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Swearing On Met 107


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Had noticed this myself too. I too was suprised, though not offended, but then I am judging by BBC standards I was brought up with I suppose.

I think they dont realise.

I'm not offended, I can swear with the worst of them, but children and parents on a school run should not be subjected to phrases such as " f''* the police" "I don't give a shi'" and BITCH... this was all in one song.

When my daughter turns round and says what does that word mean daddy, then it becomes unacceptable.

I completely understand your concern and I've to say it's your responsibility as a parent to turn off the radio and engage your daughter in a meaningful conversation instead of listening to a program that is obviously not taylored for a 7 years old. Alternatively you can spend some time to record CDs with songs you deem suitable for your daughter.

But blaming the radio for your shortcoming is definitively not the right thing to do.

Get you all high and mighty. My daughter has been brought up with respect how dare you you sanctamonious arse. They are playing this at 3 in the afternoon, how is that my responsibility?

how is it your responsibility?

1) you provide the radio

2) you allow the radio to be played

3)you do not choose an alternate station

4) she is your daughter, no one else but you and your partner hold any responsibility for what she listens to or doesn't

5) you have the ability to provide her with an unlimited amount of music at almost little to no cost on any one of a number of digital music players

6)you chose to leave the nanny state that helped you develop your dependence on external regulation in lieu of proactive parenting

7)you look here for validation rather than taking a stand in your own home

do nothing, blame someone else. its neither your fault nor your responsibility. it is all out of your hands.

Edited by nocturn
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All I have to say is I tuned in to " Tourettes FM 102.4 " the other day. Shocked to say the least.

" Here is the c**ting traffic. A bastard bus has f**king broken down and is blocking the mumslut Sri Chan Road near the whoremaster prison. <deleted> are advised to seek an alternative big fat cock route. MINGE! "

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All I have to say is I tuned in to " Tourettes FM 102.4 " the other day. Shocked to say the least.

" Here is the c**ting traffic. A bastard bus has f**king broken down and is blocking the mumslut Sri Chan Road near the whoremaster prison. <deleted> are advised to seek an alternative big fat cock route. MINGE! "

just getting home from swing, bossy or insomnia?

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Songs are also rather suggestive at the mo. My daughter was just singing "You spin my head right round, when you go down". She's six years old, but what can one do?

But then I understand that "My ding a ling" was rather controversial when it was first released.

And as for the geezer in your avatar. Plaistow Patricia anyone? Or how 'bout the one about Ada? Classics.

Which avatar can you see now then?

It should be Captain Blackadder but it sometimes flips back to my old Ian Drury avatar for no apparent reason. But yeah, Ian Drury was a great artist. I'm a very big fan of his.

Ian's the guy I'm seeing now. Old Slackbladder disappeared a few weeks back. By the way, Drury's the name of a lane and a theatre, Dury's the name of one of the greatest lyricists of all time. You've got to admire his principles too. He was the first choice of Andrew Lloyd Webber to write the lyrics for "Cats". When asked why he turned it, and the great deal of money he would have got for it, down, Ian said "I can't stand his music. He's a wanke_r, isn't he?" They should have made him a diplomat. What a waste.

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Its a double standard; as my wife tells me if a Thai band used expletives in their song they would be promptly arrested.

Maybe its because the language of Thai music is so restricted, for some Thais western music is an outlet.

Advice: buy an ipod.

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