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Thai Citizenship For An Adopted Child

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The answer may depend on the question if this was an adoption in accordence with Thai law (an international adoption) or only according to the law of the country of the adopted child.

In case the Thai adoption pocedure for international adoption was follwed, the Thai parent of the child is able to apply for Thai citizenship.

See: section 12Bis of the Thai Nationality act


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Thanks Mario, on reading 12Bis (specifically point 3) it seems she may not qualify, as it specifies the adopted child must have been born in Thailand. I'll have to take some time to read further though, thanks very much :)

It sounds a bit harsh, if a Thai couple adopt a Chinese child the child can not have Thai citizenship!!blink.gif Don't sound right to me.

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This is complicated as it is an international adoption of a non-Thai child by a Thai. Might be best to contact he Department of Welfare about this.

Child Adoption Center

Department of Public Welfare

Rajvithee Home for Girls

Rajvithee Road

Bangkok 10400

Tel. (66)(2) 644-7996

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I am french, my wife thai, she adopt my son (french) he's french mother past away, we spend about 3 years to get the right adoption, and after that I try to get thai citizen for my son...nothing, nothing and nothing, the thai immigration (bangkok) told me I would never get thai citizen for my son because no thai blood in is vein and no born in the thai soil!!! then right now I have no solution to get this for him, he is 19 yrs never have been living in France, only thailand just born in france. So look like thailande don't want him, shame because I paid all is education in international school and they can get full benefit from that for free.

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I am french, my wife thai, she adopt my son (french) he's french mother past away, we spend about 3 years to get the right adoption, and after that I try to get thai citizen for my son...nothing, nothing and nothing, the thai immigration (bangkok) told me I would never get thai citizen for my son because no thai blood in is vein and no born in the thai soil!!! then right now I have no solution to get this for him, he is 19 yrs never have been living in France, only thailand just born in france. So look like thailande don't want him, shame because I paid all is education in international school and they can get full benefit from that for free.

Immigration is probably right, but are not the authorithy that deals with nationlity questions. For that one beter contact special branch at the Royal Thai Police Headquarters.

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I am french, my wife thai, she adopt my son (french) he's french mother past away, we spend about 3 years to get the right adoption, and after that I try to get thai citizen for my son...nothing, nothing and nothing, the thai immigration (bangkok) told me I would never get thai citizen for my son because no thai blood in is vein and no born in the thai soil!!! then right now I have no solution to get this for him, he is 19 yrs never have been living in France, only thailand just born in france. So look like thailande don't want him, shame because I paid all is education in international school and they can get full benefit from that for free.

Immigration is probably right, but are not the authorithy that deals with nationlity questions. For that one beter contact special branch at the Royal Thai Police Headquarters.

Immigration has a department for verification of Thai nationality. This is for cases where people with foreign passports who are trying to reclaim Thai nationality that they were entitled to from birth, e.g. Thais who were adopted by foreigners and taken to live abroad. Immigration may well be the expert on such cases. Special Branch has two departments relating to acquisition of Thai nationality: one for people applying for Thai nationality by naturalisation; the other for women applying to adopt their husbands' Thai nationality. There is also a Special Branch department for renunciation of nationality. Qualified stateless people have to apply for Thai nationality at district offices.

I don't see anything in the Nationality Act providing for foreign or stateless children adopted by Thai citizens to acquire Thai nationality. Although this type of legislation is common in farang countries that are net importers of adopted children, Thailand has traditionally been an exporter of adopted children and Thai childless couples usually have no trouble finding a Thai child for adoption. Therefore I don't think this issue has ever been seriously considered by Interior Ministry officials or politicians to warrant an amendment to the Act. I think that applying to Special Branch for naturalisation after obtaining permanent residence may currently be the only option for these cases, unless they marry Thai nationals, in which case they are entitled to apply for nationality without permanent residence. However, that would be a long haul.

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