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Marriage To Thai - Uk Laws?

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As a British National considering marrying a Thai national, I'm trying to find out the laws beforehand.

I understand that the marriage would be recognised under UK law as well. My question is, in the event of divorce, or death of myself or spouse, what would be the law regarding division of assets? - What would happen to our assets in Thailand ? - I have my own assets in the UK, what would happen to these? - As the marriage is recognised under UK law, would UK law automatically apply to my assets in the UK, and therefore be passed on to next of kin (ie: my spouse?)<br style="text-indent: 0px !important; ">Confused as I guess Thai law would apply, but would UK law apply too? And what exactly do these laws stipulate regarding assets in event of divorce/death ??


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Your marriage inThailand would be recognised in the UK. However in the event of divorce or death your wife would have to go to the UK to obtain her rights to your assets (house, pensions, etc.).

Apart from that it is an enormously complex area depending on what assets are involved, if you have been resident together in the UK and so on. Also the family courts in the UK have wide powers to overrule pre-nuptial agreements and wills which they deem to be unfair or to have been drawn up between unequal parties.

If you could be more specific about what assets are involved and what your concerns are then maybe you might get some constructive comments.

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Next time you are in the UK go to a Citizens advice bureau, ita FREE and they'll tell you or send you to one of their solicitors for FREE.

Get proper legal advice dont rely on someones "I think " !!!

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Thanks, I have not been resident in UK for about 3yrs now. I joint-own a house and have some rainy day savings.

So even a pre-nup in Thailand, may not mean anything under UK law?

Thanks for the CAB tip - good idea . If I don't have the chance to go back to UK especially for legal advice, is there any way I can get UK Legal advice here in Thailand ?

I also emailed the British Consulate in BKK, not sure if they could provide information but worth a shot !

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any uk assets acquired after marriage will be owned jointly. any UK assets you acquired before marriage are yours. if you have children together and bring them to the uk or you bring your girlfriend's children to the UK, and then divorce you will have to provide for the children and also for your wife. you would have to pay a lump sum / or provide a house and pay monthly contributions. for how long and how much depends on how long you were married.

if you marry, any previous UK Wills are void. So if you die whilst married your assets will go to your wife, as next of kin. i would suggest to make a Will, even once married, especially if you are looking after your girlfriend's children. if you divorce, then maybe contact a uk lawyer about your Will.

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