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Dongle For Netbook


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I am coming to BKK soon and I will need to buy a dongle for my netbook to get on the internet.

I have no idea or experience with these in Thailand.

Where can I get one? How much are they? Do they actually work? What's the best one?

I'll only be there for a few days so no contracts just pay a you go.

Cheers all.

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i went to the DTAC shop and bought the dongle. it was incredibly cheap, but forgive me as i don't remember the price as it was a couple of years ago. once you buy the dongle and the sim card, you pay about 200baht for 50 hours. DTAC used to have a promotion where if you bought 200baht, you'd get an additional 50 hours free. i heard this is no longer available.

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If you are from the UK and are confident in your sexuality, you can buy this model for a mere £14. Again you can use it with TOT 3G or TRUE 3G.

Not as good performance wise as the D-LINK, but as you are only there for a few days it may be the way to go.

You can also use it for any UK network.

It should just work with Windows 7, but if there are any problems, look here

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