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A Beautiful Good Girl Or Man Eating Shark


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Mark, does the 1 week off coincide with the missus being 'out of action'. :D

There are times when I am amazed at the perception of posters on Thai Visa. Like Sherlock Holmes. Bravo Wallaby, you hit the nail on the head.

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Bullsh-t -- If you had 'em, you'd post 'em because " ... Absolutely nothing fazes me anywhere I go. I just have this smug little feeling that I'm impervious." (General topics 'Reverse Culture Shock #12)

... and maybe given my posts "It is obvious in (my) narrow minded reply that (I) know little or nothing about the game of love."

Great fodder.

No, I WOULDN'T post them, jazzbo because I have been given specific notice by moderators not to... unless I just wanted a permanent suspension.

And, you are right, nothing fazes me at all. I do have this smug little feeling that I am impervious... but in an entirely different context in another topic. And, there ARE a lot of people on this forum who have absolutely NO idea about the game of love and how it is played between the sexes. However, I'm constantly amazed at how many narrow minded , self righteous bigots there are.

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I guess the same Forum rules hold for the 180 or so Thai Ladies on fishbc.com -- I was scrolling through and thought WHOA! IF finally found a looker but then realized you just snuck in a

professional glamour shot (in your dreams):lPatt_Patcharaveerapon.sized.jpg

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Bullsh-t -- If you had 'em, you'd post 'em because " ... Absolutely nothing fazes me anywhere I go. I just have this smug little feeling that I'm impervious." (General topics 'Reverse Culture Shock #12)

... and maybe given my posts "It is obvious in (my) narrow minded reply that (I) know little or nothing about the game of love."

Great fodder.

No, I WOULDN'T post them, jazzbo because I have been given specific notice by moderators not to... unless I just wanted a permanent suspension.

And, you are right, nothing fazes me at all. I do have this smug little feeling that I am impervious... but in an entirely different context in another topic. And, there ARE a lot of people on this forum who have absolutely NO idea about the game of love and how it is played between the sexes. However, I'm constantly amazed at how many narrow minded , self righteous bigots there are.

They are like the sun, sent by God every morning to brighten our lives.

And, like the sun, there is not a lot we can do about them except batsk in the warm glow of their fury


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seems to OP is trying to write a novel here.

You should send this in for a soap opera script. Will he won't he? Zoom in, soft focus, warm fuzzy musak.

Lots of geriatric expats probably line up to have a crack as the leading man.

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I guess the same Forum rules hold for the 180 or so Thai Ladies on fishbc.com -- I was scrolling through and thought WHOA! IF finally found a looker but then realized you just snuck in a

professional glamour shot (in your dreams):lPatt_Patcharaveerapon.sized.jpg

She is (or was) a young friend's girl friend, Jazzbo, who I believe IS a model. There are several more in that folder who I've only had a passing relationship with and nothing intimate. I won't say which are which. And, the few I'm currently seeing I wouldn't trade for someone unknown. Physical beauty doesn't always relate to someone hot between the covers, which is what Mark's topic is all about. And, even that can change depending on someone's mood. There are even times with myself that I could take it or leave it, while other times I'm very turned on and can't get enough. I believe women are no different, but you would have to ask them.

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However, I'm constantly amazed at how many narrow minded , self righteous bigots there are. As opposed to those that are just plain-vanilla self-righteous.

Or angry at the world they've created for themselves and reacting out of jealousy.

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Or angry at the world they've created for themselves and reacting out of jealousy... If those words are directed at me then you are a bigger horse's ass than you even appear in your endless driveling.

Not directed at you at all, jazzbo, and I didn't even consider it. It was just a general observation.

However there's no need on this topic to make nasty comments about me. Better look in the mirror before doing so. I've NEVER attacked you in any manner. I can back up everything I say and I never hide behind annonymity. I enjoy looking at beautiful women and always have, and I don't know any heterosexual men who doesn't. Whether or not the women have any interest in me is entirely up to themselves. Occasionally I've been happily surprised. However, I do hear a LOT of men who CLAIM they aren't attracted to physically beautiful women, but I would guess that most of them are hypocrites.

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Trying to understand this.

Don't you recognise a load of bullocks when you see them? :rolleyes:

Are you telling me I am making this up?

And your point of reference is?

Not to bring in personal issues but do you have a lot of experience with relationships with women in Thailand?

Apologies if I have misinterpreted your cow picture.

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You all seem quite prejudiced against bigots...maybe I'm not welcome here


If you want to be a bigot then you are entitled to, StreetCowboy. Nothing wrong with that... although I've never noticed that about you.

I never mind debating any subject with anyone. However, I don't have much respect for people who use snide comments and belittle others because they have a different opinion. Nothing I've read of Mark's has belittled anyone, and he's very tolerant in the face of nastyness by others.

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Let's see if I've got this right.

Little 65 year-old English teacher Mark went into a restaurant.

He met an attractive prostitute.

He paid said prostitute to have sex.

Three years later he met said prostitute in a different restaurant.

Said prostitute recognized him.

Little Mark offered to pay said prostitute for sex again.

Said prostitute declined.

Debate now centers on whether the story is true or whether it's a load of "bullocks".

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Let's see if I've got this right.

Little 65 year-old English teacher Mark went into a restaurant.

He met an attractive prostitute.

He paid said prostitute to have sex.

Three years later he met said prostitute in a different restaurant.

Said prostitute recognized him.

Little Mark offered to pay said prostitute for sex again.

Said prostitute declined.

Debate now centers on whether the story is true or whether it's a load of "bullocks".

Mark teacher grading little Andrew from Bangkok.

Reading comprehension, F

Reading between the lines, F

Prejudice against teachers, A

Prejudice against old people, A

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I'm always amazed at the abilities that Thais show in remembering previous customers years later.

They usually remember my name, who I dated, what I previously ordered a how I liked it.

(not talking just about pros by the way, but they are included)

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Mark teacher grading little Andrew from Bangkok.

Reading comprehension, F

Oh Mark -- you villainous little man!

Actually, my reading comprehension is second to none.

But my abilities don't stop there. You see, I'm also able to detect a mile away the scent of ordure which rises each and every time you post your ill-judged and semi-literate drivel.

That's not to say that the scent is overwhelming. It isn't. But it is nonetheless a little "obvious".

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I will then Back off Kuhn IF -- I do however see no reason that anyone should be so rude as to tell anyone for any reason that It is obvious in your narrow minded reply that you know little or nothing about the game of love.

Also, given the simple laws of probability, when one says I remember so many astonishingly beautiful women who were duds once we were alone. one must take into consideration just who in fact is the dud.

Almost every hetero male on this forum gets to consort with Thai women if they so choose -- I wonder why you think that your experiences are so unique or elucidating with your Yoda-like explanations of how the game -- at least in your perception -- is played ...

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Almost every hetero male on this forum gets to consort with Thai women if they so choose -- I wonder why you think that your experiences are so unique or elucidating with your Yoda-like explanations of how the game -- at least in your perception -- is played ...

I think you would be surprised to see how many guys can't get a date in a whorehouse!

(or maybe not :D)

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Mark teacher grading little Andrew from Bangkok.

Reading comprehension, F

Oh Mark -- you villainous little man!

Actually, my reading comprehension is second to none. (a)

But my abilities don't stop there. You see, I'm also able to detect a mile away the scent of ordure which rises each and every time you post your ill-judged and semi-literate drivel. (B)

That's not to say that the scent is overwhelming. It isn't. But it is nonetheless a little "obvious".

Annotations added for clarity...


The correct turn of phrase is "next to nil".


That's a bit pots and kettles, I think.

I think Mark has some clear opinions which he presents consistently, from a variety of perspectives.

Some of us may resist sharing those opinions, but if you want to prevent their spread, a reasoned rebuttal with entertaining anecdotes will serve your purpose better than abuse, regardless of how politely it is presented.


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Jaapfries you need to respond more often. :clap2:

I think he meant it seriously


Dear StreetCowboy & CanuckKamuck,

We have a little saying where I come from and I'm sure you've heard it before.

At the risk of 'upsetting' the Rudyard Kipling swinging poster, here goes:

"You Can Lead A Horse To The River, But You Can't Force Him To Drink"

Like I said: nonsensical drivel by an obvious moron of epic proportions !

Not worth wasting my time.

Feel very sorry for him, though.

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Mark teacher grading little Andrew from Bangkok.

Reading comprehension, F

Oh Mark -- you villainous little man!

Actually, my reading comprehension is second to none.

But my abilities don't stop there. You see, I'm also able to detect a mile away the scent of ordure which rises each and every time you post your ill-judged and semi-literate drivel.

That's not to say that the scent is overwhelming. It isn't. But it is nonetheless a little "obvious".

Well little Andrew what you say may all be true but unless you are the person of the second coming you have to present a reasoned argument to support your beliefs. This is not kindergarten where the big bully with the most friends wins. You have to support what you say, not, "oh well you know he is wrong because I said so." You may be able to detect ordure a mile away because it is self generated. I welcome your comments on anything in the OP that strikes you as disingenuous. Your opinions of me personally are not the topic of this thread but feel free to start your own thread on them if you wish.

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SC: Annotations added for ease of cross-referencing...


Reading through this entire sequence of posts almost makes me vomit.

The other thing it does is that it makes me embarrassed to be a "fellow-farang" in Thailand !

What these deprived chaps are addressing is "Lust"; not "Love" - these two phenomena are often confused, I realize, but

then, when I read this last bit of drivel by "Powderpuff", who states "Rule #1. In Thailand you never lose your girl. You only lose your turn."

I did what I hardly ever do and that was to respond.

All of you guys must be extremely deprived bunch of mentally retarded bigots.


Sounds to me that, without doubt, "masturbation" would be the best solution for the lot of you !

When do you actually "grow-up" and establish some resemblance of "character", huh ?


I, for one, have a hell-of-a-lot more respect for the "Thai-Ladies" you're all referring to, than for these

self-opinionated, arrogant and no doubt spineless "superior" Farang !


My "Rule # 1: You reap what you Sow !


Oh, the irony of it!


I expect your respect is longer than your arms, which probably don't reach to your pockets


You strike me as a self-opinionated person who follows their own advice


With a weak stomach like yours, I would recommend to avoid spicey food and don't drink the water...

Jaapfries you need to respond more often. :clap2:

I think he meant it seriously


Dear StreetCowboy & CanuckKamuck,

We have a little saying where I come from and I'm sure you've heard it before.

At the risk of 'upsetting' the Rudyard Kipling swinging poster, here goes:

"You Can Lead A Horse To The River, But You Can't Force Him To Drink"


Like I said: nonsensical drivel by an obvious moron of epic proportions !

Not worth wasting my time.

Feel very sorry for him, though.


I am touched by your modesty, and I think you underestimate your talents, which are exceeded only by your empathy

Thanks for an entertaining evening!


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It is fascinating that the worlds experts on love are all in Thailand crowing over there conquests with hired helpers.

I thought I made it clear in the OP that the lady was not a professional bar girl, she certainly never worked in a whorehouse.

To be more forthcoming I asked her out three times before she consented to go out with me. Matter of fact she stood me up twice which upset me a bit.

I am pretty sure since I saw her for the first time she had three Farang husbands. You may think of this as some kind of prostitute but I don't think a married women, even though with three husbands is generally considered a prostitute.

Her husbands were young men working off shore as far as I know. My working hypothesis is at least two of them found out about each other. I think one of them punched her in the mouth and knocked out at least two of her lower front teeth. Watching her radiant smile I noticed something strange about her lower jaw like she had a new bridge or it had been recently broken (could be just my imagination).

I am certainly no expert in love as I have been married three times. I do have some knowledge in marriages and divorce though. It has been my experience with marriage over 40 years that it has little to do with love (just my opinion) maybe the reverse is true.

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Jaapfries you need to respond more often. :clap2:

I think he meant it seriously


Dear StreetCowboy & CanuckKamuck,

We have a little saying where I come from and I'm sure you've heard it before.

At the risk of 'upsetting' the Rudyard Kipling swinging poster, here goes:

"You Can Lead A Horse To The River, But You Can't Force Him To Drink"

Like I said: nonsensical drivel by an obvious moron of epic proportions !

Not worth wasting my time.

Feel very sorry for him, though.

Everybody has problems. Some more than others and I sense you have had your share.

I am not married. I try and approach life in a light hearted way and not get too serious about the whole thing.

I get up every morning and thank my higher power for life today. If anything I plan on doing today does not happen I will not lose any sleep over it.

My ex wives and kids are fine back in Farang land and happily living their lives. I am here and happily living my life without much of the baggage that I used to carry.

Best wishes.

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I thought I made it clear in the OP that the lady was not a professional bar girl, she certainly never worked in a whorehouse.

I thought and I thought as the days went by and finally one afternoon I said, “A thousand baht one hour after you get off work, OK?”

She said no. I still came to the restaurant to eat and later that week asked her, “Today?” She said no again. Two more times I politely inquired if she would be available and on the last inquiry she said, OK.”

Your personal definition of prostitution is a bit outside the traditional one

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