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Scampy's Homecoming Hootenanny

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I'm coming back very soon, and I would like to invite all those who attended the farewell fracas, and all those who didn't, to an evening of merriment at Larry's.

This time I hope to be more refreshed, unlike last May when I turned up after being awake over 30 hrs.

That night with Baht & Sold, Elsie, Tornado, Insight, Sego, Candyflip, Jockstar, Blake 7, and Siamese Kitty to name a few was certainly a night to remember, and I didn't stop drinking until I was in Kuwait, giving a new meaning to the term - 'going the distance'.

This time round I hope to top it, and now that I am a healthier, fitter Scamp, I will also be a less tired and run down host and I won't have to dash to the airport come midnight like some kind of shitfaced Cinderella.

I'm very much looking forward to returning to Bangkok, and you're all welcome, providing you like me and think I'm okay.

Post title edited at OP request

If there's enough interest I'll get Elsie to clear a large area of Larry's in advance. :o

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Sorry Scampy,wish I could come see you face to face finally, but I'll still be in New York...But I may going to China soon..... :o

Thats all China needs, you going over there and polluting the minds of its residents with all your Evil Empire stuff! :D

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I'm sorry to say it's now off until further notice.

I have had some bad news and must return to England to attend a funeral.

I plan to spend a couple of weeks there and after I will fly to Bangkok, hopefully with a few days to spare before I start work.

[brit/RDN: Please don't now be embarrassed about your last posts in this thread, they raised my first smile in two days.]

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