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Can anyone tell me about obtaining a O Visa from Birmingham i have just called Hull and they have told me i can not get a O Visa with my rent lease as i work 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off what do you think would be the best opition for me Cheers for any help

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There is a short snippet about the Birmingham consulate in the "Hull changed visas" thread;

Birmingham Reference in the Hull Thread

Here's their website too;

Royal Thai Consulate Birmingham Website

They don't list a contact email on the site (at least not one I could find :blink: ), so I guess you'll hafta call.

Hope it helps. :)

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Let me know how you get on with Birmingham as I'm back in UK next week and was planning a trip up to Hull until I read about their change in rules. It's a pain the aris as there are some people under 50 who just want to sit back and enjoy Thailand and don't need to work! What are we meant to do, live in Spain, not bloody likely!

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