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Girlfriend Wants To Put Her Sons Name In My Blue Book

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Hi Guys

Apologies if this has been covered before?? These books are a nightmare!

My GF wants to put her sons name in the Blue House registration Book so her son can attend the local primary school for free, otherwise she has to pay for the schooling. The local school want to see it before they admit her 5 yr old son.

The Blue book is currently empty just has the house No in it and I realise this is just for Thai people. My yellow book is fine with house No and my name in it.

Thinking about the future if we seperate.

1. If she runs off with the book does it it give her any right / access to my house?

2. She goes but refuses to remove her sons name from the book? Will this be a problem if I sell to Thai people OR can I as the owner remove the sons name?

Any constructive feedback appreciated and once again apologies!! :blink:

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In her blue book?

A child cannot be alone in a blue book until he or she is 18 if my memory serves me correctly. But don't quote me.

My wife's brother is registered in his Mums blue book, we have another property and want to move him into the Blue book there, which my wife is currently on, but have to wait till he is 18.

Edited by beano2274
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A letter from any house owner along with a photocopy of house owners Thai ID and House book, stating the kid lives with them, entitles them to get all the local stuff free ...... Hospital, school, etc.

They don't have to be registered in a local house book.

(I know because my wife just did it)

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The household regstration tells who lives at the house, and all official government documents etc will be send to there. It does not mean ownership.

The child is not registered alone at that address, as the OP is also registered there. (Only in a yellow book).

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Stgrhe: Im in the UK thats why Ive posted this. Yes your right they could answer this question. Were down in Hua Hin. I just have this vision of her sons name remaining in the book

which may or may not be an issue for me at a later date if I ever want to sell. More hassle to sort out unless I lose it or just take the mai pen rai attitude. Just being cautious :D

Beano: Its my Blue Book...address and empty which is how I want to keep it ideally.

Sarahs Bloke: Are you in Hua Hin by any chance. What you saying does sound more logical. I think I ll try this approach. Thanks . I guess all the amphurs have their own proceedures???

Just looking for experiences of members who also have been in this situation.

Thanks anyway I got some ideas to play with :D

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