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if i will see a thai lady in Loi kroh road,should i assume she is a hooker?

You could, but you would be wrong more often than not.

Ulysses speaks the truth.

I enjoy Loi Kroh, but call me a hooker and I'll deck you with a mean right hook. That is the biggest problem with foreigners visiting Thailand for the first time... they jump to conclusions that are totally false. The same could be said even for places like Pattaya. There is an infrastructure of honest, hard working people to support the small red light district.

Whats wrong with Hookers blink.png


I am all in favour of having some sort of adult entertainments centre in Chiang Mai and this could be done without being anywhere near to the scale of Pattaya. It`s about having freedom of choice.

I would hardly describe the Loi Kroh road handful of crappy little beerbars, all in desperate need of renovation, as Chiang Mai`s den of vice and prostitution, plus I would very much doubt that any woman seen walking in the area would be regarded as a prostitute as the place has hardly any significance, or interest, just a remnant of a past era when it used to be a fun place to visit, before it degraded into grot.

Perhaps transform the area into some kind of adult entertainments complex, more Western style restaurants, more beerbars and music venues or demolish the road completely and have an adult entertainments area outside of the main drag?

For those who would argue that increasing the adult venues in Chiang Mai will attract the undesirable sex-pats, my answer would be, no it wouldn’t, but rather would bring in more tourists that enjoy nightly socials and be of benefit to those in the restaurant, hotel and tourist industries as a whole.


Whats wrong with Hookers blink.png

There's nothing intrinsically wrong with hookers. They supply a need and where there is a need there will be customers willing to pay the going price. It is how people treat other people that is the million dollar question.


I somewhat disagree with you, Beetlejuice, but not entirely. Pray tell where in Chiang Mai DOESN'T look seedy? But, that is exactly what I like about the city. Loh Kroh looks like any other city core street that I've been on, and I've motored down most of them on my scooter, or walked along many. The streets all look the same. There are no sidewalks to speak of. And if there are the locals display their mercaindise on them... or park motorbikes. There are laundry shops, cell phone shops, travel agencies, and small, mom and pop shops everywhere, and they all look the same. Every street has to have a 7-11 store where all Thais do their shopping. Then, there are all the vehicles that park and block one lane or the other...or even both so that only a motorbike can get through.

Please tell me where this fictitious beautiful street in Chiang Mai is located.


Kampangdin Road and Santitam have far worse reputations for Thais. Those areas have changed a lot over recent years but their previous reputations are still widely known.

Loy Kroh isn't too bad for Thais. However, sitting in a bar with a prostitute on your knee in public is something Thais don't do. It's a massive loss of face. Thais do this in private. The farangs who sit in slapper bars at the edge of the road leering over prostitutes and spilling beer over their beer guts and vests have little face to lose though.

Or maybe those guys dont give a S@#!T about the thai face bullshit biggrin.png

  • Like 2

Kampangdin Road and Santitam have far worse reputations for Thais. Those areas have changed a lot over recent years but their previous reputations are still widely known.

Loy Kroh isn't too bad for Thais. However, sitting in a bar with a prostitute on your knee in public is something Thais don't do. It's a massive loss of face. Thais do this in private. The farangs who sit in slapper bars at the edge of the road leering over prostitutes and spilling beer over their beer guts and vests have little face to lose though.

Or maybe those guys dont give a S@#!T about the thai face bullshit biggrin.png

Of course they don't. They are completely ignorant of the culture of the country they are in.

No not at all,

Just because we live here does not mean we have to accept every part of the culture especially when some is total bullshit like the face thing, I can quite happily live here and work with the face thing when in the right situation, but if I am sitting in a bar then why the hell would I give a rats arse about some thai walking by looking at me thinking I am losing face, I don't know them so really don't give a hoot and I guess since you are so into thai culture i would not give a hoot either if you walked by and thought I was losing face biggrin.png


PS Disclaimer

1.) I don't have a Beer Belly (well ok I am lying just a small one)

2.) I dont wear vests (its true I really dont)

3.) I have been known to leer at the girls on occasion :)

4.) and most important I NEVER SPILL MY BEER biggrin.png

  • Like 2

Kampangdin Road and Santitam have far worse reputations for Thais. Those areas have changed a lot over recent years but their previous reputations are still widely known.

Loy Kroh isn't too bad for Thais. However, sitting in a bar with a prostitute on your knee in public is something Thais don't do. It's a massive loss of face. Thais do this in private. The farangs who sit in slapper bars at the edge of the road leering over prostitutes and spilling beer over their beer guts and vests have little face to lose though.

Or maybe those guys dont give a S@#!T about the thai face bullshit biggrin.png

Of course they don't. They are completely ignorant of the culture of the country they are in.

There is no requirement that you sit with a hooker on your knee in those bars. I mostly don't.


I couldn't agree more. I have less respect for people who value "face" more than I do the honest guys who just don't give a hoot. Those who put "face" above reality are just hypocrites, and hypocrites are worse than criminals.

That's an amazing opinion considering you chose to live in Thailand.

  • Like 1

I couldn't agree more. I have less respect for people who value "face" more than I do the honest guys who just don't give a hoot. Those who put "face" above reality are just hypocrites, and hypocrites are worse than criminals.

That's an amazing opinion considering you chose to live in Thailand.

Not particularly. Thais and saving face is too cliche. 20 years ago someone wrote in Lonely planet probably and now it is mentioned as it is a fact. Been around the world and every culture is preoccupied with saving face or putting on a successful face. Are Thais more preoccupied - I really doubt it. As you mentioned, Thais wouldn't sit at a bar in very public area because they would lose face. I doubt you would see too many Farangs back home laughing it up at the mall with a protitute on their lap. They would lose face.


I couldn't agree more. I have less respect for people who value "face" more than I do the honest guys who just don't give a hoot. Those who put "face" above reality are just hypocrites, and hypocrites are worse than criminals.

That's an amazing opinion considering you chose to live in Thailand.

Not particularly. Thais and saving face is too cliche. 20 years ago someone wrote in Lonely planet probably and now it is mentioned as it is a fact. Been around the world and every culture is preoccupied with saving face or putting on a successful face. Are Thais more preoccupied - I really doubt it. As you mentioned, Thais wouldn't sit at a bar in very public area because they would lose face. I doubt you would see too many Farangs back home laughing it up at the mall with a protitute on their lap. They would lose face.

You bring up a valid point. Most western men don't want to be seen in the company of prostitutes in their home country. Most Thai men don't want to be seen in the company of prostitutes in Thailand. The hypocrites are not the ones who care about 'face', but the ones who don't care about face only when they're far from home.

  • Like 1

I couldn't agree more. I have less respect for people who value "face" more than I do the honest guys who just don't give a hoot. Those who put "face" above reality are just hypocrites, and hypocrites are worse than criminals.

That's an amazing opinion considering you chose to live in Thailand.

I haven't chosen to live in Thailand. I have chosen to visit Thailand on a regular basis. And, I stand behind what I said. I have no use for hypocrites of any description. If Thais CHOOSE to place "face" above reality then that is their problem. I can live with that. It's no different than all the stupid biddies in Canada who max out their credit cards and then cry because they have no money. I accept that there are a LOT of idiots in this world. Some are even interesting people. I just don't want to deal with them in business, or live with them.


Thank goodness we have some self righteous folks to set the moral compass for the depraved. We need more more posters telling us what is correct, what is seedy, how to live our lives...

Give me a sex tourist any day :)

  • Like 1

I have never found the girls in Loi Kroh pushy (well once in the old Spicey - though that wasn't Loi Kroh but the girl in question was from a bar there - saw her another time). I tend to go there when foriegn friends or family come (if they are young couples, I tend to take them to Warm Up instead). I play connect-4 with the BGs and bar maids (to which they are surprised to lose - and wins me drinks and a laugh - I was a C4 champ back in my school days and never lost it biggrin.png).

Sometimes when its just me and a male friend, who is interested in the ladies, I help with the language (if needed) but let them get on with it. Often the girl 'he' has 'pulled' waves over a friend for me, but I politely say no (shake head with a smile and point to ring finger). I have spend many an enjoyable evening laughing and drinking without being hounded or charged for their drinks, simply because they know I'm not shopping for temporary partnership. Once that is understood, the girls actually tend to be more fun and open, and less "salesman-like", and will chat and laugh about irrelevent crap we all do in bars at home.

Now go to a Karaoke type bar on the outer ring roads, then hounding, added "drinks for the ladies" or "charge for company" and general rip off prices occur. These are the seedy places I avoid in CM.


Kampangdin Road and Santitam have far worse reputations for Thais. Those areas have changed a lot over recent years but their previous reputations are still widely known.

Loy Kroh isn't too bad for Thais. However, sitting in a bar with a prostitute on your knee in public is something Thais don't do. It's a massive loss of face. Thais do this in private. The farangs who sit in slapper bars at the edge of the road leering over prostitutes and spilling beer over their beer guts and vests have little face to lose though.

Or maybe those guys dont give a S@#!T about the thai face bullshit biggrin.png

Of course they don't. They are completely ignorant of the culture of the country they are in.

No not at all,

Just because we live here does not mean we have to accept every part of the culture especially when some is total bullshit like the face thing, I can quite happily live here and work with the face thing when in the right situation, but if I am sitting in a bar then why the hell would I give a rats arse about some thai walking by looking at me thinking I am losing face, I don't know them so really don't give a hoot and I guess since you are so into thai culture i would not give a hoot either if you walked by and thought I was losing face biggrin.png


PS Disclaimer

1.) I don't have a Beer Belly (well ok I am lying just a small one)

2.) I dont wear vests (its true I really dont)

3.) I have been known to leer at the girls on occasion smile.png

4.) and most important I NEVER SPILL MY BEER biggrin.png

DiamondKing, you are King and absolutely right.

Providing that we abide by the laws of Thailand, are polite, treat others with respect and don`t go over the top, than WTH.

Lets face the truth; the Thais only tolerate us here for our money, not for our looks and charm.

It`s all about demand and supply, so give the punters what they want and lets not have the decisions made on our behalf by the holier than thou.

Some years ago there was a flourishing nightlife scene here in Chiang Mai and it did not transform into another Pattaya. My point is that areas like the Loi Kroh road are in urgent need of a revamp and for me personally, I would like to see the adults entertainment section of Chiang Mai restored again to it`s former glory and I am sure would be of benefit to the tourist industry and those in the business of providing services for the tourists.

  • Like 1

I agree with the OP, the Loi Kroh beer bar area really spoils Chiang Mai.

I think it would be a good idea to bulldoze the whole area and get rid of it all together!!!

I mean... does anybody actually pay money to sleep with those "girls"? They would have to pay me millions LOL!!!


I agree with the OP, the Loi Kroh beer bar area really spoils Chiang Mai.

I think it would be a good idea to bulldoze the whole area and get rid of it all together!!!

I mean... does anybody actually pay money to sleep with those "girls"? They would have to pay me millions LOL!!!

It's one of the best earning areas in the city - and attracts many tourists -i t also contains several high class hotels and the Night Bazaar. Bulldozing it would be economic suicide for the city.

As to the girls, they are there because people are willing to pay them - its a self deterministic industry, if no one wanted to hire them for their services, they would not exist.


I couldn't agree more. I have less respect for people who value "face" more than I do the honest guys who just don't give a hoot. Those who put "face" above reality are just hypocrites, and hypocrites are worse than criminals.

That's an amazing opinion considering you chose to live in Thailand.

Maybe they don't get outside the Farong community.


Loi Kroh was like a ghost town this evening. You could have driven an 18 wheel semi down the road and not hit anything. The bars were all empty until at least 11 PM. But, the crazy Bankok tourists were all stuck in traffic jambs on the moat with police directing them around in circles.

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That is my experience exactly, Thaiscot. No problems at all. I would see more fights on any given Saturday night in a Nanaimo bar and not have near as much fun. By the way, Nanaimo is on sleepy Vancouver Island in Canada.


I agree with the OP, the Loi Kroh beer bar area really spoils Chiang Mai.

I think it would be a good idea to bulldoze the whole area and get rid of it all together!!!

I mean... does anybody actually pay money to sleep with those "girls"? They would have to pay me millions LOL!!!

It's one of the best earning areas in the city - and attracts many tourists -i t also contains several high class hotels and the Night Bazaar. Bulldozing it would be economic suicide for the city.

As to the girls, they are there because people are willing to pay them - its a self deterministic industry, if no one wanted to hire them for their services, they would not exist.

Just bulldoze the beer bars and get rid of the bar girls that are lowering the tone of the area...

do this and it may become a place that normal people would actually want to go to and to return to...

This is Thailand, you don't have to pay for girls, because there are plenty of girls available for free!


This is Thailand, you don't have to pay for girls, because there are plenty of girls available for free!

I think you might have 'been gone too long'

Long enough to know that the posts in this thread that are defending the Loi Kroh beer bars and the bar girls are obviously posted by bar owners or by those types of gentlemen that frequent those types of establishments...

you don't have to pay to sleep with girls...


This is Thailand, you don't have to pay for girls, because there are plenty of girls available for free!

I think you might have 'been gone too long'

Long enough to know that the posts in this thread that are defending the Loi Kroh beer bars and the bar girls are obviously posted by bar owners or by those types of gentlemen that frequent those types of establishments...

you don't have to pay to sleep with girls...

I must have got lost and gone down the wrong street.

Can you PM me, with some names and phone numbers?


This is Thailand, you don't have to pay for girls, because there are plenty of girls available for free!

I think you might have 'been gone too long'

Long enough to know that the posts in this thread that are defending the Loi Kroh beer bars and the bar girls are obviously posted by bar owners or by those types of gentlemen that frequent those types of establishments...

you don't have to pay to sleep with girls...

No, but you sure have to pay through the nose to sleep with your wife. I'm assuming you are under 40 years old. Back packers seldom have to pay to sleep with other back packers.

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