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My condo complex has a MATV system ( i saw a room called MATV on the roof)

The box in my condo is a "dimon" ? they give us free truevisions service but no HD channels..

i just moved here and really want to be able to get some HD channels..

Ive been reading up on the dreambox 800 clone and was wondering if it was possible to use the existing wiring for the building ( satellite on the roof ) to get the HD channels..

im having a hard time getting the building to give me a straight answer..they say its possible but dont show me how.. i am willing to pay but just not getting anywhere.

Can i use dreambox with my setup?

is there a way to see what the cable in my house is picking up ( what birds )

thanks for any help..


The answer re birds is probably none. MATV refers to RF distribution for your TV set rather than IF for a set top box. A DM box is not a good choice clone or otherwise, but up to you.


I would be interesting to know the details on how to get a "free truevisions service". Is it in Bangkok? What is a MATV system? What channels are available?

Please PM me, if can't be posted here.


Slightly off topic but may be helpful.

MATV refers to RF distribution for your TV set rather than IF for a set top box.

Not always.

Down in Malaysia shared dish systems (Master Antena TV (MATV)) are common in apartment blocks

each apartment having their own satellite box.

However the new HD channels from Astro use frequencies that are

not handled well by the in-house cabling, making reception difficult.

Best to test before committing too much money.

A DM box is not a good choice clone or otherwise

What do you recommend?


What you are referring to is SMATV (Satellite Master Antenna TV) where the IF is sent around the building.

Yes the HD channels on Astro can be done as well in SMATV, but there is a dish electronics (LNB) switching issue, where the SD channels are on the low switch and the HD channels are on the high switch of a universial LNB. This is why astro use fixed LO LNB's to stop these problems.

Set top boxes - any blind scanning HD box, there are many of them and they are original boxes not dreambox clones. Like these two examples http://jsat.tv/store/index.php?route=product/category&path=18_35

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