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Champions League Final


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After word on changing of opening times for the football on Saturday 01.45am kick-off. Any ideas of good bars for it? I know the bars that open late but mostly have a small screen and expensive drinks. If anyone is out and about during the week could you check if there are many signs up advertising it, think many Thai bars/restaurants must be open for it. Cheers and come on the mighty man utd.

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I was watching at Spicy when Liverpool beat AC Milan in the final back in 2005. I've never much liked Spicy (especially not since they moved indoors) but I have to say it was a pretty fun place to watch the game that night.

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Today one of these LOUDspeaker cars passed by. Although the announcement was of course in the usual machine gun Thai only I am pretty sure they said they will show the champions league final on big screen tomorrow at Central. Anyone any idea if this will be at the airport or at Kad Suan Kaew (or both)?

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Last time I watched a late Barca game was at Inside Park.


They did shut the game off with 5 minutes to go, which was messed up. But food and prices are good :D

We'll probably go to Living Room Bar, since I called the owner and confirmed it'll be on there. Any idea if it's in HD there?

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Did anyone else watch Barcelona dismantle Manchester United? Barcelona controlled 70% of the play and out shot United 10 to one. Final score of 3 to 1 was not indicative of the play. It could have been 5 or 6 to one. Only Rooney seemed to show up for United. Rooney scored the lone goal for United and missed another. That was the sum total of Manchester's offense. Man U kept trying the long ball through to someone they hoped might get open and it was totally ineffective. By contrast, Barcelona played tick-tack-toe with the ball for 90 minutes and continually beat Manchester to the ball. It was an entertaining match but not so much if you were a Man U fan. Manchester came out strong, but the game quickly turned in Barcelona's favour and stayed that way for the remainder of the game.

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Did anyone else watch Barcelona dismantle Manchester United? Barcelona controlled 70% of the play and out shot United 10 to one. Final score of 3 to 1 was not indicative of the play. It could have been 5 or 6 to one. Only Rooney seemed to show up for United. Rooney scored the lone goal for United and missed another. That was the sum total of Manchester's offense. Man U kept trying the long ball through to someone they hoped might get open and it was totally ineffective. By contrast, Barcelona played tick-tack-toe with the ball for 90 minutes and continually beat Manchester to the ball. It was an entertaining match but not so much if you were a Man U fan. Manchester came out strong, but the game quickly turned in Barcelona's favour and stayed that way for the remainder of the game.

Which just goes to show what I've always said: Man.Utd. are crap.

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Did anyone else watch Barcelona dismantle Manchester United? Barcelona controlled 70% of the play and out shot United 10 to one. Final score of 3 to 1 was not indicative of the play. It could have been 5 or 6 to one. Only Rooney seemed to show up for United. Rooney scored the lone goal for United and missed another. That was the sum total of Manchester's offense. Man U kept trying the long ball through to someone they hoped might get open and it was totally ineffective. By contrast, Barcelona played tick-tack-toe with the ball for 90 minutes and continually beat Manchester to the ball. It was an entertaining match but not so much if you were a Man U fan. Manchester came out strong, but the game quickly turned in Barcelona's favour and stayed that way for the remainder of the game.

Which just goes to show what I've always said: Man.Utd. are crap.

Not sure there is any other side in the world who would have done significantly better last night.. And to Man U's credit, they didn't go negative, playing two strikers. Also it was a remarkably clean game, which is nice to see that that's possible, also when the stakes can't get any higher.

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Did anyone else watch Barcelona dismantle Manchester United? Barcelona controlled 70% of the play and out shot United 10 to one. Final score of 3 to 1 was not indicative of the play. It could have been 5 or 6 to one. Only Rooney seemed to show up for United. Rooney scored the lone goal for United and missed another. That was the sum total of Manchester's offense. Man U kept trying the long ball through to someone they hoped might get open and it was totally ineffective. By contrast, Barcelona played tick-tack-toe with the ball for 90 minutes and continually beat Manchester to the ball. It was an entertaining match but not so much if you were a Man U fan. Manchester came out strong, but the game quickly turned in Barcelona's favour and stayed that way for the remainder of the game.

Which just goes to show what I've always said: Man.Utd. are crap.

Not sure there is any other side in the world who would have done significantly better last night.. And to Man U's credit, they didn't go negative, playing two strikers. Also it was a remarkably clean game, which is nice to see that that's possible, also when the stakes can't get any higher.

In my 65 years I don't think I've seen a better club side than the current Barcelona. Massive gulf in class was evident on the pitch last night and I don't think Utd knew how to cope with Messi&Co' once they got into their stride. There is rumour that Ronaldo will be returning to Old Trafford during the summer but that is only one of several top class players that Utd need. Whilst the likes of Scholes, Giggs etc have always given a huge amount during their years at the club it is time for new blood to be brought in and for some of the old faces to bow out. If Chelsea had not of hit a bad patch of form mid-season,Utd would not have won the league and in almost every game I saw them play on TV they looked well beatable. Too many teams over respect them and don't attack them enough.

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I have never seen a side as good as Barcelona i think they controlled the game so well united could not even get the ball the were relaxed on the ball and just having fun playing football.

what a game for the football fan just beautiful passing .

Total respect to Barcelona .

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It's almost the classic commentator's line: "Man U showed up expecting to play football. Barcelona however played something else. " ;)

They sure did. Certainly never seen football, if that's what it was, being played like that before. From another planet. Congrats to Barca.

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It's almost the classic commentator's line: "Man U showed up expecting to play football. Barcelona however played something else. " ;)

They sure did. Certainly never seen football, if that's what it was, being played like that before. From another planet. Congrats to Barca.

United's Manager Ferguson has described Barcelona as the best team he has ever faced,some statement and can't disagree with that I can't remember a better all round performance .Should SAF have made some changes after half time ? yes but I don't think it would have made much difference. What a shame Barcelona play in the 2 horse ,micky mouse La Liga league where most games are,for them, training runs.

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What last night underlined is forget the Premier League, La Liga or Serie A, the only league worth watching for outstanding football is the Champions league, makes Wigan v. Birmingham look a little ordinary.

Great game and all respect to Barca for having an outstanding and largely Spanish team, roll on the day when all club teams are predominantly made up of players from that country with a sprinkling of foreign talent.

Ludicrous when Arsenal takes to the pitch without a single English player on the pitch or bench. Might as well make the league an online fantasy league. Club teams need to be rooted in their home country and it does not mean any sacrifice in quality as Barca shows. It just ensures that upcoming talent gets the chance to blossom to the benefit of supporters and the national team.

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What last night underlined is forget the Premier League, La Liga or Serie A, the only league worth watching for outstanding football is the Champions league, makes Wigan v. Birmingham look a little ordinary.

Great game and all respect to Barca for having an outstanding and largely Spanish team, roll on the day when all club teams are predominantly made up of players from that country with a sprinkling of foreign talent.

Ludicrous when Arsenal takes to the pitch without a single English player on the pitch or bench. Might as well make the league an online fantasy league. Club teams need to be rooted in their home country and it does not mean any sacrifice in quality as Barca shows. It just ensures that upcoming talent gets the chance to blossom to the benefit of supporters and the national team.

The only reason why there is no sacrifice in quality for Barca to field Spanish players is because, in case you hadn't noticed, Spanish players are the best in the world right now. If they weren't, would Barca have played them? And furthermore, if in ten years all the best players are coming out of Holland and Spanish players are no longer that great, how will Barca's line up look then? Still made up of so many Spanish? Or perhaps how it looked not that long ago, before Spain's rise to World Cup Champions.

To suggest that Barca have made some sort of ethical stand to foster local talent that we should all stand up and applaud is i think nonsense. Barca, like any other club, wants success for Barca. If it can do so with Spanish players, all well and good. If it can't, it will look elsewhere in a second - just as it did in signing Messi. And for me, that's how it should be. Clubs shouldn't have a responsibility to the national teams. Clubs shouldn't be forced to play crap players just so that crap can be given an artificial leg up. Crap should be forced to first get themselves to the level of everyone else, and how they do this is their problem and the problem of the local football administrations. It's not the clubs problem.

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Football like any sport is cyclical,like so many things in life. Barcelona's reign will end some time in the future much like Liverpools did in England many moons ago.Australia and America used to rule the mens tennis world, now neither country can get anyone near the worlds top ten. If you has said 10 years ago that Serbia woule be a tennis power you would have been committed to the funny farm.Rather than dig too deep for reasons lets marvel at the spectacle Barcelona provided. The fact there was no rolling around feigning injury, and the gracious way United took it on the chin without blaming referees or outside influences restored credibilty to the world of football that is currently racked in controversy.I expect the mods will close this thread unless we can sneak CM somwhere into it !! :jap:

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What last night underlined is forget the Premier League, La Liga or Serie A, the only league worth watching for outstanding football is the Champions league, makes Wigan v. Birmingham look a little ordinary.

Great game and all respect to Barca for having an outstanding and largely Spanish team, roll on the day when all club teams are predominantly made up of players from that country with a sprinkling of foreign talent.

Ludicrous when Arsenal takes to the pitch without a single English player on the pitch or bench. Might as well make the league an online fantasy league. Club teams need to be rooted in their home country and it does not mean any sacrifice in quality as Barca shows. It just ensures that upcoming talent gets the chance to blossom to the benefit of supporters and the national team.

The only reason why there is no sacrifice in quality for Barca to field Spanish players is because, in case you hadn't noticed, Spanish players are the best in the world right now. If they weren't, would Barca have played them? And furthermore, if in ten years all the best players are coming out of Holland and Spanish players are no longer that great, how will Barca's line up look then? Still made up of so many Spanish? Or perhaps how it looked not that long ago, before Spain's rise to World Cup Champions.

To suggest that Barca have made some sort of ethical stand to foster local talent that we should all stand up and applaud is i think nonsense. Barca, like any other club, wants success for Barca. If it can do so with Spanish players, all well and good. If it can't, it will look elsewhere in a second - just as it did in signing Messi. And for me, that's how it should be. Clubs shouldn't have a responsibility to the national teams. Clubs shouldn't be forced to play crap players just so that crap can be given an artificial leg up. Crap should be forced to first get themselves to the level of everyone else, and how they do this is their problem and the problem of the local football administrations. It's not the clubs problem.

Chicken and egg. Spain's success relies on the strength of Barca.

Barcelona’s success has been built on its extensive youth development program, which has fed the senior club and the national team, where its style of play and the training techniques have been duplicated. Both Barcelona and Spain dominate opponents by controlling the ball and stringing together intricate passing sequences. That requires precision, patience and a preternatural understanding between the players. Xavi 352 games for Barcelona since 1998. Puyol more than 300 games for Barcelona since 1999.Iniesta became a regular first-team player at Barcelona in 2002 and has played more than 200 games for the club. Piqué, 23, Busquets, 21, and Pedro, 22, are all products of the Barca programme and suggest that their dominance could be maintained.

Contrast this with the mismatched, overhyped, and overpaid foreign mercenaries at Real Madrid and increasingly Man City.

Cranking out domestic players works for Barca and to underline the point that it is not some quirk of demographics (eg India should be good at cricket with 1.1 billion people to choose from) the disproportionate success of Australia in many areas of sport rams home the importance of spending time, energy and money on local talent.

Now if Chiang Mai FC could emulate Barca's youth programme.......they wouldn't have to keep slapping new manager faces on the advertising posters around town.

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Now if Chiang Mai FC could emulate Barca's youth programme.......they wouldn't have to keep slapping new manager faces on the advertising posters around town.


...BTW there is a CM Football Academy(or something like that)...I see those boys practicing hard at the back stadium,but I don't thing there is a connection with CMFC...they even have to buy their own tickets just to see the game(!!).:whistling:

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