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Breast Fedding In Public


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try going to india, cambodia, and Im sure a few other countries

you will still see women breasfeeding in public

so please, dont feel embarrassed to be a farang.

think about this: if it were your child, or better still, what if it WERE YOU, crying out in hunger, and your mother had to worry about whether or not someone will take offense if she decides to feed you?

ermm excuse me....let me see if I can find a cloth to cover myself while my baby cries in hunger


should the other people just turn away and mind their own business?

if i were in the restaurant, I would simply turn away. that would be the polite thing to do.


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I have actually seen the "nappy changing on the table" done in a restaurant here in antiseptic Swissland. Now, that was an eyeful!! And patrons did complain. Me included, as it happened just next to me.

The parents took the kid out to their car to finish the deed and came back and apologised profusely. We all had a laugh and made stupid jokes about babies and poop.

Apologized profusely?? :blink: <deleted> idiots had to be told that was uncouth?? <deleted>!! :crazy::sick: There's just no accounting for some!!

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Baby needs feeding ? . Feed it ! . Anywhere and everywhere ! .....

Thats what breasts are for. There Sole funtion !

Not in MY house they're not :o

Yeah, can't see agreeing with the wording of "sole" either :lol: .

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when you have dinner, do you eat it in the toilet? why should a baby?

maybe the women in question forgot to take a scarf or muslin to cover herself that one day, it happens, so what should she have done. not feed the baby?

I'd suggest that in future situations the op move seats so as not to be offended by something that nature intended her to do.

so i get my pizza, lasange and coke and move, maybe a little thought for culture of the locals and openly getting out a breast made me feel uncomfortable with thai's all around the restuarant also looking suitably embarrsed. try telling Thais its what nuture intended to show breat blatanly for a while in a restuarant. nature also intended i urinate and have bowel movemens but cecoram dictates time and a place.

nobody seems to have any consideration for our guest counties culture.

I'm sorry but suddenly this thread has morphed into a foreigner doing this as that is conveniently overlooked in the OP. I don't see the issue in either case but it's more likely since they don't know and regardless the child still needs nourishment, but yes could be done more discreetly it seems to be along the lines of topless bathing on the beaches only that's for pleasure (sometimes in rare cases mine too) and not a child's nutrition.

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try telling Thais its what nuture intended to show breat blatanly for a while in a restuarant. nature also intended i urinate and have bowel movemens but decoram dictates time and a place.

Thai women breastfeed, I doubt nearly as many thai people were as embarrassed as you claim.

As for decorum dictating a time & place, it was a restaurant, the baby was eating. I don't see your point.

As for you having bowel movements & urinating, presumably you do that in a toilet but you don't eat in one. so again I ask, why should a baby?

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try telling Thais its what nuture intended to show breat blatanly for a while in a restuarant. nature also intended i urinate and have bowel movemens but decoram dictates time and a place.

Thai women breastfeed, I doubt nearly as many thai people were as embarrassed as you claim.

As for decorum dictating a time & place, it was a restaurant, the baby was eating. I don't see your point.

As for you having bowel movements & urinating, presumably you do that in a toilet but you don't eat in one. so again I ask, why should a baby?

We are talking social acceptability.

Pissing in a crowded restaurant is definately NOT - breast-feeding, for some, is also not considered socially acceptable.

Frankly, I find it far more acceptable than smoking and, at worst, on par with farting.

It would never put me off my meal and I got over the novelty of a partially exposed tit a long time ago.

However, like it or not ladies, get your jugs out in public and I guarantee that someone will see a sexual connotation.

Boo - be careful if you are using the "it was a restaurant and bay was eating " argument - many restaurants do not allow you to bring in your own food :)

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However, like it or not ladies, get your jugs out in public and I guarantee that someone will see a sexual connotation.

I doubt the mother gave a crap if someone got off on her having her tit out. she was doing what she needed to do. honestly I never heard such nonesense coming from grown people over a baby being fed. seems some posters need to grow up & accept the world doesn't revolve around them. pretty sure that mother couldn't care less if she upset some stranger, her only concern is her baby & rightly so. end of.

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However, like it or not ladies, get your jugs out in public and I guarantee that someone will see a sexual connotation.

I doubt the mother gave a crap if someone got off on her having her tit out. she was doing what she needed to do. honestly I never heard such nonesense coming from grown people over a baby being fed. seems some posters need to grow up & accept the world doesn't revolve around them. pretty sure that mother couldn't care less if she upset some stranger, her only concern is her baby & rightly so. end of.

Or alternatively she could try her luck at breastfeeding in public in a country under Sharia law.

See how she likes getting whipped or stoned in public.

It really is wrong to act against local 'morality' and law no matter how 'empowered' you are feeling at the time.

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Anyway thanks for the replies, yes i have travelled to over 40 countires around the world was a baby once and assume my my mother breast fed me but never get her breast out, and put it on show. the toilets here seem to have a separte washing area t where all the pissing and fating goes on. when a baby nedds feeding i uess its the modern day way of treating children as in must have it now, i doubt the baby leave it out in full show ort the baby out and then start feeding, then sort baby out then but breast away. but i accept i am old fashioned and feel a little preperation would have been good, as in everybody knows that baby would need feeding whilst out so why not take a shawlll or something. seen the thai beggar ladies on street feeding but always discreetly under the blouse or shawl. did not realise the faier sex passed wind :rolleyes: . anyway will not look away or hide behind menu, for me it was wrong to sit there with breast hanging out fully exposed in a public place and shows a lack of decorum, i could have easily been done discreetly in the restuarant with out the full exposure shots. maybe thats how it is in Russia

but thanks for answers, at least i know i am in the minority, but then again English are know for being prudes hence the term prudy angit. by English i do not mean the scum who hang around the bars in Pattaya.


seems i am not alone on the discretion thing, funnythis topic was anti my feelings yet similar advice goes along with my thoughts.

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Baby needs feeding ? . Feed it ! . Anywhere and everywhere ! .....

Thats what breasts are for. There Sole funtion !

Not in MY house they're not :o

Yeah, can't see agreeing with the wording of "sole" either :lol: .

I was fishing and actually caught a couple. :D Unsurprisingly B)

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Anyway thanks for the replies, yes i have travelled to over 40 countires around the world was a baby once and assume my my mother breast fed me but never get her breast out, and put it on show. the toilets here seem to have a separte washing area t where all the pissing and fating goes on. when a baby nedds feeding i uess its the modern day way of treating children as in must have it now, i doubt the baby leave it out in full show ort the baby out and then start feeding, then sort baby out then but breast away. but i accept i am old fashioned and feel a little preperation would have been good, as in everybody knows that baby would need feeding whilst out so why not take a shawlll or something. seen the thai beggar ladies on street feeding but always discreetly under the blouse or shawl. did not realise the faier sex passed wind :rolleyes: . anyway will not look away or hide behind menu, for me it was wrong to sit there with breast hanging out fully exposed in a public place and shows a lack of decorum, i could have easily been done discreetly in the restuarant with out the full exposure shots. maybe thats how it is in Russia

but thanks for answers, at least i know i am in the minority, but then again English are know for being prudes hence the term prudy angit. by English i do not mean the scum who hang around the bars in Pattaya.


seems i am not alone on the discretion thing, funnythis topic was anti my feelings yet similar advice goes along with my thoughts.

Mmmm... yes, some travellers telling you what they see. Well, in my time in Thailand (over 20 years now) I have seen Thai women breastfeed in public. In fact, I've even seen old ladies sitting around the village in their bras and some, gasp with nothing on top at all.

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seems i am not alone on the discretion thing, funnythis topic was anti my feelings yet similar advice goes along with my thoughts.

Here's an idea

Next time you see it, try shouting 'nice tits darling, me next', see what she does.

I'm fairly sure she would cover up quite quickly.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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seems i am not alone on the discretion thing, funnythis topic was anti my feelings yet similar advice goes along with my thoughts.

Here's an idea

Next time you see it, try shouting 'nice tits darling, me next', see what she does.

I'm fairly sure she would cover up quite quickly.

or maybe her Husband would lose face and pummel you to death. :D

I'm with what Boo said. it really is end of. anyway.... I'm out of here. enough getting in touch with my female side for a few months me thinks ;)

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seems i am not alone on the discretion thing, funnythis topic was anti my feelings yet similar advice goes along with my thoughts.

Here's an idea

Next time you see it, try shouting 'nice tits darling, me next', see what she does.

I'm fairly sure she would cover up quite quickly.

or maybe her Husband would lose face and pummel you to death. :D

I'm with what Boo said. it really is end of. anyway.... I'm out of here. enough getting in touch with my female side for a few months me thinks ;)

that would be uncalled for and out of order, SBK has 5 more years here than me so it happens although i have travelled extensivly around Thailand, must have read the report wrong as i thought it was opinons on it. anyway got the reports i needed, pryor to that i was broadening my mind travelling around 5 continents, i find living on a tiny island does not exactly broaden ones horizens as i found on Samui. anyway thanks for all the opinions, lets just say it was a first in 40 years of travelling around the 41 countries.

no need for further replies, just wanted western ladies view on it, so far i only had Thai Buddist ladies opinion, which was its not the done thing to expose everthing.

so for me question answered. as always a civil and non insulting topic on the ladies forum lets hope is spreads to some of the others.

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Well, it seems you got some women's opinions and a whole lot of men's too.

I will just add that while I think it inappropriate to "bare it all" in public I think your outrage is a bit misplaced.

Did you ask your Thai lady friends what they think of the gogo bars? Or what they think of those Thai girls who stripped down at Songkran and danced topless in the streets? Is there a degree of outrage or is it all just terrible and a woman shouldn't show her breasts regardless of the reason?

Best to feed the baby unhealthy formula instead of healthy breast milk so that some aren't offended?

Please do ask, I am curious.

Oh, and just as a note, I have also seen Thai women breastfeed in public and no, I didn't care.

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Or alternatively she could try her luck at breastfeeding in public in a country under Sharia law.

See how she likes getting whipped or stoned in public.

It really is wrong to act against local 'morality' and law no matter how 'empowered' you are feeling at the time.

Your wife is knocked up, right? I'm curious to see if you change your tune at all once you have to deal with a screaming crying baby and a wife who doesn't have a blanket to cover herself with. Are you going to tell her not to feed the baby because she's being immoral? Or, as you suggested to another poster, are you going to say "Nice tits...my turn!" Although, this may not even be an issue, because based on some of your other comments in the past, I wouldn't be surprised if you even "let" your wife leave the house after she has the baby.

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Or alternatively she could try her luck at breastfeeding in public in a country under Sharia law.

See how she likes getting whipped or stoned in public.

It really is wrong to act against local 'morality' and law no matter how 'empowered' you are feeling at the time.

Your wife is knocked up, right? I'm curious to see if you change your tune at all once you have to deal with a screaming crying baby and a wife who doesn't have a blanket to cover herself with. Are you going to tell her not to feed the baby because she's being immoral? Or, as you suggested to another poster, are you going to say "Nice tits...my turn!" Although, this may not even be an issue, because based on some of your other comments in the past, I wouldn't be surprised if you even "let" your wife leave the house after she has the baby.

My wife is far more judgmental than I, can't imagine her letting any guy get a look (for free)

As for whose turn, I am already claiming my turns both before and after the birth.

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I've seen local Thai women breast feed in public. Would be interested in the law citing breast feeding in public illegal. cheers

Yeah I don't think the breast exposure laws apply in that case as it has no intent of enticement..Except to the baby of course :) ..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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In Australia a baby was fed in the chamber by a Member of Parliament of one of the states. It was decided that although acceptible if thye mother wished to feed her baby an automatic pair would be given. ie one of the members of the oposing party would not vote.

Currently a similar situation applies in Scotland. In the US a baby may be breast fed in any federal government place.

In Canada aparently the women are like men and can bare their breasts anywhere the opposite sex can.

Edited by harrry
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I believe the law is against 'indecent exposure'

Would be interesting to hear some lawyer trying to present a case to the court how indecent of the mother to expose herself when trying to feed the baby :)

I'm sure most women would want to breastfeed discreetly and with dignity. Some prior thoughts are always involved. I know of those that pump milk into bottles and carry with them. I know those that cover with a cloth. But I've also seen some that just do it - in an office environment. Maybe she didn't bring a cloth that day, who knows. Doesn't take a lot to give her the privacy. Look away, look at my computer, get up go fetch myself a glass of drink, walk to a copy machine. Deal with it in your best judgement.

The me next remark - I don't expect to hear from a grown man with manners.

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This is completely and utterly against the law in Thailand.

(female breasts exposed in a public place, strangely enough ladyboys can do it because they are men)

The police would arrest the woman if it were reported and there would be a fine.

Overnight in jail plus 500bht fine I believe.

Like it or not, that is the law.

Arse it is. That's the great thing about forums, you can claim anything you want and never have to prove it.

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My wife is far more judgmental than I, can't imagine her letting any guy get a look (for free)

As for whose turn, I am already claiming my turns both before and after the birth.

And we hope, for your sake, that she grants you that turn. How long has it been?

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Warning: For those of you who are scared of a little boobie, or who are disgusted by the act of breastfeeding, don't read the Life section of today's Bangkok Post.

To those of you who think it's a natural, and possibly beautiful thing, check out the paper. There's a gorgeous shot of a woman (in southern Thailand, if I remember correctly) feeding her baby.

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Even though I have never breastfed in public myself I have accompanied my wife many many times in many parts of the world while breastfeeding in restaurants, shopping malls, airports, airplanes etc. and learned quickly that flashing nipples is something many women aren't comfortable with either, including my wife. So don't think that a woman is looking for an opportunity to flash her breast, obviously she isn't.

She used a very clever device included in the gift pack from Bumrungrad hospital when our daughter was born. It's a "curtain" that you hang around the mothers neck which will cover everything that's going on behind the "scene". My wife loved it and totally refused to breastfeed in public without it. It worked great, no one ever saw a thing.

Anyway, my opinion is crystal clear and very strong in this matter; breastfeed as much as you want in public, if people dont want to see (and in all decency they shouldn't look!) they can look the other way.


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  • 2 weeks later...
However, like it or not ladies, get your jugs out in public and I guarantee that someone will see a sexual connotation.

I doubt the mother gave a crap if someone got off on her having her tit out. she was doing what she needed to do. honestly I never heard such nonesense coming from grown people over a baby being fed. seems some posters need to grow up & accept the world doesn't revolve around them. pretty sure that mother couldn't care less if she upset some stranger, her only concern is her baby & rightly so. end of.

i take it i still have a right to my own opinion, i did not get off on it at all just the opposite, i spend plenty of time in walking street and dont get off on it there either. such a thing as class and decorum where i came from, discretion would have been better. i have seen babys being fed but as many other forums and threads i have read say it can be done discreetly and some efffort made ot cover up. not just get breast out for a while mess about with baby feed, then leave breast out and take of baby and put breast back. again for me its part of the scenario now what kids want the get now instant, cant be in a few minutes or next week has to be now. my mother managed to feed me as do many of millions of others without making a public display of it. so i think she shoulod have at least covered up in some some way so as no to m ake such a public display of it, is a have decorum or not for me and most of other threads i have read on the subject, it seems the ladies on this forum are in a small minorrity so end of from me.

Edited by NALAK
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