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Osama Bin Laden dead - USA has his body


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President Obama accomplished in 29 months what Dubya could not in 96 months.

I had no use for Bush or his adminsitration but that's just silly.

1) Obama didn't accomplish it. SEALs did.

2) It took years to pull off.

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President Obama accomplished in 29 months what Dubya could not in 96 months.

I had no use for Bush or his adminsitration but that's just silly.

1) Obama didn't accomplish it. SEALs did.

2) It took years to pull off.

One of Obama's major campaign positions was that Bush had made a huge mistake in invading Iraq and diverting most of America's military resources there.

He promised to return the focus to fighting Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan and capturing or killing Osama Bin Laden, where it belonged.

Good on him, the CIA and the military, they did it.

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He also claimed many times that he had nothing to do with the attacks on WTC.

Where did he ever claim he had nothing to do with WTC? source please.

google gives you 11 700 000 reslutts for bin laden denies 9/11 - make your pick

here some interesting links Ummat Interviews Usamah Bin-Ladin

28 September 2001

Bin-Ladin Denies Involvement in the 9/11 Attacks http://911review.com...h/khilafah.html


"I have already said that I am not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children, and other humans as an appreciable act. There exists a government within the government of the United States. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks.... The United States should trace the perpetrators of these attacks to those persons who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity so that their own nation could survive."

- Osama Bin Laden (Source: BBC)


Post-9/11 Timeline

September 11, 2001

Hijackers crash two airliners into the World Trade Center in New York. A third strikes the Pentagon, and a fourth crashes in a field in rural Pennsylvania. More than 3,000 people are killed in the terror attacks.

September 13, 2001

The White House announces that there is "overwhelming evidence" that Osama bin Laden is behind the attacks.

September 14, 2001

Congress authorizes [PDF; requires free Adobe Reader] President George W. Bush to use "all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons."

September 16, 2001

Osama bin Laden denies any involvement in the 9/11 attacks in a statement to Al Jazeera television, saying, "I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons."


And tons of other sources, tons don't forget ...

Can someone explain how OBL could get all the intel which is needed to carry out such an event?

Peter Bergen, a high ranking security specialist said it rightly yesterday. "We have to burry the concept of AlQaeda" He said what it was - a concept. OBL's concept? or someone within within the US Govt.

Think about the SECreTs

Today, one of OBL's sons, Omar Bin Laden, announced that he will sue the US President directly. The letter was confirmed to genuine.

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for your convenience from http://guardian.150m.com/september-eleven/osama-denies.htm OSAMA BIN LADEN CLAIMS HE'S BEING FRAMED.

"I have already said that I am not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children, and other humans as an appreciable act. There exists a government within the government of the United States. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks.... The United States should trace the perpetrators of these attacks to those persons who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity so that their own nation could survive."

- Osama Bin Laden (Source: BBC)


Bin Laden denies terror attacks and points finger at Jews. Annanova News.


Bin Laden denies attacks as Taliban talks holy war. ABC news online Sept 17 2001.


Bin Laden denies being behind attacks. JS ONline Milwaukee Jornal Sentinal Sept 16 2001


Osama Bin Laden claims terrorist attacks in USA were committed by some American terrorist group. Pravda Sept 12 2001


Bin Laden Denies US attack says paper. Middle East News


Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks CNN sept 17 2001


Bin Laden denies role in attacks. Newsday.Com Sept 17 2001


Taliban says Bin Laden denied role in attacks. Yahoo news Sept 13 2001.



THE MOTTO OF THE MOSSAD (Israeli Intelligence)

In 1956, as reported by the Times Of London, during one of Israel's perpetual wars with its neighbors, the Mossad tried to trick the United States into siding with Israel against the Arabs by blowing up a US facility in Cairo and blaming the Arabs for it. The plot was wrecked when the operatives were caught and confessed, creating a huge scandal. And according to Victor Ostrovski, a defector from the Mossad, the USA was tricked into bombing Libya when the Mossad planted a radio transmitter in Tripoli which sent out fake orders to terrorists which the USA could intercept.

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He also claimed many times that he had nothing to do with the attacks on WTC.

Where did he ever claim he had nothing to do with WTC? source please.

Elcent is right in this case.

here a a link to CNN (one of many many sources:)


Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks

September 16, 2001


Don't know that, never heard of it? Time to read something on the subject before starting with arguments.

The most wanted by the FBI page for Osama bin Laden didn't mention 9/11 or the WTC, but other terrorist attacks.:

"Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world."



To be fair, later there was also a video, alleged to be from al-qaida, where someone alleged to be OBL allegedly claimed to be involved in the 9/11 attacks.

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Leaving aside ObL's complicity -- or lack thereof -- in the attack on WTC aside, is it only 9/11 that matters?

Not the African Embassies? Not the funding and training of terrorists throughout the world?

It's simple really: he was at war with the US and much of the western world as well as Islamic governments that did not please him. This is an objective fact. He died in that war. You can sympathize with bin Laden and his goals (and support his tactics) but trying to claim he was innocent of this or that is ultimately absurd apologism (sic) and intellectually dishonest; just a transparent display of bigotry and a ridiculously desperate need to cheer for anyone who's an enemy of your enemy.

By the way: "ObL" and even "al Qaeda" are just easy ways to label something far more diffuse and widespread than that and that's the way I mean them here -- but he and his organization while certainly nowhere near being the whole or even the majority of the lslamist forces at war, were/are part of that war.

"Allege" all you want but why not just come out and say it -- he was a combatant that got killed. If you wished he hadn't, then just say so.

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OBL was a serial killer and that is all.

Ridiculous. "That is all"? Personally I think being a serila killer with victims in the hundreds or thousands is not something to simply brush aside as being insignificant. But leaving that aside, it's absurd to pretend that ObL's action had no larger importance than that. Even if you believe his stated goals and motives were in fact insincere and it was really just about murder for its own sake -- which to a degree I might even go along with -- it is inarguable that what he did had far greater impact than just the deaths he caused or had a role in.

The fact that he was able to attract other lost souls to do his dirty work is a testiment to the CIA who taught him how.

Oh, this one again? OK, let's have a source.

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trying to claim he was innocent of this or that is ultimately absurd apologism (sic) and intellectually dishonest; just a transparent display of bigotry and a ridiculously desperate need to cheer for anyone who's an enemy of your enemy.

By jove, you hit the nail right on the head!

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We were not talking about Bin Laden, we were talking about whether the U.S. bombs and kills innocent people.

You seem to have got the topic backwards.

However. if you are arguing against all war, maybe you have a point, but that is the way that mankind has solved its problems from the begiinning of time. EVERY country kills civilians in warfare, but some armies do their best to avoid it while still accomplishing the mission that they have been ordered to do.

Trying to pretend that the US is any worse than any other country at war is nonsense. That is why they say that war is hell.

The US has targeted civilians. The fire bombing of Tokyo and Dresden (well, US and British on that one), the atomic bombs. But most of the campaigns in WWII were targeted at military targets while knowing civilians would probably get killed. It was more of an accepted cost. (And both the Germans and Japanese had not only bombed civilian populations, but systemically killed them as a matter of policy.)

Since then, I can't think of any real case where civilians have been a strategic target. Civilian deaths have been a regrettable consequence of military or CIA operations.

Of course, whether intentional or not, if a cruise missile is coming down on your head while you sleep, dead is dead.

As a moral issue, I do see the difference between "collateral damage," where civilians are killed, and directed civilian targeting. And I do appreciate the extent to which the US forces try and minimize civilian casualties, even when that puts US soldiers and Marines at a greater risk.

If you can't accept the difference, if you continually blame the US military and absolve the terrorists, well, then we are just at opposite ends of the spectrum.

False Flag operations purposely target civilians largely to get the greatest reaction from the voting masses. When government needs to paint a particular picture of a bad guy or a bad ethnic group, false flag operation are the best way to do it. Only the more sophisticated countries have the intelligence capability to conduct such operations but they do happen with greater frequency than the masses could ever imagine.

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President Obama accomplished in 29 months what Dubya could not in 96 months.

I had no use for Bush or his adminsitration but that's just silly.

1) Obama didn't accomplish it. SEALs did.

2) It took years to pull off.

But it was Obama that decided to go in,That took guts

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I could order Seal teams to kill bad guys all day long and they would still be the ones that were brave. :huh:

Yep, all Obama stood to lose was his position as POTUS and his rep. no where near on par with losing ones life IMO. I also agree that it shouldn't take any "guts" to do what's in his job description and do what's right either..

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President Obama accomplished in 29 months what Dubya could not in 96 months.

I had no use for Bush or his adminsitration but that's just silly.

1) Obama didn't accomplish it. SEALs did.

2) It took years to pull off.

But it was Obama that decided to go in,That took guts

If Bill Clinton had those type of guts bin Laden would have been killed in the 1990's and we could have avoided all this sh*t.

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President Obama accomplished in 29 months what Dubya could not in 96 months.

I had no use for Bush or his adminsitration but that's just silly.

1) Obama didn't accomplish it. SEALs did.

2) It took years to pull off.

But it was Obama that decided to go in,That took guts

If Bill Clinton had those type of guts bin Laden would have been killed in the 1990's and we could have avoided all this sh*t.

"The Internet makes it much more difficult than ever before to fabricate history because virtually everything is recorded and so easily discovered.

It is true that some Republican political figures supported some of Clinton's military decisions in Yugoslavia and the Middle East, but efforts to undermine those actions came from virtually every significant Republican precinct of influence throughout Clinton's presidency. That includes, most prominently, actions Clinton took against Iraq and Osama bin Laden, which were routinely attacked by Republicans as unnecessary."


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President Obama accomplished in 29 months what Dubya could not in 96 months.

I had no use for Bush or his adminsitration but that's just silly.

1) Obama didn't accomplish it. SEALs did.

2) It took years to pull off.

But it was Obama that decided to go in,That took guts

This statement is patently ridiculous.

It took guts to be the point man entering Bin Laden's compound and to advance up those stairs not knowing what was awaiting them.

All Obama had to lose was some political mileage if things went bad, and he always has George Bush to blame the bad events on.

Obama is no hero and to claim otherwise is disingenuous.

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But it was Obama that decided to go in,That took guts

If Bill Clinton had those type of guts bin Laden would have been killed in the 1990's and we could have avoided all this sh*t.

"The Internet makes it much more difficult than ever before to fabricate history because virtually everything is recorded and so easily discovered.

It is true that some Republican political figures supported some of Clinton's military decisions in Yugoslavia and the Middle East, but efforts to undermine those actions came from virtually every significant Republican precinct of influence throughout Clinton's presidency. That includes, most prominently, actions Clinton took against Iraq and Osama bin Laden, which were routinely attacked by Republicans as unnecessary."


So when the Saudis (I think) offered bin Laden to Clinton it was the Republicans who kept it from happening?

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Some posters seem rather big on conspiracy theories, so forgive me if I do not jump to agree that Western-type democracies do this kind of thing.

In fact, western type democracies, with a few odd exceptions, are the only countries that do this kind of thing. Isolationist, self righteous populations are where these kinds of operations are necessary to gain public support.

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OK, we all know that OBL was not innocent. Evidence was/is destroyed. Concept Bin Laden is going to be buried, if possible.

Now try to get back you civil rights, that were restricted worldwide with the OBL concept excuse, and see what will happen.

Nobody ever explained officially the many FEMA constructions(concentration camps), even with double decker train waggons. Why's that?

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But it was Obama that decided to go in,That took guts

If Bill Clinton had those type of guts bin Laden would have been killed in the 1990's and we could have avoided all this sh*t.

"The Internet makes it much more difficult than ever before to fabricate history because virtually everything is recorded and so easily discovered.

It is true that some Republican political figures supported some of Clinton's military decisions in Yugoslavia and the Middle East, but efforts to undermine those actions came from virtually every significant Republican precinct of influence throughout Clinton's presidency. That includes, most prominently, actions Clinton took against Iraq and Osama bin Laden, which were routinely attacked by Republicans as unnecessary."


So when the Saudis (I think) offered bin Laden to Clinton it was the Republicans who kept it from happening?

It's dispusted, this link lays out the facts.


But at least the Clinton administration took the Al Qaeda threat very seriously (including the cruise missile attack).

Bush and Cheney just sneered, which is one reason they panicked and overreacted so egregiously.

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Some posters seem rather big on conspiracy theories, so forgive me if I do not jump to agree that Western-type democracies do this kind of thing.

In fact, western type democracies, with a few odd exceptions, are the only countries that do this kind of thing. Isolationist, self righteous populations are where these kinds of operations are necessary to gain public support.

As I would guess that you consider 9/11 to be one of these "false flag" operations, I rest my case. :whistling:

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Some posters seem rather big on conspiracy theories, so forgive me if I do not jump to agree that Western-type democracies do this kind of thing.

In fact, western type democracies, with a few odd exceptions, are the only countries that do this kind of thing. Isolationist, self righteous populations are where these kinds of operations are necessary to gain public support.

As I would guess that you consider 9/11 to be one of these "false flag" operations, I rest my case. :whistling:

It is fairly logical to assume that countries with exceptionally large black ops budgets would be the ones most likely to engage in false flag operations.

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"The Internet makes it much more difficult than ever before to fabricate history because virtually everything is recorded and so easily discovered.

It's dispusted, this link lays out the facts.


But at least the Clinton administration took the Al Qaeda threat very seriously (including the cruise missile attack).

Bush and Cheney just sneered, which is one reason they panicked and overreacted so egregiously.

thanks for the link. Very interesting. The sources in the bottom have even more interesting links. Quite telling and I only browsed through quickly. Still lots to do, one can't just burry it as they would like.

I think some big scandals will arise out of this mess and/or the extrajudical killing.

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It is fairly logical to assume that countries with exceptionally large black ops budgets would be the ones most likely to engage in false flag operations.

IMHO, the USA killing 3,000 of its own ciitizens in some government conspiracy is not logical at all. :ermm:

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I am so glad the little part of my world does not have all the intrigue, false flags, innuendo, etc that some people see or want to see. My immediate family keep me guessing and that is just about what I may be able to control/influence. The one thing I have learned is never to assume anything, when people are involved.

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IMHO, the USA killing 3,000 of its own ciitizens in some government conspiracy is not logical at all. :ermm:

this were not just local citizens. Most of the victims were citizens from all around the globe. I don't think it was the govt but the shadow govt and the SECreTs. It's time to get a handle on that. It's not a (conspiracy) theory because it happened in real life. To many odds should be raising many eyebrows and then get to work on it. The govt was most likely kept out and it seems in the recent stunt too. A kind of false flag operation too.

Otherwise, where is the evidence?

Don't let them get away with this crime.

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