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Oop! Condoms To Go On Road


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Oop! Condoms to go on road

BANGKOK: -- An initiative called Oop! Condoms will be launched in November with a road show to encourage youths to use condoms and practice safe sex.

The National Youth Network on HIV/Aids developed the Oop! Condoms brand after the last international Aids conference, following the realisation that the government was not taking its recommendations seriously.

The initiative will be taken with the collaboration of MTV Thailand and with the financial support of organisations such as Unicef, Path, Ansell and the Thai NGO Coalition on Aids.

The product will not be sold in convenience stores; instead it will be sold and marketed by youths directly to youths.

Costing just Bt10 for two, the condoms are aimed at young people since they are particularly vulnerable to HIV/Aids.

The highest rate of new infections in Thailand is currently among people between 15 and 24 years of age.

Oop! Condoms are produced under the auspices of the “Condoms Protect Society” project and promoted by Thai Youth Action Programme (TYAP), a 10-year-old organisation that works on youth empowerment and Aids-education issues.

TYAP promotes the idea of safe sex by speaking to young people in a language they understand. It empowers them with knowledge, skills and responsibility to protect themselves in the fight against HIV/Aids.

Thousands of young people across northern Thailand and beyond have benefited from TYAP’s “youth-friendly” peer-education programmes.

“The budget for condoms has been slashed. You can’t just get them free from the hospital anymore,” said Sarinya Singthongwan, an experienced trainer with TYAP.

“The scarcity of free condoms is not the only problem young people face. Youths are embarrassed to ask for condoms and fear they might be criticised by adults for being sexually active,” Sirinya said.

--The Nation 2005-10-01

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I wish I could remember who and where, but I do remember reading an article about some Thai minister that loves getting on the condom/safe sex eduaction band wagon. He was a bit nutty over it, I think he cops a lot of blame over it all but... he headed the last big education awareness program, and from what I have heard it went pretty well. But time let's people forget and slip back to conservative taboo.

It must have worked at some level though. I had one group of students presenting their debate; Sex education will encourage kids to try it. The great thing was 1 student (not quite clear on the point she was making) pulled out a condom and proceeded to show the class just what you do with it. It had everyone in stitches. I don't work in Bangkok but out in the proverbial sticks. A lot of the students believe that sex before marriage will make the woman valueless, yet at least they know the value of safe sex.

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Hi, I hope someone from that condom business read this! How comes that the cheapest condoms here in Thailand cost a 10 Baht a piece in a package for 30 and over Baht? (only a few pharmacies got a brand for 15 baht/3piece) Thats pretty expensive since one get a plate of delicious food for a 20 Baht, or a bottle of beer for the same, specially for young people! In most european and I guess many other countries one can get budget condoms cheaper and got salaries much higher!

Look at Cambodia where a pack of 3 condoms cost somewhere around 10 Baht! And are given free in big boxes to brothels and from them to the customers!

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I wish I could remember who and where,  but I do remember reading an article about some Thai minister that loves getting on the condom/safe sex eduaction band wagon. He was a bit nutty over it, I think he cops a lot of blame over it all but... he headed the last big education awareness program, and from what I have heard it went pretty well.  But time let's people forget and slip back to conservative taboo. 

It must have worked at some level though.  I had one group of students presenting their debate; Sex education will encourage kids to try it.  The great thing was 1 student (not quite clear on the point she was making) pulled out a condom and proceeded to show the class just what you do with it. It had everyone in stitches.  I don't work in Bangkok but out in the proverbial sticks. A lot of the students believe that sex before marriage will make the woman valueless, yet at least they know the value of safe sex.

I am not sure, but I think you may be referring to the efforts of Meechai Viravaidya. I heard that he has now retired and is running a chain of restaurants called Cabbages and Condoms.


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