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Tax Hike On Cigarettes


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My wife told me this 2 weeks ago, and I told he fine then I can stop smoking. :)

But so far nothing have changed. Anyone knows when it will happen?

Edit. I mean the tax hike, not my smoking habit. :D

Edited by Semper
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I know a packet of 20 cigarettes cost about 300 Baht in the UK in this January. Here in Bangkok they appear to be about 70-80 Baht a packet.

Yes, and...:unsure: Who cares of the price in the UK? :rolleyes:

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I know a packet of 20 cigarettes cost about 300 Baht in the UK in this January. Here in Bangkok they appear to be about 70-80 Baht a packet.

Yes, and...:unsure: Who cares of the price in the UK? :rolleyes:

Smokers in the UK

Yermanee :jap:

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A packet of fags/smokes cost millions in the UK , To put people right because of self inflicted injures because they will not learn. also so Innocent bystanders suffer too.

Bring it on

Bring it on indeed. Two questions really :

How much duty / taxation does the Government collect on the sale of cigarettes each year ?

Answer 8,770,000,000 - this is just Duty so add another 17.5% VAT at last years rate = 10.2 Billion pounds

How much does it cost for the entire NHS to be funded each year ?

Answer about 100 Billion pounds.

From here : http://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?forumID=6564&edition=2&ttl=20110509104750

Treating disease directly caused by smoking produces medical bills of more than £5bn a year in the UK, 5.5% of the entire NHS budget.

It would appear to me that the smokers are more than paying their way in the form of Duty and VAT on cigarettes. In fact there is a 5 Billion surplus which means they're already paying double their 'cost' to the NHS.

The taxation on cigarettes amounts to around 10% of the NHS budget whilst the cost of treatment is around 5% of the budget. That sounds like a tidy profit for the government.

This is why they will never ban the sale of cigarettes, if they did then you will find that the tax will still be collected, just from other sources.

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One Operation and after care maybe up to £10 million must have smoked a lot of fags in a life time to pay so much tax for one person , then there is the Innocent no smoking by stander/s who get inflicted and have to have hospital care , i am speaking from experience , my sister is the longest living person with a Hickman line in the UK , that is because she smoked and got stomach cancer and had to have it removed, she has not eaten in 25 years , she has a chube in her chest that she has to hook up to ever night to feed to stay alive , cost£1680 per month, then there is the sterile dressings and the fridge that had to be supplied to keep the bags, then the mobility alounce £360 a month, Invalidity benefits free council house. shall I go on , there are many cases. And now because of open boarders we are treating people who have never paid any tax to the UK government.

Sorry got of topic last responce.

Edited by Thongkorn
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One Operation and after care maybe up to £10 million must have smoked a lot of fags in a life time to pay so much tax for one person , then there is the Innocent no smoking by stander/s who get inflicted and have to have hospital care , i am speaking from experience , my sister is the longest living person with a Hickman line in the UK , that is because she smoked and got stomach cancer and had to have it removed, she has not eaten in 25 years , she has a chube in her chest that she has to hook up to ever night to feed to stay alive , cost£1680 per month, then there is the sterile dressings and the fridge that had to be supplied to keep the bags, then the mobility alounce £360 a month, Invalidity benefits free council house. shall I go on , there are many cases. And now because of open boarders we are treating people who have never paid any tax to the UK government.

Sorry got of topic last responce.

Thanks. :)

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OK, so how much is the tax hike on cigarettes in THAILAND going to be then?

According to the Thai News on Tv, about 20 Baht/ pack.

So can we discuss now the tax situation for cigarettes in Thailand ????:whistling:


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OK, so how much is the tax hike on cigarettes in THAILAND going to be then?

According to the Thai News on Tv, about 20 Baht/ pack.

So can we discuss now the tax situation for cigarettes in Thailand ????:whistling:


Please, feel free. :)

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I know a packet of 20 cigarettes cost about 300 Baht in the UK in this January. Here in Bangkok they appear to be about 70-80 Baht a packet.

Yes, and...:unsure: Who cares of the price in the UK? :rolleyes:

Those who insist on displaying comparatives....which, of course, have nothing to do with anything.;)

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