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Wanted By The Court


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A Thai friend of mine got a few credit cards off different banks. Now he's received a letter from a lawyer's office and a date to appear in court. Apparently he's never paid the fees associated to having a credit card thinking it's free. To cut a long story short; he's soon leaving for the UK. He's got a visa and his ticket ready. He's told me he will not be in court on the date he's supposed to appear before a judge as he hasn't got the money to pay the bank back.. Question, can he face arrest leaving Suwanabhumi airport over this?


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This seems to be a civil case, about a debt. In that case he will not face arrest when he leaves.

But the smartest thing to do is contact the lawyers office and make a deal with them. Leaving it as it is will only make the (legal) costs higher and higher.

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I am just a bit curious how all the banks knew he had the other credit cards with other banks? For one lawyer to represent all the banks seems odd. How would one bank know the other banks business to be able to arrange this? As far as being arrested I think he will have to wait till he gets to the airport to answer that question. Huh.

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I am just a bit curious how all the banks knew he had the other credit cards with other banks? For one lawyer to represent all the banks seems odd. How would one bank know the other banks business to be able to arrange this? As far as being arrested I think he will have to wait till he gets to the airport to answer that question. Huh.

Although your local bank's name might appear, a credit card is usually from a big company like VISA or MASTERCARD, through which you can use it internationally.

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I am just a bit curious how all the banks knew he had the other credit cards with other banks? For one lawyer to represent all the banks seems odd. How would one bank know the other banks business to be able to arrange this? As far as being arrested I think he will have to wait till he gets to the airport to answer that question. Huh.

Credit card companies, and issuers such as individual banks, share the info. This is one reason why your credit rating may go DOWN if you have, in their view, too many cards. Way too easy, then, to max them out and get into unrecoverable debt.

At least in the U.S.


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If they contact immigration they could bar you from returning to Thailand , I would not put that past them ,

As a Thai citizen he cannot be barred from returning to Thailand.

I was being ironic :blink:

Really? :whistling:


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It never ceases to amaze. He can obtain a visa for the UK, also a ticket? Plus wanted by the Court? But can not pay his depts. A matter of priorities I suppose?


Edited by jimbeam1
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He could face arrest if it is suspected that he deliberately intended not to pay the credit card fees, as this then becomes a criminal case.

Even if the guy claims he did not realise there were fees attached with the cards, ignorance is no defence under the law.

This is a fine line case bordering on the civil and criminal. As we know the credit and debit card companies are big and have a lot of clout to take someone to book who they believe have cheated them.

Good luck when leaving Thailand, but if I was in his situation, I would certainly be holding my breath and looking over my shoulder at the airport.

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If they contact immigration they could bar you from returning to Thailand , I would not put that past them ,

As a Thai citizen he cannot be barred from returning to Thailand.

I was being ironic :blink:

I don't think you were being ironic, as you clearly do not appear to know what the definition of ironic is to start with :rolleyes:unless you care to explain the wonderful irony in your statement ;)

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I hope this fella does get taken to court and made to pay what he owes, plus legal fees and interest, because although the OP quoted that his apparent friend was ignorant of the fact that he had to pay fees on his credit cards, I would doubt that someone would be summoned to a court without having first received several written reminders and warnings first. Personally, how the OP has explained the situation, doesn’t wear with me.

I am glad that this person is Thai and not a farang, (if that is the truth?) otherwise the actions of low life people like this could have a knock on affect for all of us.

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Sure he got an actual court date? Most lawyers acting on behalf of these types of corporations just 'threaten' you with a lawsuit.

Most never go through with it because it can cost them more than the actual case is worth.

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The only time there will be a problem is if "your friend" is in contempt of court:

If the court issues an order, and "your friend" does not comply, he will be in contempt. This is then a criminal concern and authorties might post (dentention) notices at immigration points.

I am not sure, however, I think the court can issue an order in absentee.

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How odd. The fees (when due) automatically appear in the monthly statements and added on to his purchases for the month. It is after all a CREDIT CARD. All he needs to do is pay the minimum amount due and the rest is charged interest until the pays up all his outstanding balance (fees and purchases). Did he not pay the minium amount for several months?? In which case, he ought to know there were fees since the entry would appear in a previous statement.

The banks are hardly going to chase for its credit card fees alone, unless there are other charges (from purchases) which are also long outstanding and no minimum amount has been paid.

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What I don't understand is.......

If somebody has a mind that thinks credit cards are free, how is it they are allowed out of the country at all?


"Free" in what sense? That the charges are free? Well, no, for sure.

Free in that there's no charges if you don't use the card(s)? Well, both of my cards are no-fee cards, both U.S., one MC other a VISA.

Carry them for emergencies such as perhaps an auto accident and need to pay at the hospital.


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Couple of years back two Thai neighbors of mine in Phuket were excited they got "free" credit cards in the mail worth 5,000B each. It was a big promotion at the time. The banks were trying to sign up new customers. The letter that came with the credit cards was in Thai, but some of the "ad" was in English and clearly stated "5,000B Free". But it had an asterisk (*) next to it. Small print in Thai. Subject to credit approval upon activation of card. Once that was pointed out, they cut up the cards.

I can see were someone who is not very well educated and has never had a credit card could make the mistake. And unfortunately, if the CC are used, you pay!

Edited by Mrjlh
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I hope this fella does get taken to court and made to pay what he owes, plus legal fees and interest, because although the OP quoted that his apparent friend was ignorant of the fact that he had to pay fees on his credit cards, I would doubt that someone would be summoned to a court without having first received several written reminders and warnings first. Personally, how the OP has explained the situation, doesn’t wear with me.

I am glad that this person is Thai and not a farang, (if that is the truth?) otherwise the actions of low life people like this could have a knock on affect for all of us.

OP says he doesn't have the money to pay but yet he has the cards which you have to apply for and demonstrate an income? He only owes the fees as even though he's broke he apperantly has never used the cards but thinks they're free :blink: ? The real irony here should be that he uses one of the cards to pay off his fees for the others and problem solved until he has to pay the bill in which case he has it on minimum repay until he can cover the entire debt but at least he won't be in this legal wrangle.. either a total idiot or another example of another person who should not have a credit card or both :rolleyes: ..

Some big holes here me thinks...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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The OP should be asking some questions, if you are a friend as you say !!! Why not tell him the best thing is to sort it out, he is only making trouble for himself in the future when returning to Thailand, I doubt if it will be forgotten, credit card companies are hard headed for sure.

Edited by Kwasaki
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He only owes the fees as even though he's broke he apperantly has never used the cards but thinks they're free :blink: ?

This has not passed me by either.

He doesn't have the money to pay, and he only has to pay the fees. But despite not being able to pay the fees, he can still afford to fly to the UK. I think somebody is not telling the full story!



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The fees???

What are the fees a couple hundred baht at max.

No he most probably went shopping to the limit with every card.

Also it is possible that someone get 1 or 2 creditcards without wanting them. But not several from different banks.

There someone must have at least several bank accounts and bank accounts you don't get accidently.

Also he get a letter from the lawer to come to the court??? Not from the court themself??

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If the guy has ever received a bill from the card companies the fee would be on the first bill. He must have looked at how much he owed and then checked why. Sounds to me like the guy ran up his cards is leaving the country and just is now thinking maybe there could be a problem. If he is worried just make minimum charges and leave .

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