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A lot of the bars in LKR I am reliably informed are owned by the local tam ruat (police) so

Name two.

Not for me to say on an open forum - but reliably informed as they say ....

I think your informer is reliably ill-informed. I don't know of any bars on LK that are owned by BIB.


A lot of the bars in LKR I am reliably informed are owned by the local tam ruat (police) so

Name two.

Not for me to say on an open forum - but reliably informed as they say ....

I think your informer is reliably ill-informed. I don't know of any bars on LK that are owned by BIB.

I concede that the opinion given by one of the girls in one of the bars might be wrong but I dont see why she would have any reason to say it if it wasnt true - that said it was my first visit to the bar and she might be a perrenial liar for all I know.


How about letting the Thais decide what to do with their own country? I wonder just how happy you'd be if a bunch of foreigners moved to your home town and started lecturing you on how they thought it ought to look?

Such a fine job they do. whistling.gif

Just a little effort could transform the area (or any city) into a much more attractive and profitable area. They did a nice job with the Nimman Road area (where wealthy Thais and students hang out) but where the tourist go it is filthy, cluttered, and as said above, a total waste of what could be a wonderful downtown area for everyone. So what you have is locals not giving two squirts about the main tourist areas, but caring greatly about the area where Thais with money go. Imagine that.

But I do agree those metal cages are a horrible eye sore near the night market. I'm really surprised they allow it to be honest considering the real night market is behind the buildings, where it fits perfectly.


Loi Khroh Rd in the daytime is actually pretty clean.

If the state of it this morning (passed through around 7am) is anything to go by, it is the people frequenting it who are making a hell of a mess. There are 2/3 ladies cleaning up the street in the mornings, who do a pretty awesome job.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the bar around the corner from LoiKhroh (near Raming Lodge car park) in the soi.

A whole load of people spill out of there early morning. Not uncommon to see knives etc etc

If there is a place you want to avoid early morning that is it.


A lot of the bars in LKR I am reliably informed are owned by the local tam ruat (police) so

Not for me to say on an open forum - but reliably informed as they say ....

I concede that the opinion given by one of the girls in one of the bars might be wrong but I dont see why she would have any reason to say it if it wasnt true - that said it was my first visit to the bar and she might be a perrenial liar for all I know.

So a bargirl told you and you present this as an informed statement of fact. I think Thailand is going to take you for every penny you possess. Good luck and enjoy the ride.


"I dont see why she would have any reason to say it if it wasnt true" ......@ beautifulthailand99

This is such a great statement, so innocent, sweet actually, the only responce I can offer is, she doesn't NEED a reason to lie, bless her heart. wub.png


A lot of the bars in LKR I am reliably informed are owned by the local tam ruat (police) so

Not for me to say on an open forum - but reliably informed as they say ....

I concede that the opinion given by one of the girls in one of the bars might be wrong but I dont see why she would have any reason to say it if it wasnt true - that said it was my first visit to the bar and she might be a perrenial liar for all I know.

So a bargirl told you and you present this as an informed statement of fact. I think Thailand is going to take you for every penny you possess. Good luck and enjoy the ride.

Ive been coming to Thailand for over 15 years have worked in Bangkok for a year and have been happily married to my wife for 10 so I think I know the score but thanks for your concern and thoughts - much appreciated.


A lot of the bars in LKR I am reliably informed are owned by the local tam ruat (police) so could I suggest the moralists have a word with the good old boys in blue about enforcing Thailands prostitution laws and ensuring that Thailands Buddhist state continues to adhere to the five precepts of the Buddha.

You have reliably been lied to, I know many of the bar owners and non are BIB in addition to that the hassle they get from the cops sometimes being forced to close at midnight would give a slight clue to any informed person that they are certainly not owned by the Bib.


  • Like 2

...we dont have too many places to choose from ...

There must be literally hundreds of nighttime places in Chiang Mai. They are usually friendlier and cheaper than the LK slapper bars as well. Have you tried any?

Yep been here 8 years I know my way around Chiang Mai biggrin.png


...we dont have too many places to choose from ...

There must be literally hundreds of nighttime places in Chiang Mai. They are usually friendlier and cheaper than the LK slapper bars as well. Have you tried any?

Yep been here 8 years I know my way around Chiang Mai biggrin.png

Must be ...of course there are:

Listing and addresses (not LK of course)please feel free to..














Truly a dead horse about a two bit penny annie street in a large city.beatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifLet it die it's meaningless death sorry.gif

You mean like most of the topics on where to eat in Chiang Mai? If you can get over the fact that old Dobbin was a pretty good horse, the steaks off him are more tender than those of most of any of the beef steaks in Thailand. We had some beef last night that was sliced thin and fairly tasty, but I'm sure glad I had 38 year old teeth in good condition than trying to chew that beef with dentures.

  • Like 2

Truly a dead horse about a two bit penny annie street in a large city.beatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifLet it die it's meaningless death sorry.gif

You don't have to visit the thread.... just as people do not have to visit Loy Kroh Street.



Occasionally everyone needs to look down at their own sh!t to learn something new about themselves.

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I was once driven through Loh Krok when traveling back to Duangtawan Hotel with my wife in a songtaew. I took her to see our house that I bought a couple of months earlier. I worked hard to sway her attention from looking onto the street. Thank god it's a short one. My wife can't bear seeing girls I could possibly get acquainted with!... And that's after decades of marriage!


...we dont have too many places to choose from ...

There must be literally hundreds of nighttime places in Chiang Mai. They are usually friendlier and cheaper than the LK slapper bars as well. Have you tried any?

Indeed they are everywhere. I have to laugh at members like Beetlejuice who can't seem to find anywhere to go.

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I do visit Loih Kroh and I am happily married but still like to visit Loih Kroh and dont find it bad at all in fact I have other friends who I visit with and we are all pretty normal guys not thugs or losers just normal guys out for a beer or 2 who just enjoy the bars there rather than places like Nimmaheman or one of the themed irish or english bars.

I see a lot of people saying this an that about LK however they are pretty off base (probably because they are talking out their ass and have no clue since they don't hang out there) I cant remember the last time I saw a fight or disturbance, its not everyones cup of tea but its not such a bad place in fact many times its boring as hell but this is chiang mai so we dont have too many places to choose from and LK is always on the rounds on a night out and there is nothing wrong with the place if you enjoy that enviroment.


Nothing wrong with that. I too, have a family but pop over once in a while for a drink myself, but not too often. It's great for people watching. But I have no interest in prostitutes whatsoever or wasting money on "lady drinks" . My observation is that the ones there are mostly older and unattractive.


I do visit Loih Kroh and I am happily married but still like to visit Loih Kroh and dont find it bad at all in fact I have other friends who I visit with and we are all pretty normal guys not thugs or losers just normal guys out for a beer or 2 who just enjoy the bars there rather than places like Nimmaheman or one of the themed irish or english bars.

I see a lot of people saying this an that about LK however they are pretty off base (probably because they are talking out their ass and have no clue since they don't hang out there) I cant remember the last time I saw a fight or disturbance, its not everyones cup of tea but its not such a bad place in fact many times its boring as hell but this is chiang mai so we dont have too many places to choose from and LK is always on the rounds on a night out and there is nothing wrong with the place if you enjoy that enviroment.


Nothing wrong with that. I too, have a family but pop over once in a while for a drink myself, but not too often. It's great for people watching. But I have no interest in prostitutes whatsoever or wasting money on "lady drinks" . My observation is that the ones there are mostly older and unattractive.

So what category would you place yourself in? Or do you consider yourself more upmarket than the usually clientele who enjoy a social night out?

I have seen people of all ages in the restaurants and beerbars in the Loi Kroh road. Young, middle aged, elderly, male and female, the good, bad and the ugly and not all are on the prowl for prostitutes as many are just out for a jolly time and a few laughs.

Perhaps you should observe more carefully or it could be that the drink is blurring your vision.

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There are many places along LK that are simple good places to hang out, shoot some pool and talk to friends. Great people watching spots as well. I do to the Wild Boar, The Olde Belle and ...the joint that used to be called the Marijuana Bar. Not girl bars, people bars. It's the same all over town, look around any you will find what you want/need.

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My observation is that the ones there are mostly older and unattractive.

So a perfect match for most of us! :P

And besides I'm married; I don't really care what they look like or how old they are.

You do meet the occasional stunner though, and not necessarily a (full-time) pro either.

  • Like 1

You do meet the occasional stunner though, and not necessarily a (full-time) pro either.

Let me guess, it was her first night working bar and she never did that sort of thing before ...........

One born every minute!

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