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People warned against believing herbal cures

By The Nation


The Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine Development Department has issued a warning against the use of herbal products that are said to be cures for cancer and other chronic conditions.

"This department has never certified any herbal product as cancer treatment," the department's directorgeneral Dr Wilanwan Juengprasert said.

The move came after authorities discovered a herbal product being fraudulently advertised as a cureall in the North. She explained that herbal medicines should only be used as an alternative treatment, and patients should use the medication correctly.

The department is currently collecting data about 100 Thai herbal remedies that have the potential to treat breast, liver and lung cancers. Without disclosing any details, the department said it was now investigating the effectiveness of certain herbs that Thai traditional practitioners allegedly use to treat cancer.

The department is also coming up with guidelines on the correct usage of Thai herbal medicines.


-- The Nation 2011-05-28


Should they really be telling people this? If people find out that these sorts of medicines are useless against cancer, they won't be able to sell this rubbish.

What next? Inform people that there are no such thing as ghosts?


Should they really be telling people this? If people find out that these sorts of medicines are useless against cancer, they won't be able to sell this rubbish.

What next? Inform people that there are no such thing as ghosts?

That's the spirit ! :unsure::D


You mean I shouldn't let some random guy in rags spit on me and blow smoke on my open wounds?

I wondered where random had got to. Still spitting and blowing smoke eh?


A close friend of mine had stage 4 lung cancer, given 2-4 weeks to live. Left Hawaii and came to Thailand basically so his family didn't have to watch him die. He hired a Thai nurse who was not only a college educated dietician but had grown up extremely poor. She was like so many Thais that have had to depend on wild plants for food and medicine. She threw all his 24 medicines away except his blood pressure medicines and began feeding him "stuff" and within 4 months he was cancer free and still is. Also married her and they have a baby...B)


A close friend of mine had stage 4 lung cancer, given 2-4 weeks to live. Left Hawaii and came to Thailand basically so his family didn't have to watch him die. He hired a Thai nurse who was not only a college educated dietician but had grown up extremely poor. She was like so many Thais that have had to depend on wild plants for food and medicine. She threw all his 24 medicines away except his blood pressure medicines and began feeding him "stuff" and within 4 months he was cancer free and still is. Also married her and they have a baby...B)

fantastic story-if true then she should be worth billions, as everyone with the alien inside would want to pay big money to keep living. Your friend is a one off, and brill for him.


Should they really be telling people this? If people find out that these sorts of medicines are useless against cancer, they won't be able to sell this rubbish.

What next? Inform people that there are no such thing as ghosts?

Yep way to go. ;)



A close friend of mine had stage 4 lung cancer, given 2-4 weeks to live. Left Hawaii and came to Thailand basically so his family didn't have to watch him die. He hired a Thai nurse who was not only a college educated dietician but had grown up extremely poor. She was like so many Thais that have had to depend on wild plants for food and medicine. She threw all his 24 medicines away except his blood pressure medicines and began feeding him "stuff" and within 4 months he was cancer free and still is. Also married her and they have a baby...B)

fantastic story-if true then she should be worth billions, as everyone with the alien inside would want to pay big money to keep living. Your friend is a one off, and brill for him.

ginjag! whatz up? Do you wanna try some of this stuff? haha.........

let's live ......live and let's live

Doesn't help much without proper lab tests.

emotionally, it boosts up the strength...

unfortunately, nothing is free .... and these people see a loophole then huge profits gained.......so on.


A close friend of mine had stage 4 lung cancer, given 2-4 weeks to live. Left Hawaii and came to Thailand basically so his family didn't have to watch him die. He hired a Thai nurse who was not only a college educated dietician but had grown up extremely poor. She was like so many Thais that have had to depend on wild plants for food and medicine. She threw all his 24 medicines away except his blood pressure medicines and began feeding him "stuff" and within 4 months he was cancer free and still is. Also married her and they have a baby...B)

fantastic story-if true then she should be worth billions, as everyone with the alien inside would want to pay big money to keep living. Your friend is a one off, and brill for him.

ginjag! whatz up? Do you wanna try some of this stuff? haha.........

let's live ......live and let's live

Doesn't help much without proper lab tests.

emotionally, it boosts up the strength...

unfortunately, nothing is free .... and these people see a loophole then huge profits gained.......so on.

Three of my sisters died of cancer, I followed it all and always hoped but when the specialist says it IS terminal, little can be done only wait and hope they don't suffer. If there are miracle potions out there and they are to be had, you can name TOP singers-actors-and the like that have gone with their money-and the money was of no use. Most if not all of these (remedies) are for big monetary gain. In some instances a few potions have helped to relieve the pains and give a boost to some peoples hopes, but are usually short lived.


There is a fairly large clinic in Pattaya (near VC Hotel) who up until recently was selling a cure for HIV/AIDS and cancer (you read that correctly), along with any other illness one could have. It was some silly drink they were peddling from China.

Amazing Thailand.


To all concerned......firstly I am a cancer survivor....2 years ago, an oncologists at the NUH hospital in Singpaore diagnosed me with latent collnic cancer and the subsequent tests and opionions by oncologists from the ME hospital in Singapore, Bamrungrad and BNH Hospitals in Bangkok confirmed the same. They suggested that I simply try chemotherapy to prolong my life but gave me only 3 months the mosts. (Have all medical records to prove this)

Researching, I found that cancer treatments have always remained the same for the last 65 years without any major advancements, the two main treatments are : a) surgically remove the cancerous area and b)chemotherapy....off course there have been advancements in the types of chemotherapies to teart various cancer .....but just thats it!

I did one chem but could not deal with it and resorted to spiritual, hocus-pocus stuffs and also alternative therapies. I came across a very good Korean Oncologists who put me on alkaline water therapy and also alkaline food diets and also took intravenous glutathione, co-enzyme 10, buffrred Vit C, astraxanthin and also phytic acid in mega but controlled doses. My cancer regressed and today I am perfectly well.

On one side, yes I agree that they are quacks and fake medicines out there but on the other other end do not give up on alternative cures. Thai doctors, the local FDA and The Ministry of Public Health are all idiots here!

The therapies I precribed are now being done at the Mayo Clinics, Hoffman medical centre and also at John Hopkins Institute.

If anyone out there has cancer and wants to share experiences or advice (non-medical but can direct you to relevant practioners) please pm me.


A close friend of mine had stage 4 lung cancer, given 2-4 weeks to live. Left Hawaii and came to Thailand basically so his family didn't have to watch him die. He hired a Thai nurse who was not only a college educated dietician but had grown up extremely poor. She was like so many Thais that have had to depend on wild plants for food and medicine. She threw all his 24 medicines away except his blood pressure medicines and began feeding him "stuff" and within 4 months he was cancer free and still is. Also married her and they have a baby...B)

fantastic story-if true then she should be worth billions, as everyone with the alien inside would want to pay big money to keep living. Your friend is a one off, and brill for him.

ginjag! whatz up? Do you wanna try some of this stuff? haha.........

let's live ......live and let's live

Doesn't help much without proper lab tests.

emotionally, it boosts up the strength...

unfortunately, nothing is free .... and these people see a loophole then huge profits gained.......so on.

Three of my sisters died of cancer, I followed it all and always hoped but when the specialist says it IS terminal, little can be done only wait and hope they don't suffer. If there are miracle potions out there and they are to be had, you can name TOP singers-actors-and the like that have gone with their money-and the money was of no use. Most if not all of these (remedies) are for big monetary gain. In some instances a few potions have helped to relieve the pains and give a boost to some peoples hopes, but are usually short lived.

my all apologies! didn't read bunta71's romantic story. just did that. incredible the Thai nurse's husband could remove the deadly cells from his body with those stuff from the nature. Not many people i know could make it when they reached the last stage. Feel like the sun goin' down on you when the time to let your beloveds go. Really sorry for your story. Dunno whatta feeling when one's cancer in the body or blood. Worried!!! then, very possible means will be tried I guess to get rid of it. the best way is to discover it as soon as possible. Many people and most don't notice it before it's too late. My beloved relative died last year from cancer. I wished i could do more to help and spend more time with her. regret it. My friend's mother passed away last week cos' of lung's cancer too. As one of the posts here stated that there ain't much progress in the area. Humm.... hoping someone can make the effort of spurring the research.

Please get medical checks frequently too. I will need my check-up soon. I know........(telling myself).


To all concerned......firstly I am a cancer survivor....2 years ago, an oncologists at the NUH hospital in Singpaore diagnosed me with latent collnic cancer and the subsequent tests and opionions by oncologists from the ME hospital in Singapore, Bamrungrad and BNH Hospitals in Bangkok confirmed the same. They suggested that I simply try chemotherapy to prolong my life but gave me only 3 months the mosts. (Have all medical records to prove this)

Researching, I found that cancer treatments have always remained the same for the last 65 years without any major advancements, the two main treatments are : a) surgically remove the cancerous area and b)chemotherapy....off course there have been advancements in the types of chemotherapies to teart various cancer .....but just thats it!

I did one chem but could not deal with it and resorted to spiritual, hocus-pocus stuffs and also alternative therapies. I came across a very good Korean Oncologists who put me on alkaline water therapy and also alkaline food diets and also took intravenous glutathione, co-enzyme 10, buffrred Vit C, astraxanthin and also phytic acid in mega but controlled doses. My cancer regressed and today I am perfectly well.

On one side, yes I agree that they are quacks and fake medicines out there but on the other other end do not give up on alternative cures. Thai doctors, the local FDA and The Ministry of Public Health are all idiots here!

The therapies I precribed are now being done at the Mayo Clinics, Hoffman medical centre and also at John Hopkins Institute.

If anyone out there has cancer and wants to share experiences or advice (non-medical but can direct you to relevant practioners) please pm me.

If it is being administered at John Hopkins it isn't an alternative medicine!

It might be 'not the usual' or 'uncommon', but not 'alternative' as the label for the quacks solutions are.

In line with the completely inane 'Homeopathy'.

'Alternative medicine is any healing practice "that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine", or "that which has not been shown consistently to be effective."'


Should they really be telling people this? If people find out that these sorts of medicines are useless against cancer, they won't be able to sell this rubbish.

What next? Inform people that there are no such thing as ghosts?

Yep way to go. ;)


Unfortunately, many people base their decisions on anecdotal evidence rather than wide-range studies (see this thread).

You'll always have someone who will get better after taking that "alternative treatment". The fallacious correlation: he was sick -> he took this snake oil -> he got better => therefore snake oil cured him is something you see everyday and is the base for the quacks business. They easily dismiss the fact that hundreds other who took the same didn't get better or that this incurable disease was actually curable (there are people who manage to fight cancer by themselves)

Why should we bother? After all, it's peoples' own decisions?

Well, the problem is that these quacks endanger your lives too: many followers of these alternative medicine will ditch their treatment, endangering themselves but also the others as they will be more likely to get ill and transmit their disease to others (see the surge of measles case in the US after the anti-vaccine movement... it affects all, not only the anti-vaccine families)

Additionally, all this money going into the vacuum of woo-hoo pseudoscience is a pure loss for proper scientific studies. There are still millions of things science doesn't grasp or understand. Research needs this money to put a light on these, rather than line the pockets of pseudo-scientists who embezzle people with buzzwords and baseless affirmations.

What's important is not so much how it works, but IF it works. And no wide-range properly conducted studies ever managed to demonstrate any efficacy for these products.

I think this BBC program is really worth watching:


A close friend of mine had stage 4 lung cancer, given 2-4 weeks to live. Left Hawaii and came to Thailand basically so his family didn't have to watch him die. He hired a Thai nurse who was not only a college educated dietician but had grown up extremely poor. She was like so many Thais that have had to depend on wild plants for food and medicine. She threw all his 24 medicines away except his blood pressure medicines and began feeding him "stuff" and within 4 months he was cancer free and still is. Also married her and they have a baby...B)

fantastic story-if true then she should be worth billions, as everyone with the alien inside would want to pay big money to keep living. Your friend is a one off, and brill for him.

Expand your searches a little more and you will find that there are many people who when faced with cancer have taken charge of there own health and educated themselves and are now cancer free. You might start by googling Suzanne Somers or read some of Dr. Mercola's stuff. My friend certainly is not a "one off". ..


To all concerned......firstly I am a cancer survivor....2 years ago, an oncologists at the NUH hospital in Singpaore diagnosed me with latent collnic cancer and the subsequent tests and opionions by oncologists from the ME hospital in Singapore, Bamrungrad and BNH Hospitals in Bangkok confirmed the same. They suggested that I simply try chemotherapy to prolong my life but gave me only 3 months the mosts. (Have all medical records to prove this)

Researching, I found that cancer treatments have always remained the same for the last 65 years without any major advancements, the two main treatments are : a) surgically remove the cancerous area and b)chemotherapy....off course there have been advancements in the types of chemotherapies to teart various cancer .....but just thats it!

I did one chem but could not deal with it and resorted to spiritual, hocus-pocus stuffs and also alternative therapies. I came across a very good Korean Oncologists who put me on alkaline water therapy and also alkaline food diets and also took intravenous glutathione, co-enzyme 10, buffrred Vit C, astraxanthin and also phytic acid in mega but controlled doses. My cancer regressed and today I am perfectly well.

On one side, yes I agree that they are quacks and fake medicines out there but on the other other end do not give up on alternative cures. Thai doctors, the local FDA and The Ministry of Public Health are all idiots here!

The therapies I precribed are now being done at the Mayo Clinics, Hoffman medical centre and also at John Hopkins Institute.

If anyone out there has cancer and wants to share experiences or advice (non-medical but can direct you to relevant practioners) please pm me.

If it is being administered at John Hopkins it isn't an alternative medicine!

It might be 'not the usual' or 'uncommon', but not 'alternative' as the label for the quacks solutions are.

In line with the completely inane 'Homeopathy'.

'Alternative medicine is any healing practice "that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine", or "that which has not been shown consistently to be effective."'

FYI My Father went to Johns Hopkins for colon cancer about 12 years ago( He's 77 now). Had the surgery, recouped for a few months and is 100% active. I believe it is the leading cancer research center in the world and did a great job for him!


A close friend of mine had stage 4 lung cancer, given 2-4 weeks to live. Left Hawaii and came to Thailand basically so his family didn't have to watch him die. He hired a Thai nurse who was not only a college educated dietician but had grown up extremely poor. She was like so many Thais that have had to depend on wild plants for food and medicine. She threw all his 24 medicines away except his blood pressure medicines and began feeding him "stuff" and within 4 months he was cancer free and still is. Also married her and they have a baby...B)

fantastic story-if true then she should be worth billions, as everyone with the alien inside would want to pay big money to keep living. Your friend is a one off, and brill for him.

Expand your searches a little more and you will find that there are many people who when faced with cancer have taken charge of there own health and educated themselves and are now cancer free. You might start by googling Suzanne Somers or read some of Dr. Mercola's stuff. My friend certainly is not a "one off". ..

I am talking about TERMINAL-period--TOO LATE-get the message--sure some people do recover from other private specialists, I do realize there must be percentages. and ""ONE OFF"" doesn't mean only one. Many in your words I do not dispute, but the hundreds of millions that do die when told-TERMINAL . Normally TERMINAL would be far too late to reverse as surgery would kill the person through trying to remove the cancer, as most cases the cancer specialist cannot find the primary the result of which the cancer has spread to many other areas. MOST cases are too LATE, leaving a few that have chances.


Most modern medicines are derivatives of plants. only they are now manufactured as chemicals. The UK has been trying to ban herbal medicines because some do work , but people take herbal medicines along side prescribed medicines , and the results are over doses.in may cases, because they do not understand that you take one or the other.



The therapies I precribed are now being done at the Mayo Clinics, Hoffman medical centre and also at John Hopkins Institute.


If it is being administered at John Hopkins it isn't an alternative medicine!


FYI My Father went to Johns Hopkins for colon cancer about 12 years ago( He's 77 now). Had the surgery, recouped for a few months and is 100% active. I believe it is the leading cancer research center in the world and did a great job for him!

Yes, that was my point. John Hopkins deal with real medicine, not alternative medicine. Trying to say that they do and by that statement try to somehow legitimize alternative medicine-quackery is insulting.

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