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Airline Passenger Loads.


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These numbers are not easy to obtain. Is this for business or a project you are working on ? What routes are you looking at ?

If you need historical fares, and basic data lots of information is located here http://www.centrefor...files/airports/


Sorry for late reply, was without internet for a while. (computer)

No not for business, just interested in traffic loads between BKK and my home country out of curiosity.

Gathered already that the airlines want to keep this info out of the public domain for obvious reasons.

Thanks anyway.:jap:


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Airlines publish overall load factors, some monthly, some quarterly. Sometimes they break this out by region. Sometimes they might comment on a particular city pair (route) but generally the specific route load factor is confidential for competitive reasons.

Example: United-Continental March 2011 Operational Performance scroll down for load factors.

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