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Publishing Calendars And Webdav


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Hi I have 2 computer and on both of them I use Thunderbird which I like, even more then ical on my mac at home.

However how can I sink the 2 calendars?

There is an option to publish but after that I am confused and googling it did not enlighten me.

I have access to a few domain/server so no problem to get into those files but how to automate this and what is webdav?

Hostgator is my host.

Thank you


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I use thunderbird with calendar syncing through google calendar.

you would need the lightning addon plus the google calendar connector addon.

There are other ways but the advantage of this method is the google syncing is compatible with most systems.

You can most likely sync the calendar between both thunderbirds, your ical and even your phone if it supports it.

also you can view it anywhere with an internet connection.

Google will find many sites on syncing thunderbird with google calendar.

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