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Why Am I Always Stiff?

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After a game of golf I am stiff for a couple of days especially in the knees. I never used to suffer like this. Even when I haven't played, during the night I need to wake up a couple of times in order to stretch to release the stiffness.

Is it an age thing, a circulation thing, a being over weight thing or just not playing enough golf thing?

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And I thought the stiffness was attributed to the company I kept at the 19th hole... :o

Seriously though, it is an age related thing... I'd recommend using Counterpain on your joints (knees and ankles) immediately after your shower after the game, then go and have a good 2 hour Thai massage the next day.

It may not eliminate the stiffness entirely, but it will make a positive difference.


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Sometimes, things are slightly more complicated than it seemed. I used to get all stiff in the morning getting up. I also get stiff legs and back while getting out of the car after one or two hours drive or even after sitting in a chair. I have always put it as aging or too much golf.

Four months ago, I got this pain running along my left arm. After seeing a neuro-surgeon, I found that I had quite advanced cervical disc herniation which is like a slipped disc but on the neck part of the spine. My left leg was also affected as I tend to trip once in a while as I was losing control of my left leg a bit.

Had an operation to replace two disc with titanium inserts (titliest brand, I guess) -cost a bomb, and I no longer have this "old man" symptom anymore. I dont mean to worry you but this is my experience.



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I used to feel this way.

Then a friend told me about dehydration.

Said I should be drinking 10-12 glasses of fluid a day that is not caffeine like cokes or coffee or tea.

I started doing it and in a few days no more aches and pains.

Really worked for me.

And to think I spent some 20 years in a constant state of dehydration.

Try it. You'll see a change.

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