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Thai Nun's Bizarre Rituals Violate Rights: NHRC

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The centre's director, Ladda Tangsupachai, said she found many clips in which the nun encouraged the wrong attitudes and condoned inappropriate actions such as repeatedly forcing water into a girl's nostrils. However, she said most of these clips had already been removed, perhaps by the posters themselves.

"Posting such clips is a legal offence under the 2007 Computer Crime Act. Offenders face up to five years in jail and/or a maximum fine of Bt100,000," she said.

Posting clips of a water-boarding nun is punishable by up to 5 years? First question I have is, who took the video? If it was the nun herself, is she immune under the same lack of law that allows her to perform these acts? If so she could perform the deeds, make movies of the deeds, and have no consequences. But someone shedding light is up the creek. What a great slogan: Amazing Thailand!

Just where does this nonsensical computer crime act stop? If I am taking a movie of say a wedding, and a dog in the background is pissing on something sacred, do I go to jail for posting it on the web?

Really, does anyone know the scope of this insane law?

Wouldn't it be worth finding out the scope of the law before declaring it as beeing insane? I see a lot of posters have very strong opinions about this law yet I don't see any evidence that anyone even knows what its about.

How much do you need to know? 5 years for posting a clip of a nun torturing someone, your idea of sanity? How about for posting a clip of 3 topless dancers in a land where prostitution runs rampant? Where you can get a bj under the table in some places? Still sound sane? The severity of the punishment alone is enough for me to call it insane. I doubt knowing every subtlety of the law will change my mind, but I am willing to listen.

The 5 years quote came from the Director of the Centre whop has an obvious incentive to avoid negative publicity for her Centre. I thought it might be worth knowing what is really in the law and whether the harsh sentences are applied in practice since there are many laws in many countries which have harsh sentences attached to them but in reality the harsh sentences are not applied

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Sounds like the old Mamasan at Annies!

this was also posted on another Thai English news outlet. It's open for the public and rather shocking to watch and listen to this. She really enjoys herself.


The centre's director, Ladda Tangsupachai, said she found many clips in which the nun encouraged the wrong attitudes and condoned inappropriate actions such as repeatedly forcing water into a girl's nostrils. However, she said most of these clips had already been removed, perhaps by the posters themselves.

"Posting such clips is a legal offence under the 2007 Computer Crime Act. Offenders face up to five years in jail and/or a maximum fine of Bt100,000," she said.

Posting clips of a water-boarding nun is punishable by up to 5 years? First question I have is, who took the video? If it was the nun herself, is she immune under the same lack of law that allows her to perform these acts? If so she could perform the deeds, make movies of the deeds, and have no consequences. But someone shedding light is up the creek. What a great slogan: Amazing Thailand!

Just where does this nonsensical computer crime act stop? If I am taking a movie of say a wedding, and a dog in the background is pissing on something sacred, do I go to jail for posting it on the web?

Really, does anyone know the scope of this insane law?

I certainly don't know the scope of the law. But I do know that waterboarding has become quite popular among Thais...

My first shoking exposure to this cam late one night when my neighbour a 'Tom' and her friends performed a little waterboarding on the young 'Dee' she kept in the room.

I was shoked about the cries and screams... and due to the thin wall I could even hear the water, choking and so on.

The 'De' would be penetrated by toys while being water-boarded. Very disturbing indeed.

And almost daily, as other Toms would come to join the action.

The girl never left the room for more than a month that I observed it all... and I tried to report it to various authorities, not even as much as an investigation to verify my claims.

As for the landlord, he said he is sorry that the noise disturbs me, but seeing as the 'Tom' is the neice of the buildings owner it would be better for me to just get another room.

The whole thing was horrendous... I think it is terrible that it may not be exposed.

What does a toy penetration sound like? Presume there was a hole in the wall hence the vivid sound effects.Did you post the video? Did the "Dee" object to what was going on?:-)


Sounds like the old Mamasan at Annies!

this was also posted on another Thai English news outlet. It's open for the public and rather shocking to watch and listen to this. She really enjoys herself.

OMG.. what was THAT? I feel like I've just watched Jabba The Hut broker a sex tryst between two of his (her?) hapless followers. Lots of laughing, but, did anyone else squirm as much as I did, while watching this?? Just, WOW.

My TGF actually goes to be a nun for a few days, once in a while; I'll have to show her this clip, and see what her reaction is...


They`re all stark raving mad.

If someone like that approached me, I would just tell them to *//+//+-+-+- off or go and tell it up a mountain.

A big deal made out of nothing, just a silly old cranky woman.

See them all the time down my way.


Sounds like the old Mamasan at Annies!

this was also posted on another Thai English news outlet. It's open for the public and rather shocking to watch and listen to this. She really enjoys herself.

OMG..... it's Matt Lucas.


Unless the people coming to her for Karmacorrection are children, then I don't think she did anything wrong at all. Her spiritual advice or opinions are between her and anyone who chooses to listen. It's not like some Christian priest molesting a little boy or girl.

Sounds like concentual actions between adults too me.


Unless the people coming to her for Karmacorrection are children, then I don't think she did anything wrong at all. Her spiritual advice or opinions are between her and anyone who chooses to listen. It's not like some Christian priest molesting a little boy or girl.

Sounds like concentual actions between adults too me.

The youngest there's about 8 to 11 years old. Watch it 3:19 and 6:02. There are also more underaged in the room.


Reading the OP it seems the line between " The Nation " and " Not The Nation " is getting even blurrier than it was before.


This looks like the silliest application of a barmy law since Batman arrested The Penguin for 'littering public property with machine-gun cartridges without a proper licence therefore' and 'illegal electrification of a swimming pool'.


It is not against any written law in Thailand end of story. If the abbot wishes to expel his nun - then she would still be able to so what she likes - just not using intelligence and good guidance under Buddhist sensibilities. Who makes up these stupid laws?


But this superstitious malarky is part of the culture, right? Why try to evaluate her actions based on "western values"?

Oh of course, why didn't I take that attitude before, she can throw one of those kids puppy dogs on the BBQ and that would be Ok as it is part of the culture.

Trotting out 'culture' as an excuse for everything that would be morally wrong for most people wears thin after a while.


No law to punish the person who violates the rights of others, but laws to punish anyone who makes the information public. Insanity.

As I started reading the article there was the usual <deleted> response, but I would have read it, muttered something about religion and nutters, and moved on. But when I read that bit, my jaw hit the floor. The pure hypocrisy and raw idiocy of these people still astounds* me. The fact they (and far too many like them) have influence over anything more important than a sandwich is one of the biggest issues facing this country, and the world today.

With people like this "protecting" human rights, by um, trampling on better people's human rights, Sharia law starts to sound like a picnic. Sadly thinking like this doesn't even come close to the far greater human rights abuses happening here.

I doubt the Computer Crimes act covers nonsense like this anyway, but scary to think there's people out there who think it should. In other countries people like this are called whistle blowers and they deserve our gratitude and respect, not fines and prison terms longer than rapists and murderes.

I'm reminded of one of the great CS Lewis quotes "Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies, The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

*astounds will have to do for now, I can't think of a word that implies astounds to the power of 10, and I won't use the required f-word quantifier lest I break the forum laws of this broad smiling land, obviously requiring my torture, and execution by drawing and quartering.

Apart from lack of education, lack of public welfare benefits, and lack of any sort of State provision for the elderly - this is one of the aspects that causes Thailand to be categorised as an "Emerging Nation"!



Unless the people coming to her for Karmacorrection are children, then I don't think she did anything wrong at all. Her spiritual advice or opinions are between her and anyone who chooses to listen. It's not like some Christian priest molesting a little boy or girl.

Sounds like concentual actions between adults too me.

The youngest there's about 8 to 11 years old. Watch it 3:19 and 6:02. There are also more underaged in the room.

Oh yes.. the kids wandering around the area where this improper display of money for sex between unlikely partners (sanctioned, no.. instigated by a Nun) is going on, is kind of a nice homey touch, no? Really sets the scene for the utter lunacy that goes on in typical Thai life. I find myself wondering how far from Bangkok this little scene took place...? It smacks of small-village idiocy, but that doesnt mean it didnt happen in the middle of Bangkok. TIT, after all.

I will admit though, that barring a full translation of the conversation (I'm not savy enough yet to catch all the Thai words), I cant be sure if this is "money for sex", or just a cute gratuity for a hug and a peck on the cheek.. (which would still be strange if initiated by a Nun, but could be construed as "just a bit of innocent fun". If its actually a set up for sex between older women and younger men (taking place in a roomfull of people, including children), then that's just messed up. REALLY messed up.

No one has to translate the whole thing, but just give us a bullet list of the gist of what's being said.. It would be helpfull..


Unless the people coming to her for Karmacorrection are children, then I don't think she did anything wrong at all. Her spiritual advice or opinions are between her and anyone who chooses to listen. It's not like some Christian priest molesting a little boy or girl.

Sounds like concentual actions between adults too me.

The youngest there's about 8 to 11 years old. Watch it 3:19 and 6:02. There are also more underaged in the room.

Oh yes.. the kids wandering around the area where this improper display of money for sex between unlikely partners (sanctioned, no.. instigated by a Nun) is going on, is kind of a nice homey touch, no? Really sets the scene for the utter lunacy that goes on in typical Thai life. I find myself wondering how far from Bangkok this little scene took place...? It smacks of small-village idiocy, but that doesnt mean it didnt happen in the middle of Bangkok. TIT, after all.

I will admit though, that barring a full translation of the conversation (I'm not savy enough yet to catch all the Thai words), I cant be sure if this is "money for sex", or just a cute gratuity for a hug and a peck on the cheek.. (which would still be strange if initiated by a Nun, but could be construed as "just a bit of innocent fun". If its actually a set up for sex between older women and younger men (taking place in a roomfull of people, including children), then that's just messed up. REALLY messed up.

No one has to translate the whole thing, but just give us a bullet list of the gist of what's being said.. It would be helpfull..

That lady consulting the nun was told that she has to have sex(dek dek) with a young man for two times in order to pay for her sins. This lady was accused of having opened the doors for Burmese invasion in her past life. First reaction was that the lady was asking if she(the nun) was joking.

She also has to pay the man 100 Baht a time and the nun demonstrated how to hold the bank notes The act must be carried out in private then.

Before that the nun asked her if she had family or if she is in a relationship the lady said no and said that she really doesn't want a relationship (man) so the nun decided to lure her.

Roughly explained ...

As far as I know the temple is located in Bkk.


Also the Burmese connection in her past-life I read somewhere else. Can't recall it at the moment. This is just part of the session on the clip.


Unless the people coming to her for Karmacorrection are children, then I don't think she did anything wrong at all. Her spiritual advice or opinions are between her and anyone who chooses to listen. It's not like some Christian priest molesting a little boy or girl.

Sounds like concentual actions between adults too me.

The youngest there's about 8 to 11 years old. Watch it 3:19 and 6:02. There are also more underaged in the room.

Oh yes.. the kids wandering around the area where this improper display of money for sex between unlikely partners (sanctioned, no.. instigated by a Nun) is going on, is kind of a nice homey touch, no? Really sets the scene for the utter lunacy that goes on in typical Thai life. I find myself wondering how far from Bangkok this little scene took place...? It smacks of small-village idiocy, but that doesnt mean it didnt happen in the middle of Bangkok. TIT, after all.

I will admit though, that barring a full translation of the conversation (I'm not savy enough yet to catch all the Thai words), I cant be sure if this is "money for sex", or just a cute gratuity for a hug and a peck on the cheek.. (which would still be strange if initiated by a Nun, but could be construed as "just a bit of innocent fun". If its actually a set up for sex between older women and younger men (taking place in a roomfull of people, including children), then that's just messed up. REALLY messed up.

No one has to translate the whole thing, but just give us a bullet list of the gist of what's being said.. It would be helpfull..

That lady consulting the nun was told that she has to have sex(dek dek) with a young man for two times in order to pay for her sins. This lady was accused of having opened the doors for Burmese invasion in her past life. First reaction was that the lady was asking if she(the nun) was joking.

She also has to pay the man 100 Baht a time and the nun demonstrated how to hold the bank notes The act must be carried out in private then.

Before that the nun asked her if she had family or if she is in a relationship the lady said no and saif that she doesn't want a relationship (man)) so the nun decided to lure her.

Roughly explained ...

As far as I know the temple is located in Bkk.

Ok then; that is OFFICIALLY messed up. I know that Bhudism has fewer (or no) sexual hangups (as compared to Chistianity), but this is just socially repugnant. I wonder, do Monks offer the same Karmetic fixes to their desciples? I'll have to ask some more Thai friends how "normal and accepted" this sex-promoting Nun's habit is.. (Nun's Habit.. get it??!! haha)

Thanx for the translation.

"Opened the doors to Burmese invasion". And the fix for that is, the lady has to open her OWN doors for her own invasion, specifically by a younger man And PAY for it.. As if Thais really need any more excuses to be more sexually active than they already are. (hot climate, skimpy skirts, gorgeous people, the nationwide persuit of "sanook", no religious guilt, low education, an infidelity-tolerant mindset in the women, etc, etc). Simply AMAZING Thailand.

And with that kind of pervasive sexuality lodged in the culture, they want to blame the WESTERNER for the sexual climate that Thailand is so famous for? :::rolls his eyes, shakes his head, and walks out of the room:::

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