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I Really Need Some Opinions

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Singapore is so boring after living there for a while. It is so expensive that you can live well here on half what it costs in Singapore. Accommodation and servants cost three to four times as much in Singapore. 72k a month is more than adequate here.

I was earning 500k a month in Singapore and gave it up to live here on about 75k a month. The best thing I ever did. My Thai wife hated Singapore even though she lived like a queen.

She had a uniformed chauffeur driven Mercedes and servants. Here in Thailand she happily drives a pick-up truck.

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Singapore is so boring after living there for a while. It is so expensive that you can live well here on half what it costs in Singapore. Accommodation and servants cost three to four times as much in Singapore. 72k a month is more than adequate here.

I was earning 500k a month in Singapore and gave it up to live here on about 75k a month. The best thing I ever did. My Thai wife hated Singapore even though she lived like a queen.

She had a uniformed chauffeur driven Mercedes and servants. Here in Thailand she happily drives a pick-up truck.

Though obviously there will be many who cannot imagine such a thing, it's very nice to see that side of the story -- people who opted for less money and found a better quality of life.

But I have to ask -- had you accumulated a nice cushion in the bank from you 500K/mo income? Because the 2 previous posters make excellent points and speaking from experience, while circa 72K/mo can certainly provide a comfortable life here, without some reserves serious medical issues and retirement plans would be a real concern.

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15k is a little high if you plan on using public transport (BTS, bus, moto taxi etc)

Not much chance of "jumping ship" here unless you have a job that a Thai national cannot do but there are expats that have been here for many years that can already speak Thai etc so slim chance.

What will you need a helper for? Does your wife have a job also here?

You can live good here on 70k I think

Come on now, Geeraphun.

Personally, I do not think for a single minute that a farang family consisting of a baby, a 3 yr old, a spouse and himself could live good, as you said, in Bkk with 70k thb.

I just check last few months payout slips for a 14 mos boy, his portion alone came to the average of about 8k per month, and he is a lacto-ovo vegetarian at that.

Love to see you and your family come back to Thailand to enjoy all natural good stuff that Thailand has to offer,

but if you ask me, with my limited experience, what they offer to pay you here would not really doing you any justice nor would it entitle you and your family to a leisure living.

Humbly, I would not consider it seriously to be coming to Thailand at this moment in time, unless your Thai spouse is able to supplement another major portion of family income.

That would be another story altogether. This is just an old man's thinking, a younger couple like yourself might have an entirely different idea and outlook and aspiration altogether.

And that is fabulous as well. Anyway, best of everything to you and your family. :jap:

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Another company that I know is paying 120K (+benefits)

If your boss wants you to go over to BKK or the company wants you, surely you could negotiate some where near this number.

I know I would.

I earn 50k and I do good but I have no children so ....................

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Singapore is so boring after living there for a while. It is so expensive that you can live well here on half what it costs in Singapore. Accommodation and servants cost three to four times as much in Singapore. 72k a month is more than adequate here.

I was earning 500k a month in Singapore and gave it up to live here on about 75k a month. The best thing I ever did. My Thai wife hated Singapore even though she lived like a queen.

She had a uniformed chauffeur driven Mercedes and servants. Here in Thailand she happily drives a pick-up truck.

But you save twice as much in Singapore which is probably more important than your spending unless you're already rich enough not to have to work.

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Singapore is so boring after living there for a while. It is so expensive that you can live well here on half what it costs in Singapore. Accommodation and servants cost three to four times as much in Singapore. 72k a month is more than adequate here.

I was earning 500k a month in Singapore and gave it up to live here on about 75k a month. The best thing I ever did. My Thai wife hated Singapore even though she lived like a queen.

She had a uniformed chauffeur driven Mercedes and servants. Here in Thailand she happily drives a pick-up truck.

Your guts ought to be commented.

To change from such a drastic level is difficult to believe for most humans.

Any way--Congrats

walter mitty

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:rolleyes: .....think you missed my point, note I said the 80k/m related to their "THAI" salary......didnt mention the "other" salary being paid...:whistling:

No, you had, indeed you have, no "point".

Squirm however you may – please at least try to address the facts.

Name me ONE MNC (in Thailand) – that means Multi National Company by the way in case you missed the relevance – which employs "plenty of western expats working (<snip> your reference) and there (sic)Thai salaries are equal to or less than 80k/m"

The OP in this case was concerned ONLY with the Salary he would receive - no mention of (hypothetical)outside or additional benefits at all.


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We live in Chiang Mai. I'm not positive, but I believe your estimate on lodging in bkk is a bit low and also food. Doesn't allow for any/many meals out with the family.

As others have said, taking a 50 percent pay cut is pretty drastic. Keep looking until you find something better.

youd be mad to take it with 2 children and cost of living in BKK you need at least 150,000 - 200,000 baht a month unless your going to live in a bot of a dive send your kids to a poor school and struggle Worst thing you could do. Singapore I know is not cheat but its not much more than Bangkok

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Hi Guys, really appreciate all the comments given! I was really busy the last 3 weeks with my new baby and didnt have a chance to check the replies! I did not take up the offer as I felt it wasnt the right move for me. However, I am glad that I did not, as I have a very good job offer now in Singapore and also another interview for a posting to Bangkok next week. This company should be offering a semi-expat package hopefully with the taxes equalised but this will depend on my negotiation skills!

My current dilemma is that this new company (for Singapore) wants me to sign a 1 year bond with a 1 month non prorated financial penalty if I quit beforehand as this job requires some travelling and also fully paid training in the US. They want my reply by 30 May and I am also scheduled for the interview with the company posting to Bangkok on 30th May. I have had preliminary talks with their HR and they will be able to match or up my current salary which is around 160K baht equivalent in SGD as this role is actaully a promotion if I get it. So I am really keeping my fingers crossed, and will update on my Bangkok job search!

To clarify some facts:

I am not a farang but a Singaporean Chinese.

The company that offered me previously is a technology company not Oil and Gas.

My wife is not working and will also not work

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Hi Guys, really appreciate all the comments given! I was really busy the last 3 weeks with my new baby and didnt have a chance to check the replies! I did not take up the offer as I felt it wasnt the right move for me. However, I am glad that I did not, as I have a very good job offer now in Singapore and also another interview for a posting to Bangkok next week. This company should be offering a semi-expat package hopefully with the taxes equalised but this will depend on my negotiation skills!

My current dilemma is that this new company (for Singapore) wants me to sign a 1 year bond with a 1 month non prorated financial penalty if I quit beforehand as this job requires some travelling and also fully paid training in the US. They want my reply by 30 May and I am also scheduled for the interview with the company posting to Bangkok on 30th May. I have had preliminary talks with their HR and they will be able to match or up my current salary which is around 160K baht equivalent in SGD as this role is actaully a promotion if I get it. So I am really keeping my fingers crossed, and will update on my Bangkok job search!

To clarify some facts:

I am not a farang but a Singaporean Chinese.

The company that offered me previously is a technology company not Oil and Gas.

My wife is not working and will also not work

Good luck with both the job prospects.

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Hi Guys, really appreciate all the comments given! I was really busy the last 3 weeks with my new baby and didnt have a chance to check the replies! I did not take up the offer as I felt it wasnt the right move for me. However, I am glad that I did not, as I have a very good job offer now in Singapore and also another interview for a posting to Bangkok next week. This company should be offering a semi-expat package hopefully with the taxes equalised but this will depend on my negotiation skills!

My current dilemma is that this new company (for Singapore) wants me to sign a 1 year bond with a 1 month non prorated financial penalty if I quit beforehand as this job requires some travelling and also fully paid training in the US. They want my reply by 30 May and I am also scheduled for the interview with the company posting to Bangkok on 30th May. I have had preliminary talks with their HR and they will be able to match or up my current salary which is around 160K baht equivalent in SGD as this role is actaully a promotion if I get it. So I am really keeping my fingers crossed, and will update on my Bangkok job search!

To clarify some facts:

I am not a farang but a Singaporean Chinese.

The company that offered me previously is a technology company not Oil and Gas.

My wife is not working and will also not work

Regarding the bond requirement, I know a number of Singaporeans who have bailed out of a company and ignored the bond issue. Even though companies in Singapore stress it heavily when you are signing with them, it turns out to not be enforceable under Singapore law, and certainly impractical for a company to enforce if your next job is outside of Singapore. I know that it takes balls to defy it, but what you do is resign and stop working the day after you get your monthly paycheck and then they have no way of taking the bond money out of you. Bonuses you may lose but you won't lose the bond money because the company has already paid you all direct wages to which you are entitled. The company can then try to litigate it if they want, but the won't because they'll lose and even if they won their court costs would probably be as much as the money that they'd recover.

Also, be aware that some Singapore companies will perpetually find ways to have the 1 year bond requirement renewed & extended, for instance by sending you on overseas trips that (according to them) serve to increase your market value. They'll make you feel kike you can't refuse to go and then say that you can't resign for a year because they've invested the additional money of the trip in you. Don't let them trap you with the type of shenanigans, they know that they can't do it but that think that the little guys will be too afraid of the big bad company to notice that.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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The Farang label may be misleading as that usually implies westerners and we don't know that the OP is a westerner (he used the term "foreigner" not "farang"). There are, for instance, a fair number of Filipino engineers working at MNC's in Thailand and they generally don't pull in anywhere near the salaries that a Western expat would.

I know plenty of western expats working for MNC's whose Thai salaries are equal to or less than 80k/m...;)

Don't doubt what you're saying but I have to wonder why a western expat would want a job like that. Living & working in Thailand is a great experience but it's not so cheap that 80k/mo affords a great lifestyle, you're going to have to dial your expectations way down if that's the budget. But then again, I'm having a good month if I can keep my wife from spending 80k baht on clothes, so in a way I'm envious of anyone who can make the whole household budget come in in that range.

:rolleyes: .....think you missed my point, note I said the 80k/m related to their "THAI" salary......didnt mention the "other" salary being paid...:whistling:

You're talking about a split contract arrangement then? Doesn't seem to be applicable to the OP's case.

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