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Dr. (Gene) Eugene Charles Rebcook In Cm


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Apparently he has been a CM resident for some time and has translated Thai Medical Papers to English for WHO. He is now elderly, (approx 80) alone, and very confused and with severe memory problems and is almost sleeping on the streets. He is originally Canadian but also has a US Passport.

Anyone knowing him or wishing to help, please contact me here, I have tried without success to locate his family members in the US or Canada. I have a Thai friend in CM who has limited contact with him. I am in Florida at the moment.



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<br />Better contact the embassy or consulate of his country, people in his situation can (or even have the right to, depending in the country) be repatriated, organized via the embassy. But maybe he wants to stay here.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Just get the Canadian Embassy in Bkk to contact the Hon Canadian Consul in Chiang Mai and all should flow smoothly.

If it doesn't, contact the British Hon Consul in CM who is chairing a new group to help all nationalities of expats with financial and/or medical problems.

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<br />Better contact the embassy or consulate of his country, people in his situation can (or even have the right to, depending in the country) be repatriated, organized via the embassy. But maybe he wants to stay here.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Just get the Canadian Embassy in Bkk to contact the Hon Canadian Consul in Chiang Mai and all should flow smoothly.

If it doesn't, contact the British Hon Consul in CM who is chairing a new group to help all nationalities of expats with financial and/or medical problems.

Canadian consuls number 053 850147,Do not know who he /she is.British Hon Consul is in London as we speak,if you have a problem contact me MAJORUS

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Yes if you know his whearabouts be very,very, careful to tell on an open forum.I am not saying of course that there are scammers,thieves or people of dubious integrity read this forum.Thomas

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The gentleman is in ChiangMai. Apparently he has been a resident for some time. I see that he has translated medical papers for the University and other agencies in CM. He is being tended to by a Thai Couple somewhat at the moment but is not in good shape mentally. I will have more information today. They took him to the US Embassy apparently.. but might be consulate... and there was no interest there, so I hear. Apparently he came from Canada to the US and has dual citizenship and there is a Canadian Consulate in CM also. My good Thai friend in CM is in touch with the couple and I will speak with her today. Main reason for the post is to find those in CM who know him. If you know him, please contact me.

Thank you for the two private emails on the issue already with suggestions.

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Canadian consuls number 053 850147

[12:21:22 PM] : i need the information on the canadian man

[12:27:44 PM] Saow this canadian man is 75 years old, he lives alone by himself but there is a kindly couple take care of him. i will find out where he lives and will let you know

[12:43:18 PM] Saow, i go to sleep now. will talk to you tomorrow. good night

[12:44:44 PM] ok i sent you a lot of stuff about him and spend hours of research and have others active on this too so please get more info for me so we can help this man... go back and read what i sent and the links too as its important that you know

[12:47:19 PM] Saow i will read again what you research. and i will try to find more info about this man....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you all for your private messages.

The Doctor has memory problems that are severe from time to time.

He has been checked out by embassy officials and he is comfortable in an apartment and being somewhat cared for by a Thai couple and not exploited.

The good expat powers in CM are now well aware and will keep an eye out for the elderly gentleman.

If you are a friend of his, I will put you in contact with those who know him and his situation but please IM to me or Maj Ron.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dr Rebcook's condition has taken a turn for the worst and we are unsure of what to do. He is not able to eat and he may be having organ failure. We can't get him to give his consent to go to a hospital or care facility, even though he can afford it. He isn't being stubborn; he is just not mentally competent enough to understand what's going on. If something is not done, I'm afraid he might not make it. I live upstairs from him and I have tried to help him with some small items in the past, but this situation is way beyond anything I can help with. I have the name of his sister but I don't have anything else. I am going to try multiple email addresses using her name but it's a long shot. I don't even know if she is still alive or what country she lives in. If I can somehow contact her, maybe she cn give consent to have him taken to a care facility. Someone really needs to help this guy.

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We have tried there. They will not take him without his consent. It's a bit of a catch-22. When he is physically able to give his consent he won't do it because he thinks he can take care of himself. Now that he can't take care of himself, he is unable to give his consent.

I have had no luck trying to find his sister.


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Dr Rebcook's condition has taken a turn for the worst and we are unsure of what to do. He is not able to eat and he may be having organ failure. We can't get him to give his consent to go to a hospital or care facility, even though he can afford it. He isn't being stubborn; he is just not mentally competent enough to understand what's going on. If something is not done, I'm afraid he might not make it. I live upstairs from him and I have tried to help him with some small items in the past, but this situation is way beyond anything I can help with. I have the name of his sister but I don't have anything else. I am going to try multiple email addresses using her name but it's a long shot. I don't even know if she is still alive or what country she lives in. If I can somehow contact her, maybe she cn give consent to have him taken to a care facility. Someone really needs to help this guy.

Set up a page on facebook and add friends from his area. You can also search for his sister on there aswell as messaging people with his surname.

If you want I can help you set it up etc....

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We were able to get Dr. Rebcook into Lanna hospital and I was able to contact his sister via email. Hopefully, with treatment, his condition will improve and possibly he can transition into an appropriate care facility.


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We were able to get Dr. Rebcook into Lanna hospital and I was able to contact his sister via email. Hopefully, with treatment, his condition will improve and possibly he can transition into an appropriate care facility.


Good to hear...though I hope he can stay in Thailand as going to the west after a long time here is not something I would look forward to.

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Thanks for all of the concern from everyone and especially to allof you acted hands on,Beth from Dokeaw will visit him soon and hope we can get a satisfactory result.Thanks again .Ron[ quote name=fearless1' timestamp='1304508170' post='4400997]

We were able to get Dr. Rebcook into Lanna hospital and I was able to contact his sister via email. Hopefully, with treatment, his condition will improve and possibly he can transition into an appropriate care facility.


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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I see this is an old thread from last year. I have been online looking for my old advertising professor Dr. Gene Rebcook and I think this thread may be about him. Other things I've found online say he died last July. Other than being admitted to Lanna Hospital does anyone have an update on Mr. Rebcook?? If this is the same person as my old professor, he was an interesting character but had a lot of knowledge and was a great teacher to the students who wanted to learn. i wish I would've looked him up sooner.... he was dealing with various ailments back when I was in college years ago, as well. I do think I remember him saying, in class, that he was originally from Canada...

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Hello - We may know him. His sister is older and not likely alive. She would be in Canada. If he remembers working in advertising on Madison Avenue or being a college professor at San Jose State then we know him and would like to help. But we're pretty shy on money. Anyway, please let us know.

Diane & Perry Hartline.

Edited by onthedarkside
email removed as per forum rules
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Lyman Duggan -

I'm a former student of Rebcook's. Who has possession of him? Is anybody looking after him? What's your connection to him?

I do know he's from Regina, Saskatchewan. He has nieces & nephews in the US/Canada. Years after we graduated he came to stay with me & my wife. One of the finest & most brutal instructors I've known. High-expectations from his students based on high-standards.


Perry Hartline


This is an email I received direct from Penny. I cannot put her email here so if you want contact with her, please IM me with particulars.


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A call's unecessary now. Went online to cruise the Irish Sports Pages. Found his obit on page 2: My ancient brilliant, confident professor came to a miserable conclusion April/May, of 2012. He's croaked. Any discussion would be academic, something Gene Rebcook definitely wasn't. I do know he's from Regina, Saskatchewan. He has nieces & nephews in the US/Canada. Years after we graduated he came to stay with me & my wife. One of the finest & most brutal instructors I've known. High-expectations from his students based on high-standards. (author's name withheld)

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This email received by me today

"I found his obit in a Syracuse University newsletter. He was a grad. Don't know how they found out.

He was a hell of an instructor. Taking one of his classes was like Ranger School. He put up with no whining or complaints, no excuses. Highest standards. Merciless & a wise-cracker. I took every class he taught. He rejected all college niceness, including other instructors' sympathetic styles & criticism by the administration.

After studying under Rebcook work was easy. We became friends. My wife was also one of his students. He lived with us for a while. That was tough too. I believe he tried to reach me before he fell down. I miss him.

- Hartline"

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email received today

My daughter was in Chag Mai for most of the year. Had I known I'd have done something. There are students & teachers all over the US who love this irascible tough-guy. They're in high & low places in marketing & advertising. Sort of warrior monks who don't care so much about money, but care more about doing it right. It's everything. After he got out of the RCAF he came down from Saskatchewan to Syracuse, then to New York where he worked for Y&R, invented Speedy Alkaseltzer, landed the Squibb account, carried a drunk Errol Flynn around New York on a PR tour. He was a Mad Man. He helped invent modern advertising. He got married. Decided he didn't like it & left after 3 days. He was a hell of a guy.

I must contact San Jose State U in California & Marist in New York where he taught. I can't imagine such a terrible end for him, but on the other hand I can. I swear, his classes were like Ranger School. 50% dropout the first four weeks. Then he'd say, "Now that they're gone we're going to get to work. First, no matter what classes you take this is the only one that matters. Pay attention, argue with me, and think." I sat in on his class & heard him wisecrack & warn people what they were in for. A friend who'd come with me asked, "What do you think?" I looked at him a second & said, "I've got to be in that guy's class. I'm changing majors." Which is how I ended up not becoming a high school English teacher. There are a lot of people who owe this man a lot. He built character & made talented people better. I'm better because of him. Had I known, I'd have found a way to bring him home. I grieve. I can't stand it. I could've helped him. I owed him.

Again I thank you.

The Thai couple must be compensated for their goodness & care. How can I do that?


On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 6:50 AM, Lyman Duggan <[email protected]> wrote:

Ok I found the page.

A good group of foreigners taking care of each other and many concerned but never did find anyone who knew him except you. An elderly Thai couple were watching over him too and my Thai friend knew them and as he was known Canadian, she contacted me to see if I could help but looks like he was beyond much help at that point and we were unable at that point to contact his sister. I have no idea what brought him to Chiang Mai but know that he translated some technical papers for the University there.


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  • 10 months later...

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