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Disgusted At Wats In Cm


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  • 3 months later...

Do I ever lose my cool or get really frustrated with the locals or their policies ? Good point, and then ask oneself, "Do I ever get frustrated from where I came from?" I believe many ppl. from the West often consider themselves more civilized and look how they conduct themselves (just look at what's been happening in England recently). I have only lived here full time for 4 yrs. but have been coming here for a few more (look the pic of me in BKK in 1968) and I always seek out the knowledge of others experiences.

The OP actually has am issue 'he' (I assume a guy) raises. And then he asks if there is someone to speak to about this issue. One person has suggested Monk Chat. That's a great idea. Wat Suan Dok on Suthep road and just up the street from the hospital of the same name/ Maharat Hospital if you prefer. Another temple that has it is one of my favorites, and it's called Wat U-Mong and is also up Th. Suthep, across the canal, and left on Wat U-Mong Soi 1. Not sure of the times, but if you search it within the CM subforum I'm sure you'll find it.

So, K. Brebs, thank you for helping me sort out my own thoughts on this issue so well. And CZ should thank you for taking up his case so passionately too. What I see is that there is a western impulse.... 'What is the reason, why why why ?' But in fact there is often not one answer. The cause of cancer is a great example of this. We constantly search and search and now point to nearly everything as a cause for cancer. What is the true Buddhism ? Probably living by the precepts of Lord Buddha and studying his teachings. But since his enlightenment it has fractured many times and has evolved rituals and incorporated teachings and beliefs from the cultures it has blended with. In Thailand it's Therevada Buddhism, mostly elsewhere it's alot of Mahayana school. Which of those is the true one ?

Anyway, the key word above about the religion's changes would be, 'BLENDED.'

My 'sermons' are my answers. Perhaps every question does not need an answer. Sometimes a question can be an answer. In fact often it is all you get.

As someone else pointed out, it might not hurt to try listening to Farang who've been here awhile. We've been exactly where you're at. Trust me. You are a mirror on myself and all of us. In that, there is more than a bit of humor. Like big time !

Do I love it here ? Sort of. Most days. Do I ever lose my cool or get really frustrated with the locals or their policies ? You bet. But best is to be able to step back out of ourselves if we can. At least that's what works for me. And most of the people I know. Bending with the winds, you are less likely to snap.

There you go: You now have a two-temples-to-go-visit answer, and a sermon answer.

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Every night I pick up these poor creatures I find in bars on Loy Kroh Road. I release them later but find them back in the same bar the following night. What should I do? :rolleyes::whistling:

They're obviously following some primal instinct.

But we help it along by feeding them drugs, reinforces the instinct you see. ;-)

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