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New 83 Channel Hd Network Started - Free To View

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For those of you with HD set top boxes and a move dish or a dish fixed to the NSS6 satellite, a new network called AVG from Vietnam is testing their new network. Many of the channels are repeated, but they are testing right now.

A new network has started from Vietnam in DVB-S2 or HD.

Satellite: NSS6

Network Name: AVG

Number of Channels: 83

Status: In test mode

FREQ: 11541 - V - 43200

FREQ: 11675 - V - 28800

VDO: Free to view in DVB-S2 in 1080i and 576i


Thanks for the heads-up. Out of curiosity, how much is a HD satellite receiver these days? I like the Dreamboxes as they allow me to change firmware when conditions change (as it does here every once in a while - Dream > DSTV > Astro > ?).


I have a True HD box, and I only get three HD channels, HBO, a football channel, and an Academy Fantasia channel, it sucks!!! I how would I go about watching these channels at home?


Thanks for the heads-up. Out of curiosity, how much is a HD satellite receiver these days? I like the Dreamboxes as they allow me to change firmware when conditions change (as it does here every once in a while - Dream > DSTV > Astro > ?).

Prices range but frankly for HD I would not go near any Dreambox (and I am a developer saying this) as there are many boxes on the market that allow you to just the same if not more and do not overheat and just work and work.



Thanks for the heads-up. Out of curiosity, how much is a HD satellite receiver these days? I like the Dreamboxes as they allow me to change firmware when conditions change (as it does here every once in a while - Dream > DSTV > Astro > ?).

Prices range but frankly for HD I would not go near any Dreambox (and I am a developer saying this) as there are many boxes on the market that allow you to just the same if not more and do not overheat and just work and work.


Overheat is indeed a problem with the Dreambox 8000HD, but there is no problem with a Dreambox, that cannot be solved. I replaced the fan with a bigger one, and even less noisy. The Dreambox has now been running for a year and never had a problem. I built in a 1 TB HD and this also so far has made no problems at all.

On my Android mobile phone I have a remote control for the Dreambox and can even watch TV streaming it from the Dreambox.

I love Dreambox. (But I am not a developer)


I have a True HD box, and I only get three HD channels, HBO, a football channel, and an Academy Fantasia channel, it sucks!!! I how would I go about watching these channels at home?

Your truevisions set top box and dish is only any good for Truevisions, so you would have to workout what sort of HD you want to watch as there is so much more HD on satellite, and the new network above is only one of many in DVB-S2 networks out there both free and subscription based.

Some Examples;

If you want the rugby, NRL, movies etc then this package will do it; http://jsat.tv/store/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=77

If you want most of the HD out there then this package will do it; http://jsat.tv/store/index.php?route=product/product&path=20&product_id=78


Overheat is indeed a problem with the Dreambox 8000HD, but there is no problem with a Dreambox, that cannot be solved. I replaced the fan with a bigger one, and even less noisy. The Dreambox has now been running for a year and never had a problem. I built in a 1 TB HD and this also so far has made no problems at all.

On my Android mobile phone I have a remote control for the Dreambox and can even watch TV streaming it from the Dreambox.

I love Dreambox. (But I am not a developer)

Did you try and tune the network above? Did you get both transponders as I suspect not as the original DM800HD tuner does not support this large of a SR (43200), the only way to fix it is to replace the tuner unit with a model M tuner, something that should have been done when they made the things.

The original DM800HD's had NO fans, but the clones did. I too have had my original DM800 running on the internet now for some 3 years, but hardly use it now, as there are so many non-Enigma 2 based boxes out there that just do everything out of the box as they should. Heck even the newer DM500HD (another over priced box) runs rings around a DM800HD. And for the price of an original (not a clone) DM set top box, there are so many other boxes, that not only out preform them but are up to a 5th of the price.


Thanks for the heads-up. Out of curiosity, how much is a HD satellite receiver these days? I like the Dreamboxes as they allow me to change firmware when conditions change (as it does here every once in a while - Dream > DSTV > Astro > ?).

Prices range but frankly for HD I would not go near any Dreambox (and I am a developer saying this) as there are many boxes on the market that allow you to just the same if not more and do not overheat and just work and work.


You got two boxes there at the same price, so which one is the best, and why?


You got two boxes there at the same price, so which one is the best, and why?

Both are the same under the hood, the only difference is the outside look / cosmetics of the box.


Sorry to be an ignoramous, but as a pissed off True Visions subsciber who only watches it for the football (after they took the cheap American option and got rid of the BBC), what would be the easiest/best option for me to switch to another signal. The option of cable isn't even possible where I stay as the condo isn't connected to the local grid. As it is a condo a small dish (same size as TrueVis') is the only possibility. These " Dream boxes" and other Vietnam satellite signal details are all well and good but I need some details in layman's terms, i.e. where do I go to buy a box/dish, what name of box, how to set up etc. Any advise would be gratfully received, thanks.


Sorry to be an ignoramous

No apology needed at all, as we all have to start somewhere and here is a good of a place as any.

You can start by deciding what you want to watch from what is available on satellite. This involves over 32 satellite and some 2,400 odd channels both encrypted (pay tv) and free to view. To see a list of these have a look at this link on our web site - The satellites we see here in Thailand.

This takes a while to go through that list so please be patient, so with that in mind we have a number of suggestions on our web store called packages you can browse through.

Failing that just call on 02.714.3551 and talk it through with one of the English speaking staff.

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