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Gonzo the Face

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I have a guest in who would like to try some local fishing.

Couple questions.

Where, locally, can he pick up some inexspensive gear?


since our good buddy, Hugh Ashby, has gone on to his final reward, can anyone recommend some local fishing ponds, reasonably priced and close in?

Wish you were still here Hugh.

much appreciated


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There are many small shops offering cheap fishing gear, and prices are similar I've found. You can put together a nicely workable set up together for 2000 - 3000 baht. The cheapest stuff in the shops isn't worth anything and looks ready to full apart at the soonest possible moment. Also there are many small fishing parks scattered around the outside of the city.

Consider Bosang fishing park, fighting several large catfish in the heat is a nice work out to earn your beer. Take the 1006 (the Narawat Bridge Rd to SanKamphaeng) east outta town, turning left on to the Bosang Handcraft road, the 1014. About 2 - 2.5 km up the road turn left at the big red sign - the are no signs in English, just look a well traveled dirt road. It's past the road side Wat on the right a few hundred meters - Caution, my directions are vague as I don't have to look around to find the turn off anymore.

Also Mr T's shop, the first on the left on the north side of the 1006 past the second ring road, offers good equipment and advice for fishing Bosang. Also know that Bosang changed there rules a few months ago, and you can only use the bait purchased at the fishing park itself. You can still use your own scents, binding agents, and loaf of Farmhouse bread.

Cheers and happy fishing


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wow -- who caught who?

For some reason I'm reminded of this story from last year, and the funny blog comment below...:)

South Florida Fisherman Attacked by Shark

Less than a week after a man was attacked by a shark in Stuart, another man was attacked on Florida's East Coast. On Saturday, the victim, whose name was not released, was fishing in the water off Riviera Beach when a 6-foot spinner shark took the bait. The man swam farther in the water to cut loose the shark, but that turned out to be a very bad idea.

"I'm looking at him and I'm thinking, 'Geez, I wouldn't do that,'"one witness told WPTV.

The man grabbed the shark with both hands trying to get the hook out. Bad idea No. 2.

The thrashing shark, none to happy with his predicament, spun and bit the fisherman on his lower leg after it was freed.

According to a witness on scene, he had about six puncture marks on him. He was treated at a West Palm Beach Hospital.

First Published: Feb 8, 2010 2:35 PM EST

anonymous I think the more appropriate headline would be "Man attacks shark. Shark escapes after struggle."

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I rented at the catfish pond for 20 thb. The Saturday night tournament was a blast. I was eating it while fishing. Caught a great buzz, too. Between ring 1 and ring II, just on the west side of the river. May actually be between superhighway and ring 1.

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Consider Bosang fishing park, fighting several large catfish in the heat is a nice work out to earn your beer. Take the 1006 (the Narawat Bridge Rd to SanKamphaeng) east outta town, turning left on to the Bosang Handcraft road, the 1014. About 2 - 2.5 km up the road turn left at the big red sign - the are no signs in English, just look a well traveled dirt road.

there is one sign in English, it says "Pepsi". otherwise, bo-sang is good and not too far from town. they have the big boring slimy boot fish (catfish) if size matters to you, but also have plenty of other types if your prepared to trawl a spinner, or throw in a worm. there are a few other parks about i can recommend, though they are punched into my GPS, which i don't have handy atm.

the ping has some fish in it too. if there is water, there is probably fish. the moat, around temples and the national parks are a bit of a no-go apparently.

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Dream Park and Borsan ponds are the only two pay for play ponds that I am aware of near Chiang Mai. The reservoirs all have fish, but you need to know some Thai who has a boat and is willing to guide you. Otherwise your results are very poor. If an angler is willing to travel 4 hours or more and stay over night then there are several other locations worth visiting.

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Consider Bosang fishing park, fighting several large catfish in the heat is a nice work out to earn your beer. Take the 1006 (the Narawat Bridge Rd to SanKamphaeng) east outta town, turning left on to the Bosang Handcraft road, the 1014. About 2 - 2.5 km up the road turn left at the big red sign - the are no signs in English, just look a well traveled dirt road.

there is one sign in English, it says "Pepsi". otherwise, bo-sang is good and not too far from town. they have the big boring slimy boot fish (catfish) if size matters to you, but also have plenty of other types if your prepared to trawl a spinner, or throw in a worm. there are a few other parks about i can recommend, though they are punched into my GPS, which i don't have handy atm.

the ping has some fish in it too. if there is water, there is probably fish. the moat, around temples and the national parks are a bit of a no-go apparently.

I was going to say a Coke sign... Find pulling in 20 plus of those slime boots/catfish, on a warm day, is a satisfying workout. :D

Even Huay Tung Toa provides some fish.

Ian the are little pay puddles sprinkled throughout CM, but they won't interest you. Well there is a mid size one I just started fishing in Saraphi that has two small ponds: one with plenty of smaller slimy boots 10 kilos or less, and a second Tilapia pond that's well stock to provide grilling fodder.

Hope to head to the 1035 area after the weekend, stay in the resort mentioned on the CM forum and fish the surprisingly clear waters that have been showing big schools of frisky Jungle Perch. Last weekend pic when searching for guest houses:IMG_0281.JPG

Water's up from June of last year:DSC_0331.JPG

Always shocked that there is almost no one in CM also interested in combining the two great pastimes of Motorcycles and Fishing. We had a great feed of fish after that day pictured.:P7030039.JPG

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That is one of my favourites, Kev. There are not all the locals living there and fishing with nets. And, according to my Thai friends, the Jungle perch were good eating when I brought some home.



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Can't you just send him down to the bottom of your garden???

There's a fishing lake near me, Hang Dong rd that I think not many farang people know about, I'm sure they'll rent out gear too, might be worth checking out...


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Can't you just send him down to the bottom of your garden???

There's a fishing lake near me, Hang Dong rd that I think not many farang people know about, I'm sure they'll rent out gear too, might be worth checking out...


Thats what the plan started out to be. But he would have to buy some gear. So the thought turned out to maybe trying one of the places that rents or provides the gear & if not buy some inexpensive gear and down to the river it would be.

Thanks for all the input and suggestions gang.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Little bit of an update and a great big thank you from Kn. Rob.

After a bit we did manage to get him out to the Borsang Fishing Camp, where he actually went more than once.

For a kid from Flatbush, he done did good. After some local help and cheering he did manage to snag quite a few, at least enough to make him as a kid on Christmas morning.

Here are a couple he was able to have his pic taken with....... now I don't know about this fish story, but according to him the really big one he caught and had a just met fishing buddy take a pic of, was supposed to be sent to him by email, Somehow that one pic hasn't shown up as of yet..... yeah yeah, I know we have heard it before......

Anyhow a big thank you is given to all those on TV who pointed him in the right direction;



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I don't think Huay Tung Taw is a good fishing spot. In the hundreds of times I have been there over the years, I have never seen or heard about anyone catching a fish. Mostly beginners and people just relaxing from the looks of things :)

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My wifes elderly mother caught a fish at htt, within about 10 mins. This she achieved with a 20b fishing stick, line, hook and bait from the grocery shop before the pay booth.

Sadly, the line broke before she got it in hand. She reckoned it was a big one too. It sure made her day anyway. Especially as she was armed with a one-that-got-away story. :-)

I used to own a coffee shop there a few years back. There's plenty of fish to be caught. The dam seems to be a popular spot.

I don't think Huay Tung Taw is a good fishing spot. In the hundreds of times I have been there over the years, I have never seen or heard about anyone catching a fish. Mostly beginners and people just relaxing from the looks of things :)

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Dream Park and Borsan ponds are the only two pay for play ponds that I am aware of near Chiang Mai. The reservoirs all have fish, but you need to know some Thai who has a boat and is willing to guide you. Otherwise your results are very poor. If an angler is willing to travel 4 hours or more and stay over night then there are several other locations worth visiting.

Is it fly fishing equipment I can see there? Did u buy it in Thailand or?

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Dream Park and Borsan ponds are the only two pay for play ponds that I am aware of near Chiang Mai. The reservoirs all have fish, but you need to know some Thai who has a boat and is willing to guide you. Otherwise your results are very poor. If an angler is willing to travel 4 hours or more and stay over night then there are several other locations worth visiting.

Is it fly fishing equipment I can see there? Did u buy it in Thailand or?

Yes, some stores in CM stock fly fishing gear and a few species here respond well to it.


(pics I have my mug and catfish caught on the fly, boring)

Giant Snakehead for one - though this is as huge a Snakehead as the ones I've caught (so far)


Ian sprinted like a teenager far outta sight chasing this healthy Mahseer caught on a nymph


At the right times Jungle perch aggressively take flies (borrowed photo)


And the best way to fly fish in Thailand! A half day fishing the unbelievable Mahseer and then a half days ride on a portion of the MHS loop, does it get any better.



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Like Kev said, snakeheads take surface flies quite well. Even the big ones do. Unfortunately, the locals net most of the bigger fish.


But little ones are far more common and get quite aggressive to minnow flies.


Jungle perch are much more common and vary from little guys...


To much bigger specimens.



We've even caught the occasional Archer fish..


Snakeheads hide in the submerged brush found in all reservoirs and attack from ambush


Virtually EVERY waterway in Thailand contains fish of some sort. The secret is knowing where and how to find them. There is a wide variety from marshy streams in farm country..


To clear, mountain rivers that we drift in bamboo rafts.


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  • 8 months later...

Good Morning Fishing Folks,

Need a little help with an update on this thread.

My short time memory seems to be moved back to about 30 year old memory, so I seem to be unable to remember what Kn Rob told me last year, and I would prefer not to wait for 29 more years for this topic to roll around in my mind.

So can anyone tell me what the cost is to go fishing at the Borsang Fishing Camp?? Have another guest that would like to catch one of the whoppers..... can't imagine why, the whoppers here at The Pun Pun are pretty big.

Anyhow, if anyone knows the entry fee and gear rental fee, would appreciate an answer,

Thanks guys.


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Its true , Google is my friend....& there is a difference if you google "Borsang Fishing Park" vs. "Borsang Fishing Camp"

It would appear that you can get in for about 250 baht, and they are open from 9AM to 10PM. Gear rental is available and moderately priced.

I do hope these are still current prices....


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