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Thai Workers Call For Alcoholic Drinks Ban

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Wow! That is an underestimate on percent of alcoholics! 5%? I would estimate the true figure up around 50 - 60%. Maybe more. I always have Thais trying to con me out of beer/whiskey. They talk about "American Share" etc. Before I caught on to their games they really drank like fish. Then they would try to bring their friends in on the action. I cut them all off. They drink like there is no tomorrow. Every woman that I have been with has said they don't drink. When they get in the door they can empty a 1 liter bottle of whiskey in one night very easily.

You think 50% are alcoholics? Pattaya isn't normal behavior. 50% of the population probably doesn't drink at all.

And "American Share" means that the entire group shares the cost. It doesn't mean you share something you've bought with other people who aren't paying anything. In the context of drinking, it would mean everyone contributes to the price of the whiskey and shares it together, instead of one person paying for everything. American Share is usually a good thing, it's not supposed to mean "You're American so share your whiskey with me" like they seem to have tried with you :lol:

Yes, you are right. It worked a couple times.

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while a good idea, Im once again open mouthed for the reasoning behind it. "IF" someone can ever write a book defining "Thai Logic" they would surely become a millionaire! 55555

No need to write a book.

The Thais have no halftones in their register of vision ….

They exclude compromise and pursue the logic of their ideas to its absurd ends, without seeing the incongruity of their opposed conclusions.

Their convictions are by instinct, their activities intuitional ….

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It's a fact that 74% of all statistics are made up but I personally think there should be a ban on drinking by workers during duty hours, if nothing but for safety. Can't the the factory owners simply ban the drinking of alcohol on their property?

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"......Amazing Thailand! Here we have a report stating that dependent on their age group, between one eighth and one fifth of Thai workers are addicted to alcohol. Note, "workers" not "factory workers". The solution: ban the sale and consumption of alcohol in factories - that is to only part of the workforce. Absolutely no consideration of reducing industrial accidents!....."

No, they said 8% & 5% so that would be 1 in 13 and 1 in 20 for those respective age groups.

I would think the rate of people addicted to alcohol is probably that high in the west....at least in the UK anyway :whistling:

These figures are rubbish--making it a small problem--NOT SO--last year it was stated that over 60% were alcoholics in RURAL Issan areas, and my friend -boss of health in my town would confirm that---are these figures telling me it's a reflection of m/cycle riders %...............Do the workers walk to WORK ???????????

Higher !

I have lived in a small village in rural Issan on and off for the last year.

I estimate around 80% of males are alcoholics.

Some villagers i've NEVER seen sober despite seeing them on a daily basis. No seriously !

It does seem to be a big problem, more so than UK certainly and probably most Western countries.

IMO of course

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