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i have read in the 'advice to newbies' thread that one should not pay more than 300 Baht for a taxi in BKK. is tipping expected? does one tip bellboys, waitresses, for example? a percentage? what about away from the city? different expectations?

thanks for sharing your knowledge! :o



Thai people generally expect a tip if you're farang. Not if you're Thai, however.

In fact, I have seen taxi drivers claim that they have no change when there is change sitting on their console.

Thai people generally expect a tip if you're farang. Not if you're Thai, however.

In fact, I have seen taxi drivers claim that they have no change when there is change sitting on their console.

I usually tip 20 baht a bag to the bellboys.

Usually leave the equivelent of 20 baht per day tip to the house keepers when I leave.


I (and most of my thai friends) tip 20 baht at restaurants, bars, hotels,...

Rather than a tip (which in Europe is usually understood as a gratification for an extra standard service and it is entirely discretional...), this is considered a sort of "donation" from thais, since these people usually live on very meagre salaries...so...you gain merit, they get some little cash...and everybody happy :o



Generally 20 baht is what you would tip bellboys/waitressess etc.

As for taxis they don't usually expect a tip. However it is common for the passenger to round the price up. For example, if the fare was 93 baht, you would round it up to 100 baht.

To avoid any conflicts with cab drivers, I would advise that you carry some small notes with you and always insist that the meter is switched on.


The meter thing is a big scam. If they say it does not work...get another cab. If they say the rate is the same with the meter on or off, tell him to turn it on. And be ready to negotiate with the tuk tuk drivers. They are the worst.

For tips, if at smaller Thai places, we just leave the spare change. If it is at a farang oriented place, then they have been tainted and expect more. 20 baht is fine. Though some places, especially with ladies, will call you kee nok if you only tip that much!

And becareful with the jewelry and tailor scams with the tuk tuks. They will tell you it is the Queen's birthday or something like that. I got suckered in, but luckily, I did not buy anything. The driver got his free gas anyway...so no harm...and I did get to see a few buddha's...like I needed to see more....

Have a blast!

The meter thing is a big scam.  If they say it does not work...get another cab.  If they say the rate is the same with the meter on or off, tell him to turn it on.  And be ready to negotiate with the tuk tuk drivers.  They are the worst.

For tips, if at smaller Thai places, we just leave the spare change.  If it is at a farang oriented place, then they have been tainted and expect more.  20 baht is fine.  Though some places, especially with ladies, will call you kee nok if you only tip that much! 

And becareful with the jewelry and tailor scams with the tuk tuks.  They will tell you it is the Queen's birthday or something like that.  I got suckered in, but luckily, I did not buy anything.  The driver got his free gas anyway...so no harm...and I did get to see a few buddha's...like I needed to see more....

Have a blast!

currently homeless! isn't the feeling grand!

the only thai i ever knew came on a stick, but it is said that a facial expression is worth a thousand words. as i don't want waitresses screeching at me when i leave, i will probably be a bit more generous than necessary, at least initially.

thanks to all for the responses. time for another question? (i sure will be glad when friday comes and i can get on the plane and just go!)

i am pretty tied to my laptop. pros and cons regarding bringing along vs leaving behind? theft issues? wireless connection in hotels? internet cafes the answer?

you all are swell, nevermind the handful of degenerates lurking behind silly poses. :o




edit: typo (call it a compulsion, it's the teacher in me!) xo :D


I was on the road for 2 years. No laptop and never really missed it. Internet cafes are everywhere and cheap. You can burn CDs, pay bills, play with your pictures, etc. I have one of those 60GB iPods. It works great....and no worries then!

I was on the road for 2 years.  No laptop and never really missed it.  Internet cafes are everywhere and cheap.  You can burn CDs, pay bills, play with your pictures, etc.  I have one of those 60GB iPods.  It works great....and no worries then!

homeless, thanks for the input. it's a balance between 'too much' stuff and wishing you had brought ____________ (fill in the blank).

it's all good. :o




Another option is to carry a 1GB memory stick or USB thumb-drive or even a 20 or 40gb mini-drive (from LaCie, for example) instead of a laptop. I've got one of each, and it's much easier to hide or carry around than a laptop would be.

That way, you can keep all of your files around.

Regarding tipping, round up to the nearest 5 baht is my practice. But how many times does a taxi driver have to pause and look at me slyly to see if I want my 20-30-40-50 baht change?


Agree with Thots on this (portable mem stick) but the only catch is, you have to find a cafe with an accessable usb port and win xp os (to recognise it). This is becoming standard but you might have to try a couple dif caf's in ea town you visit.

Taxi's? For crying out loud, anyone whinging about a 35 bt min should return home pronto for a reality check or buy their own transport. Petrol prices keep going up and up, meanwhile the meter stays the same and these guys HAVE to make the same min just to break even every day. They've got wives, kids in school, the lot and most are just trying to make it month to month.

Unless the driver is a real cretin (only happened once), I ALWAYS round it up- eg: 35 bt to 40, 40 to 50 and I even take into consideration if it's a one way trip to an out of the way place where he has little chance of getting a return passenger- then I compensate a bit.

As for 'no meter'- Simple, NO take! :o

Agree with Thots on this (portable mem stick) but the only catch is, you have to find a cafe with an accessable usb port and win xp os (to recognise it). This is becoming standard but you might have to try a couple dif caf's in ea town you visit.

I usually never had a problem, except in India and Vietnam. Sure, some cafes don't support them, but many do. Even in the middle of the desert in India, I found a place and burned CDs to send home.

The iPod is great. I store files, pictures, contact info, and have a bunch of music to listen to! Much better than an external storage drive, and much smaller. My back loved me for it!

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