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Breast Fedding In Public


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first ever post on here, but i would like western ladies view on this matter, we were sat in Pizza hut yesterday and lady opposite just got her breast out in full view and fed her baby at the table, then in full view just put he breast back in. is it just me being a prude are would you ladies consider it acceptable rather than going to the bathroom. must admit i did feel a little queezy seeing it, im not a light weight blood etc ok, but that had me nearly wrenching . not troll i do that but i like to know am i becoming a dinasour and this is the norm. espeially in Thailand.

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It wouldn't bother me.....certainly wouldn't make me queasy. It's a natural thing that women all over the world need to do. Personally, I don't think that nursing mothers should have to go in the other room to breastfeed. However, they probably shouldn't limit the amount in which they expose themselves during feedings. It would have been better if she used a small blanket to cover herself up while nursing- that's what I would do.

I always wonder, if people are so bothered by it, why do they watch? You said you saw her take her breast out to feed, then put it back in her bra/shirt afterwards, so obviously you were staring. Next time you see something that bothers you, I'd suggest looking the other way for awhile.

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It's normal, natural, necessary for the health of the baby, it's not dirty and there is no waste product generated, so it would be unreasonable to expect women to use the bathroom to breastfeed. It's important to be comfortable, it can take a long time, and I would not want to sit in a dark, stinking, unhygienic bathroom to breastfeed, that might even be dangerous.

If the public place offers a breastfeeding room or corner I would opt to use it for my own privacy, but if not then I would be very upset if anyone would give me a hard time.

When possible the woman will cover up but you don't always have a scarf or clothes at hand that allow it and then I am sure they would just hope for some tolerance and whoever doesn't want to see it should look elsewhere.

I would have probably had another opinion before becoming a mother and breastfeeding myself, understandably since especially in the west people have fewer babies and its not very common to even see a breastfeeding mother or understand the importance of it.

I understand why people might be offended but I think it's sad that the world has come that far and the only thing to do is trying to raise awareness and promote understanding.

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It is a bit of strange situation for us guys though, not breastfeeding, but having a stranger pull out a teat in your view. You don't want to make her feel uncomfortable, but it is hard to know how much effort should be put into averting your gaze too.

On one hand you don't want to look like your staring, but you also want to act like nothing is going on. Looking away might also make her feel like she is making you uncomfortable.

The funny thing is that if the woman didn't have a baby with her, pulling out the goods would be a pretty big deal for the folks in the restaurant. But if there is a baby, somehow everything is different. It is a paradoxical world we have created.

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I don't have kids and my view is that if the child is hungry and the mother is being discreet enough then whatever the problem is is your own, and just because you have a sexualized view of a woman's breast does not mean 1. that the child should go hungry because you do, or 2. that its a sexual act. Its not. Its a mother feeding her baby.

If it disturbs you, don't look.

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It is a bit of strange situation for us guys though, not breastfeeding, but having a stranger pull out a teat in your view. You don't want to make her feel uncomfortable, but it is hard to know how much effort should be put into averting your gaze too.

On one hand you don't want to look like your staring, but you also want to act like nothing is going on. Looking away might also make her feel like she is making you uncomfortable.

The funny thing is that if the woman didn't have a baby with her, pulling out the goods would be a pretty big deal for the folks in the restaurant. But if there is a baby, somehow everything is different. It is a paradoxical world we have created.

Ok, but in all honesty, would you be uncomfortable if you were sitting somewhere and a woman exposed her breasts to you just to flash for fun or to try to be seductive (with no baby in sight)? I'm guessing for most guys, it wouldn't bother them. They'd probably enjoy it. Men see plenty of "teats" around Thailand, and we don't usually hear complaints. But when the the breast is exposed for a baby and NOT for a man, then all of a sudden it's weird and dirty. Hmmm. I wonder if that's the real issue that some (maybe not you, but some) guys have.....seeing breasts used as something other than a sexual toy.

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I don't have kids and my view is that if the child is hungry and the mother is being discreet enough then whatever the problem is is your own, and just because you have a sexualized view of a woman's breast does not mean 1. that the child should go hungry because you do, or 2. that its a sexual act. Its not. Its a mother feeding her baby.

If it disturbs you, don't look.

You beat me to it! That's exactly what I was trying to get at.

Oh, and for the record, I'm not a mother either.

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No big deal! it's LIFE. Get over it. What your Mom never showed you her tit? What do you do when the female attendant starts moping at your feet when you are trying to piss at the toilet? Tuck it back in and pee all over yourself? In some countries it is what it is, and that all there is to it!

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First time I ever saw a woman breast feeding in public was way back in 1978 in California. It was surprising and shocking for my young eyes. :unsure:

Whipping out a teat could be considered a natural thing to do, but during these oppressive times (just kidding about oppressive) there are breast feeding clothes which allow the baby to feed away from the stares of the general public.


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I think a bit of discretion is in good order by using a scarf or similar to keep prying eyes (such as yours) away, but to expect a woman to go to the bathroom of all places (disgustingly unhygenic place to feed!) is ridiculous. Not that many places apart from big shopping malls provide an actual feeding room for mums and bubs.

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There's a time and a place for everything...

In a decent restaurant in the evening, I wouldn't be impressed.

In a descrete corner in Pizzahut, WITH a cloth to cover and presenting a little respect and taste, I wouldn't mind.

I suggest the issue here is that some people simply do not give two hoots about those around them.

I don't think that getting a little uncomforatble at a womans lack decorum when indescretely 'wopping out her norks' to brest feed is prudish.

As I opened, there is a time and place for everything. This being the ladies forum, I guess it's not my place... :ph34r:

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There's a time and a place for everything...

In a decent restaurant in the evening, I wouldn't be impressed.

In a descrete corner in Pizzahut, WITH a cloth to cover and presenting a little respect and taste, I wouldn't mind.

I suggest the issue here is that some people simply do not give two hoots about those around them.

I don't think that getting a little uncomforatble at a womans lack decorum when indescretely 'wopping out her norks' to brest feed is prudish.

As I opened, there is a time and place for everything. This being the ladies forum, I guess it's not my place... :ph34r:

"A time and a place for everything"?? "Lack of decorum"?? LOL. What a dinosaur. Here's a tip for the uninitiated. When a baby wants to feed, they ain't concerned where they are, they just wanna eat and are quite insistent about it. Just discreetly toddling of to sit in the toilet? Absurd. As if a mother should have to hide with a bunch of people pissing and farting in a cubicle just to feed her child. If you are so scared of seeing a tit, look at your meal/menu/drink. Do you sit in a restaurant and stare at someone's nostril hairs if they are a bit too long and they offend you?

I am always amazed when this subject pops up and so many ijits get fired up over a woman feeding her baby. Amazing

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There's a time and a place for everything...

In a decent restaurant in the evening, I wouldn't be impressed.

In a descrete corner in Pizzahut, WITH a cloth to cover and presenting a little respect and taste, I wouldn't mind.

I suggest the issue here is that some people simply do not give two hoots about those around them.

I don't think that getting a little uncomforatble at a womans lack decorum when indescretely 'wopping out her norks' to brest feed is prudish.

As I opened, there is a time and place for everything. This being the ladies forum, I guess it's not my place... :ph34r:

"A time and a place for everything"?? "Lack of decorum"?? LOL. What a dinosaur. Here's a tip for the uninitiated When a baby wants to feed, they ain't concerned where they are,they just wanna eat and are quite insistent about it. Just discreetly toddling of to sit in the toilet? Absurd. As if a mother should have to hide with a bunch of people pissing and farting in a cubicle just to feed her child. If you are so scared of seeing a tit, look at your meal/menu/drink. Do you sit in a restaurant and stare at someone's nostril hairs if they are a bit too long and they offend you?

I am always amazed when this subject pops up and so many ijits get fired up over a woman feeding her baby. Amazing

I doubt it comes as a surprise to any parent that their child becomes hungry and requires feeding.

Had the child been covered by a small towel or cloth, this thread would not exist.

If people wish to be treated with respect they should be respectful of those around them.

I agree that the toilet is not an option.

When I notice people around me; A woman breast feeding openly, a man with a humdinger of a nostril hair, someone eating with their mouth open, talking with their mouths full, scratching their balls in public, etc... It simply makes me wonder why someone would do that and the answer is usually lack of education and manners.

Staring is of course equally poor form. As the Op mentioned: in these circumstances we do our best not to stare, but the 'issue' has already drawn unnecessary attention Which I assume is the whole point of the Topic.

A woman baring her brest (breastfeeding or not) is simply not the social norm. Had the lady in question wished to avoid any unnecessary attention she could have been more discrete.

And finally lets face it, no one wants to see the 'milky dribble' from a nipple when eating their Calzone.

Edited by richard_smith237
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when you have dinner, do you eat it in the toilet? why should a baby?

maybe the women in question forgot to take a scarf or muslin to cover herself that one day, it happens, so what should she have done. not feed the baby?

I'd suggest that in future situations the op move seats so as not to be offended by something that nature intended her to do.

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Patsy's mind is boggled!!

Having seen some of the toilet facilities in Thailand there is now way I would go in there to breast feed, sometimes it's difficult enough to go to pee.

As others have said, if it offends look away or change tables.

I would rather see the serene sight of a mother breastfeeding than listen to the screaming of a hungry baby - just because some man gave the mother a dirty look.

How ironic - with all the bars with all the boobs out... and you are up in arms about this.

Still boggled!!

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It wouldn't bother me.....certainly wouldn't make me queasy. It's a natural thing that women all over the world need to do. Personally, I don't think that nursing mothers should have to go in the other room to breastfeed. However, they probably shouldn't limit the amount in which they expose themselves during feedings. It would have been better if she used a small blanket to cover herself up while nursing- that's what I would do.

I always wonder, if people are so bothered by it, why do they watch? You said you saw her take her breast out to feed, then put it back in her bra/shirt afterwards, so obviously you were staring. Next time you see something that bothers you, I'd suggest looking the other way for awhile.

^ Not everyone!!! I agree they shouldn't limit the amount they expose themselves :passifier::emot-kiss: .... Freudian slip maybe?? :D

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Maybe my views would change if I'd birthed a child but I can't think of anything worse than whipping my gals out in public, no matter what the reason.

You only need to whip one out at a time !

Whip 'em out for God's sake - it's only natural.

As an aside, I have at least one friend who would buy a ticket to see a bit of suckling - but that is going off topic.

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Baby needs feeding ? . Feed it ! . Anywhere and everywhere ! ..... The babies more important than anyones Sensibilities.

Thats what breasts are for. There Sole funtion !

It also tends to keep them quiet too :D

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It's something that is being done less frequently in Thailand and other "westernised" countries in Sotheast Asia, it used to be much more common than now. I first came to Sotheast Asia in 1967, and seeing it was somewhat of a culture shock to me then.

In my experience most nursing mothers now will be as discreet as possible about it, by using something to keep at least their brest covered, but stll allowing the baby to nurse.

Actually, Breast milk is better and more hygenic for the baby than feeding them with a formula bottle...especially if the water used to mix the formula isn't pure.

As I heard it said before, Cow's milk is intended for baby Cows, Human Breast milk is intended for Human babies. Babies fed with Breast milk also develop a natural resistance to human diseases, because the mother's milk usually has antibodies to common human diseases in it. That usually keeps the baby healthier.

But at least here in the cities in Thailand, Breast feeding is considered "old-fashioned". So you don't see it that much anymore.


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What's to see anyway.

It's only the sight of a nipple that seems to upset our more prudish members, hence the invention of the 'pastie.'

The only thing a nursing mother could do that would turn me off my pizza would be to change it's steaming nappy right in the middle of the table.:sick:

"Miss, could we have some more napkins over here please?":hit-the-fan:

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I have actually seen the "nappy changing on the table" done in a restaurant here in antiseptic Swissland. Now, that was an eyeful!! And patrons did complain. Me included, as it happened just next to me.

The parents took the kid out to their car to finish the deed and came back and apologised profusely. We all had a laugh and made stupid jokes about babies and poop.

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Or so the OP says, who knows really. Most women I have seen breastfeeding in public are discreet about it.


And we don't really know how this woman went about it, only that the sight upset the OP.

Somehow I doubt her bare nipple was waved about for the whole restaurant to see.

And whatever amount of breast was on view, one has to wonder if it was that much more than a low cut dress would show.

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Baby needs feeding ? . Feed it ! . Anywhere and everywhere ! ..... The babies more important than anyones Sensibilities.

Thats what breasts are for. There Sole funtion !

It also tends to keep them quiet too :D

I can now see why you chose your signature ! :D

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when you have dinner, do you eat it in the toilet? why should a baby?

maybe the women in question forgot to take a scarf or muslin to cover herself that one day, it happens, so what should she have done. not feed the baby?

I'd suggest that in future situations the op move seats so as not to be offended by something that nature intended her to do.

so i get my pizza, lasange and coke and move, maybe a little thought for culture of the locals and openly getting out a breast made me feel uncomfortable with thai's all around the restuarant also looking suitably embarrsed. try telling Thais its what nuture intended to show breat blatanly for a while in a restuarant. nature also intended i urinate and have bowel movemens but cecoram dictates time and a place.

nobody seems to have any consideration for our guest counties culture.

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This is completely and utterly against the law in Thailand.

(female breasts exposed in a public place, strangely enough ladyboys can do it because they are men)

The police would arrest the woman if it were reported and there would be a fine.

Overnight in jail plus 500bht fine I believe.

Like it or not, that is the law.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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There's a time and a place for everything...

In a decent restaurant in the evening, I wouldn't be impressed.

In a descrete corner in Pizzahut, WITH a cloth to cover and presenting a little respect and taste, I wouldn't mind.

I suggest the issue here is that some people simply do not give two hoots about those around them.

I don't think that getting a little uncomforatble at a womans lack decorum when indescretely 'wopping out her norks' to brest feed is prudish.

As I opened, there is a time and place for everything. This being the ladies forum, I guess it's not my place... :ph34r:

"A time and a place for everything"?? "Lack of decorum"?? LOL. What a dinosaur. Here's a tip for the uninitiated. When a baby wants to feed, they ain't concerned where they are, they just wanna eat and are quite insistent about it. Just discreetly toddling of to sit in the toilet? Absurd. As if a mother should have to hide with a bunch of people pissing and farting in a cubicle just to feed her child. If you are so scared of seeing a tit, look at your meal/menu/drink. Do you sit in a restaurant and stare at someone's nostril hairs if they are a bit too long and they offend you?

I am always amazed when this subject pops up and so many ijits get fired up over a woman feeding her baby. Amazing

i am not fired up just seeking ladies opinions, i was eating a meal so do i just stick and menu in my face, never used a ladies toilet but really are ladies toilets full of ladies pissing and farting. i just thought bearing in mind this is thailand a modrern woman with no discretion what so ever got her breast and nipple out in clear view for everybody to see. it was clearly uncomfortable to all the Thais who witnessed it, like i say it was not discreet. dont see the connection between nostril hairs and showing of a breast in a society where its not accepted. its was one of those momennts where i felt embarred to be a farang

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