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Awol Wife And Tourist Visa

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HI I wonder whether anyone has a view on this. My wife is halfway through a 2 year extension to her original UK settlement visa. A couple of months ago she left me to go back to Thailand and is proving hard to contact. The marriage is over but I can't sort the divorce until contact is reestablished and/or I wait for, I think 2 years' to apply for the marriage to be disolved on grounds of abandonment.

My question is if I was to apply for a visitors visa for another Thai woman would my marriage situation count against me in my sponsor role ?

I think not but any views would be appreciated.



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Your'e not wasting much time are you? At a guess I could imagine the fact that you are still married to someone who has already spent a considerable amount of time in the UK (before leaving) would not go down well with the visa people.

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You should inform UKBA in the UK. This then leaves you in the position of being able to say, in any new application, that your marriage has broken down, your wife has left the UK, and you have informed the appropriate authorities.

Whether you will be able to take a new friend/partner to the UK depends on her circumstances, etc. Presumably you won't have known her very long (?), so establishing a relationship on paper for the visa application may be difficult.

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You should inform UKBA in the UK. This then leaves you in the position of being able to say, in any new application, that your marriage has broken down, your wife has left the UK, and you have informed the appropriate authorities.

Whether you will be able to take a new friend/partner to the UK depends on her circumstances, etc. Presumably you won't have known her very long (?), so establishing a relationship on paper for the visa application may be difficult.

Your'e not wasting much time are you? At a guess I could imagine the fact that you are still married to someone who has already spent a considerable amount of time in the UK (before leaving) would not go down well with the visa people.[unquote]

I reckon my earlier comment is pretty much on the mark however much others like to dress up their comments.

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If you were married in Thailand it is my understanding that you can go to the Ampho office and dissolve the marriage single-handedly. If this is correct you can also get the papers that cancel your current connection. Can anyone vouch for my understanding?Obviously means you need to be in Thailand to do it.

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If you were married in Thailand it is my understanding that you can go to the Ampho office and dissolve the marriage single-handedly. If this is correct you can also get the papers that cancel your current connection. Can anyone vouch for my understanding?Obviously means you need to be in Thailand to do it.

No, that is not correct, to divorce at an Amphur both parties have to attend together, and any agreement regarding the split of property needs to be agreed and filed at that stage. If only one party is pushining for a divorce, or if there is a dispute then it has to be done at court.

As Bangkocney advises the OP should consider advising the UKBA that the relationship is no more, you cannot just cancel the visa.

There is no reason why, at some stage and probably without undue haste, that you couldn't sponsor a new partner, I wasn't sure from your post if you already had a new partner or was just asking a theoretical question.

The UKBA are not the marriage police but will need to be satisfied that any relationship is genuine, assuming you are sponsoring, and the applicant will abide by the conditions of the visa.

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Hi guys

Thanks for the responses - really helpful.

The question is theoretical should I want to get involved in a new relationship while I can't formally bring my marriage to a close for a some time. The first thing I'll do is to inform the authorities about the breakdown of the marriage.



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The question is theoretical should I want to get involved in a new relationship while I can't formally bring my marriage to a close for a some time. The first thing I'll do is to inform the authorities about the breakdown of the marriage.

My apologies. For some reason I understood you to be saying you wanted to do it now, with nothing resolved and a new GF (even if that were the case, maybe I'd still have been wrong about it affecting things but that's what my answer was based on).

Shouldn't have succumbed to boredom and just minded my own business (as I'm sure you'll agree).

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Hi guys

Thanks for the responses - really helpful.

The question is theoretical should I want to get involved in a new relationship while I can't formally bring my marriage to a close for a some time. The first thing I'll do is to inform the authorities about the breakdown of the marriage.



If you do, any remote chance of your wife being allowed to enter (should she suddenly have the urge to come and see you or anyone else) would be scuttled meaning your only recourse is to pursue her on her home ground. From personal experience, the 2 years will fly by and doing it on your tod (with a lawyer) in court should be relatively easy. However, that procedure requires that notices be filed as well as trying to contact her at last known address or through relatives, etc.. If she responds and contests, then you can expect it to drag out a bit depending if it's acrimonious or not. If she still comes up missing, result!

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Subject to correctioin by others more knowledgable, I believe you can file for divorce in Thailand (assuming you were married in Thailand) with the cause being abandonment after only one year, not two. I don't think you can do it at the Amphur office however, as I believe it is a court proceeding.

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Another thread worth reading...


As I recall the above was well reported, and even if her marriage had broken down IMHO she should have been allowed into the UK to put her affairs in order, (may be affairs was the wrong word) had she been able to to support herself as claimed.

But as advised the OP should advise UK BA that the marriage has broken down, meaning he is not willing to be her sponsor anymore.

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Just ensure before you notify the UK/BA that the relationship has finished. We had a client who did this recently & they managed to patch things up however she had to leave the UK and re-apply for another settlement visa as they cancelled her stay.

He managed to get her back into the UK but at great expense & it took a considerable amount of time.

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Lots of stories in Canada about similar situations. But there the sponsor is still responsible for everything, including financial support.

I have no idea of the circumstances in Britain, but be aware that some countries don't allow one to get out of the sponsorship agreement as easily as some of the posters seem to indicate it is in Britain.

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Just ensure before you notify the UK/BA that the relationship has finished. We had a client who did this recently & they managed to patch things up however she had to leave the UK and re-apply for another settlement visa as they cancelled her stay.

He managed to get her back into the UK but at great expense & it took a considerable amount of time.

Hi TVH - good point but its all over and need to move on. Thanks for your input.



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Guys, thanks for the follow up posts.

Looks like I'll go for abandonment. Must admit I thought it applied after 2 years rather than 1, but if the latter the sooner I get things moving the better.



dont go rushing things mate if she gets a wiff that you already wants to get another tgf.into the uk she might try and take you to the cleaners,she will definately end up in the same position as you,let things cool down or it will definately cost you,good luck.

Edited by 7by7
Reply moved out of quote box.
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