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Police Raid Dodgy Garages In London . . . . .

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Police Raid 'Rip-Off' Garage After Sky Probe

Police Raid 'Rip-Off' Garage After Sky ProbePolice have made 11 arrests during a raid on a garage previously exposed in a Sky News investigation.

Seventy-five tactical support officers from the Metropolitan Police descended on Bray Engineering Ltd. in Southall, assisted by police from the UK Border Agency.

The site, which reconditions motor engines, has been the subject of hundreds of complaints from customers who have alleged they've been defrauded and threatened with violence, or their vehicles impounded.

Officers were particularly keen to apprehend those running the business.

Among those led away in handcuffs was Paul Dockerill, understood to have once been the company director.

Detective Chief Superintendent Andy Rowell told Sky News: "We have been focusing on the people in charge of conducting the business.

"This year alone we have had 30 allegations of criminal activity relating to these premises.

"There have been allegations of violence, threats and intimidation towards customers. These complaints have been supported by numerous complaints to Trading Standards.

"We believe this company has been treading a very fine line between running a bad business and crossing over into criminality. The information we received demanded a day of action."

Police also arrested several mechanics on suspicion of immigration offences.

The employees were understood to be from East Europe, India and Pakistan.

The company was previously fined £55,000 in 2009 after a similar raid by Border Agency police uncovered staff at the premises who had been employed illegally.

Those detained have been taken to a police station in West London to be interviewed.

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