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Thai Men Going With Prostitutes?


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Hmm reading some things on site got me to thinking about the Thai men I met with overseas...Most Thai men I talked to ( I can speak, read and write some thai) told me that they have been with a prostitute at one or more times in there lives.

I was interested in opinions of all the Farang ladies on the board regarding this. I found that many Thai woman put up with that sort of thing as long as it was not any long term deal(only went with the lady one time and was not a mia noi). I also found that many Thai woman new nothing of what was going on until much later, that their men lied to them. So after all that, here is a question for the female farang board members.

IF YOUR THAI BF/HUSBAND WENT WITH A PROSTITUTE WHAT WOULD YOU DO? lets say it was a one time thing with a girl that he did not plan to meet again.

question #2...WOULD YOU WANT HIM TO TELL YOU? or would you rather not know?


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Gee gerry curious fella aren't ya? :o

Cheating is cheating, regardless of the nationality of the partner and whether it's with a prostitute or not. What does one do? It's difficult to say, depends on so many factors, such as whether there are children in the equation. Personally, do not think this behaviour is acceptable, and definantely would want to know.

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You are a curious soul! Anyway, fair enough question. Personally, given the HIV/AIDS rate among prostitutes in Thailand if my husband went with one there would be serious ramifications, if you get my drift! (and no, not ramifications of the "duck" kind!) I would have serious doubts about the long-term future of our physical relationship, frankly.

As for just cheating in general, well, I guess part of it depends on how much a woman is willing to tolerate, there are lots of circumstances that make it liveable and lots that make it intolerable. I used to be the kind of woman who said, "if he cheated on me the relationship would be over" but, after 14 years of marriage realize that sometimes things happen. If it were a one-off thing I would be deeply hurt and it would take alot of work to repair the marriage but I don't know that I would immediately write off the marriage. Now, it would be entirely a different story if he claimed to be in love, that would definitely end the marriage (I mean, if he loves someone else, whats the point?) But, hopefully, this is all academic because it is far easier to say dispassionately what you would do if this were to happen and entirely another thing if it really happened. I do know one thing for sure, I would give them both a huge smack up side the head!!! :o

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Gotta give the other team equal air time, though I dont know why I brought it up :o

(interesting choice of words B) )

Even though this is a female section we're not biased - might as well set the right example of equality :D

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Why does ''Gerry'' need to speak Thai to Thais he meets overseas? What is this, a secret club?

Gerry, if you can read, get yourself off to a Thai webboard like mthai.com.

They talk about this stuff all the time.

Once you've done that, file a report here about what you have learned.

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Comes from expression "bats for the other team" Nat.

Wasn't referring to that expression (use it myself actually) - meant the latter half of the sentence :oB)

gerry, I do apologise if you're a female and welcome :D - assumption is the mother of all........

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