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Osama Bin Laden dead - USA has his body


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I heard about this: "Al-Qaida Confirms Bin Laden's Death".

How would they know?

exactly, pretty revealing, isn't it?

Well, according to Al Qaeda's Facebook page a team of Al Qaeda inspectors were given access to the body and confirmed that it was OBL.

so there's officially an AlQaeda facebook account. It's getting more and more mysterious. I thought they were the most hunted group in the universe. ;)

they also went to see the funeral, right? In order to carry out their buddy's burial in correct order the Navy seals are all Muslims too?

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There is also this completely staged photo, as Obama aides openly admitted that there was no live video of the moments before, during and after Bin Laden was dispatched to meet his justice in the afterlife. The sole purpose of this photo was media spin. Interesting to note that Obama is visually the "smallest" person in the photo, but the "biggest" in the post-mortem displays to the general public. Very much a "visual" Freudian slip.


Edited by Spee
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Not to put a humorous light on the deaths of innocents and judgment and execution of the man primarily responsible, but sometimes humor is one way of resolving the sub-human views of these violent hard-line radical Islamists.

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May 7, 2011, 8:10 am

Shadow of the Torturers

by Paul Krugman

After reading John Yoo's attack on the president for not taking Osama alive and bringing him to Gitmo, I thought I might take a minute to explain something I sometimes say. Once in a while I mention, in passing, that the Bush administration saw torturing people as a plus, not a cost. And whenever I do, some readers clutch their breasts and reach for the smelling salts: how dare I say such a thing?

But it's true — not because they're sadists, but because it suited their self-image.

From day one of the War on Terror ™, it was clear that the Bush people reveled in the notion that they were tough guys, willing to Do What Needs to be Done. They were all wannabe Kiefer Sutherlands. Far from showing qualms about suspending the rule of law and using torture to extract information, they obviously enjoyed the idea that they were willing to go all the way, unlike those wimpy liberals.

Of course, they never admitted that, probably not even to themselves. But did you ever see the slightest hint of reluctance or discomfort? Or did you see tremendous self-satisfaction as the acts became ever more abusive?

And so they are, inevitably, deeply upset that someone who isn't a tough guy by their standards seems to be doing a better job of getting the terrorists than they did.

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I heard about this: "Al-Qaida Confirms Bin Laden's Death".

How would they know?

exactly, pretty revealing, isn't it?

An excellent point which I'm not sure has been raised anywhere else.

Al qaeda is a splintered group divvied up in to cells - so as to thwart the many people who want them snuffed out. Their command and control apparatus is micky mouse at best. Their stated purpose is to kill as many westerners (particularly Americans and Brits) as possible. It's not difficult to kill civilians. Anyone of us normal people could kill dozens if we were so sick-minded as to choose to do so. They're like sadist immature brats with money and weapons. They realized their figurehead was dead by simply not hearing from their higher ups. They're confused. It's good when your enemy is confused and scared, and they have plenty to be scared about - particularly in lieu of the mass of data retrieved from OBL's rats nest.

There is also this completely staged photo, as Obama aides openly admitted that there was no live video of the moments before, during and after Bin Laden was dispatched to meet his justice in the afterlife. The sole purpose of this photo was media spin. Interesting to note that Obama is visually the "smallest" person in the photo, but the "biggest" in the post-mortem displays to the general public. Very much a "visual" Freudian slip.

What's staged about it? Who says they're watching a video? It's simply a photo of American leaders watching something or someone who's keeping them abreast of a very important mission in 'real time'.

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Not to put a humorous light on the deaths of innocents and judgment and execution of the man primarily responsible, but sometimes humor is one way of resolving the sub-human views of these violent hard-line radical Islamists.

Very humorous, thanks for that link. Robin Williams is da man! Actually, I think the quote from the Qran is 72 doe-eyed virgins ....and they're in a heavenly garden with fruit and nectar and eager to attend to every carnal dream that a martyr may wish for. However, I have a few questions: What if a Muslim fundamentalist woman blows herself up in a crowded market? Does she get 72 virgin boys to play with? Would she want that? What about gay martyrs - what sort of sexual playthings do they get in Islam heaven?

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Spee: I doubt that is a staged photo. The only two things that I can think of to get that kind of expression on Hillary Clinton's face and the others to have such an intense stare is:

1. The operation against Osama Bin Laden

2. A secret video of Bill and Monica.

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I love the way the Americans do business, and along with the Israelis, demonstrate the way to do business.

I see a wave of assassinations coming as they now pick off the possible heirs to Bin Laden's throne, and that can't come soon enough.

This is 2011, and you can run but you can't hide. Go get 'em America. Only about another 2999 Al Qaeda personnel to go.

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Sorry, a little mistake. Was in a hurry. Spiegel was talking to an investigator and not to the alledged youngest wife of OSB. The English version will be interesting. Some hard attempts to get the story the way it was written in the script by the SECreTs.

OK, I guess I am out of the loop. What is SECreTs?

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Someone who just wants to be diagreeable can be handled this way.

I sit next to a drunken fool who says America did not land men on the moon.

I simply agree and say that America did not invade Iraq either. It is all a lie. the guy looks at me strange. I then go on to tell him America never nuked Japan either because it has no Nukes. It is all American propaganda.

The guy starts to get my game and gets angry. I then tell him the Germans never bombed London. It is propanganda.

Israel does not have nukes. It is all a lie.

Russia landed on the Moon first and is now on Mars--I start to laugh and by this time all the men around me are making up stupid statements.

If you really believe this stuff, go ahead but do not expect anyone else to.

Osama is swimming with the fish.

He seems to be missing part of his head though. Perhaps he has 72 virgins that can give him some head.


That was you?!huh.gif

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Spee: I doubt that is a staged photo. The only two things that I can think of to get that kind of expression on Hillary Clinton's face and the others to have such an intense stare is:

1. The operation against Osama Bin Laden

2. A secret video of Bill and Monica.

For you and the other doubting poster, I think if you will check the early reports, it was announced by the administration and perpetuated in the mainstream media that this photo was the group watching live video of the event take place. Later on, as the dust began to settle, it was made public (by none other than Obama's CIA director Panetta) that there was no live video streaming of the event in that room at that time.

While there is no doubt that there was in-situ video of the event recorded (as discussed on multiple radio shows by several different ex-SEALs), suffice to say that it was not a "Patriot Games" moment.

Everyone has heard of the so-called "72-virgins" reward for Islamo-fanatic-martyrdom. The administration's fumble fingered handling of the event and constant back-tracking from early announcements is now becoming known in beltway circles as the "72 versions."

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Osama watching the vid above :lol: (just realized the typo or were my fingers led by Gawd?)

actually a pic from the situation room in the White House with black magic, lol.

yes, that's it! he misspelled his name though.wink.gif

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conflicting statement continue to appear.

A group of "selected journalist" were chosen and handed out an number of soundless video clips.. I one of this vids he has a black beard, assumingly colored by traditional war procedure of his sect.

It was also reported that no phone lines and TV was in the compound and then this? Or was thatone for watching himslelf on CD or DVD only?

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very strange, he said he ordered the killing or the capure of OBL in exactly that sequence. UN wants detailed reports to check if extrajudical killing has taken place. All the indication point to that.

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The above search leads to a moved site with no link.


And this website leads directly to the Obama re-election campaign donation website.

Go figure.

Is it now any wonder why the lamestream media buzzword for the next two days after the OBL execution was all about Barack's "gutsy call?" (which then shows up in search engines, which then return links to donation sites)

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Ivan, that's the tail rotor assembly only. The majority of the helicopter was allegedly destroyed by the alleged Seals after it allegedly crashed while landing at the alleged compound.

Appears it may be a modified version of the Black Hawk MH-60 for stealth operation though some believe it may be a completely new aircraft type similar to the Comanche. Yes, that is only the tail rotor section.





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There is also this completely staged photo, as Obama aides openly admitted that there was no live video of the moments before, during and after Bin Laden was dispatched to meet his justice in the afterlife. The sole purpose of this photo was media spin. Interesting to note that Obama is visually the "smallest" person in the photo, but the "biggest" in the post-mortem displays to the general public. Very much a "visual" Freudian slip.

Staged? You must be kidding :)


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Washington, May 7: Osama bin Laden had remained an active leader in al-Qaeda before he was killed at a mansion in Abbottabad in a US raid and had overseen both strategy and operations from his secret compound, a top US official has said. showMoneyQuotes();

The three-storey mansion in Abbottabad, near a major military establishment, some 80 kms from Islamabad, was in fact an active al Qaeda command and control center run by its leader Osama bin laden, the official said.

"It is suffice to say that this compound in Abbottabad was an active command and control center for al Qaeda's top leader. It is clear that he was not just a strategic thinker of the group. He was active in operational planning and driving tactical decisions inside Al Qaeda," the senior intelligence official said, based on the information obtained from the huge cache of material that was recovered by the US forces from this Abbottabad compound early this month.

During the raid, the US Special Forces found 10 hard drives, five computers and more than 100 storage devices, such as disks and thumb drives.

The CIA has set up a task force to infer the information from these electronic devices and other materials recovered from this Abbottabad hideout. http://news.oneindia.in/2011/05/08/abbottabadcompound-was-active-command-center-of-alqaeda-aid0126.html

That's what they(agencies of deceptions) want to see. People who will parrot their statements of thought out strategies. Designed by the SECreTs

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just watched the other silent vids released here http://sanfrancisco....fe-pentagon.htm

the more they show the closer we come to the proof that it all was staged and that the vids were probably planted.

Do you actually believe all the tripe you post. If you do I feel sorry for you. You must see conspiracies evrywhere you go. Look did you see that ant and cockroach talking. The insects are coming to get us all.

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That's what they(agencies of deceptions) want to see. People who will parrot their statements of thought out strategies. Designed by the SECreTs


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