewish international law scholar was arrested, imprisoned and deported by Apartheid Israel when he attempted to fulfil his role as UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Professor Richard Falk in “Slouching toward a Palestinian holocaust”: “There is little doubt that the Nazi Holocaust was as close to unconditional evil as has been revealed throughout the entire bloody history of the human species. Its massiveness, unconcealed genocidal intent, and reliance on the mentality and instruments of modernity give its enactment in the death camps of Europe a special status in our moral imagination … Against this background, it is especially painful for me, as an American Jew, to feel compelled to portray the ongoing and intensifying abuse of the Palestinian people by Israel through a reliance on such an inflammatory metaphor as ‘holocaust’ … Is it an irresponsible overstatement to associate the treatment of Palestinians with this criminalized Nazi record of collective atrocity? I think not.



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In response, IDF soldiers killed two Palestinian militants who were allegedly planning to plant an explosive device near the northern Gaza Strip fence on Saturday night. Three Hamas security officers, a 3-year-old boy, and a 26-year-old man, were also injured in retaliation fire from Israel.

Zionism is peace.


really ? :blink:

“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”

( p. 155 From the book: 'You Gentiles' - by Maurice Samuel.)

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Richard Falk, career antisemite who actually even went too far for the head of the U.N who questioned whether Falks tenure should be continued.


Your choice of reference material demonstrates your own virulent antisemitism even if your words weasel round explicitly do so.

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Why is it that these threads can never be discussed without inflammatory hyperbole and posturing? Somehow, members can't seem to help but act out their worst behavior.

Since it proves impossible over and over and over again, I am going to save us all some stress.


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