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Single Woman Considering Artificial Insemination In Bangkok


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Hey everyone,

I'm a single woman living and working in Bangkok. I've been here about a year now, and I'm considering having a baby.

I'm wondering if any women have had experience with a sperm bank in Bangkok? Also, since it would be half Thai, even though the father will be absent, will the baby be considered a Thai citizen?

If you know anything about this, please drop me a line either on this thread or via email.

Thanks in advance.


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Now, I will honestly say....

this is an entirely refreshing new topic altogether.....!

Are you for real?

Some how.... and for some dubious reasons I have the feeling that

something is not quite in its place here....?

Wonder.... what is actually horrifically missing in your post....? :rolleyes:

If this is not intended as a self-promotional stuff, then....

is someone running a special on some entity or organization that

most of us are still unaware of to date.... LOL :welcomeani:

Yes, there are several such storage facilities in Thailand, but

the cost to get it implemented as far as I was informed some two years ago,

was in the neighborhood of 200k, not including carrying costs nor subsequent delivery expenditures. -_-

I truly admire your aspiration though. Wishing you the very best of luck. :guitar:

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Hey vont

I'm for real. As absolutely crazy and ludicrous as it may sound!

Thanks for your response.

Ok, that is great.

Let's take it another step closer to your ultimate goal.

Your approximate age, health in general and

more importantly the exact specimen specificities you are seeking

from the contributing unknown donor?

You definitely do not have to answer any of the above questions

should you deem inappropriate or nosey, alright?

Did you not say you are in Bkk....maam?

It is now almost 04:30 A.M. in Bkk, what are you up to so early in the morning? :)

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Fertilised egg donation is another way forward. When people go through IVF many are left with fertilised eggs in frozen storage. After 5 years they are destroyed, which seems a waste, in my view, due to the amount of effort and expenditure undertaken to produce them.

My wife and I have 3 children through IVF, and we wish for no more. Currently we have 5 fertilized eggs in storage and would consider donating them to a genuine person. The OP wants a sperm donar but as Mario2008 points out about proof of father, it will make life difficult .

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The baby would only be considered Thai if you can proof who the father is, with a sperm bank not very likely.

Yes and the hospital I'm aware of that works with single women sources sperm donor from outside Thailand I believe. Have sent you a private message.

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Just a word of advice. Please be prepared to be rejected by clinics if you are a single female. A very good Thai friend of mine lost her husband of 10 years very unexpectedly due to heart failure. They had been trying to have a child together for some time, including several IVF treatments at various clinics around Bangkok.

When she returned to those same clinics after his death, and inquired about sperm donors as she still wanted to have a child, she was told in no uncertain terms by all 3 clinics she visited that they would not assist her because she was not married. They would only help her if she found her own mate and failed to conceive naturally after a period of time. Of course, she was not going to the high end, farang oriented clinics, who may be less concerned with this aspect of Thai medical culture.

I suppose like most things in Thailand, anything is available at the right price, and as a foreigner you may get treated differently than a Thai. But do be aware that single women are generally considered ineligible for IVF treatments at typical Thai assisted reproduction clinics.

And as for whether the baby would be Thai, you would not only need to be able to identify the father by name in order for Thai citizenship to be conferred, but he would also have to agree that he was the father of the child. Neither of these things are possible when using an anonymous sperm donor.

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Just a word of advice. Please be prepared to be rejected by clinics if you are a single female. A very good Thai friend of mine lost her husband of 10 years very unexpectedly due to heart failure. They had been trying to have a child together for some time, including several IVF treatments at various clinics around Bangkok.

Hi Greg, what a sad story for your friend. At least one of the big clinics works with singles.

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  • 11 months later...

Dear all,

I'm a Thai woman working as an expat in another country. I'm 37 and divorced. The clock is ticking. Where can I fet donor sperm for IVF? Which clinic or hospital is willing to help single women? Would you know the estimated cost? Can I make short trip for scanning etc? Staying in Thailand for the whole month is probably not an ideal option as I would need to continue working and earning!

Thanks heaps,


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  • 1 month later...

Wow! I've been thinking about the same thing also. Have always wanted to have children but never had the right partner to do it with. I think I would ask a close good looking farang friend for a donation before going to a clinic and getting who knows what! giggle.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am 39 and considering the same seriously. I am from Hong Kong and the rule here is strict. Fertility clinics are full of people and even couples have to wait for months and year before their first treatment.... I will consider adoption but as a single woman, I can only have older and disabled child, and I am afraid that I won't be able to handle all the child's physical and psychological problems all in a sudden.... The greater reason is I want to my own child, genetically connected to me.

Hope can find a chance in Thailand. I was rejected by a clinic (with sperm bank) and some simply do not reply to me. I am hidding my intention for the sake of more information... I have the same question as Newfriend2011 - where can I find a sperm donor? Which clinic or hospital is willing to help single women?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Superior ART in Ploenchit (affiliated with Sydney IVF) do not discriminate against singles, lesbian couples, etc. They will work Western and Thai clients based in both Bangkok and overseas. They work with both Thai and overseas sperm banks as well as known donors. Note that Thai sperm banks do not provide information about the donor except height, blood type and skin tone (this info is from 2 years ago so may have changed). Overseas donors provide more information this including full medical history and the right of the child to find out who their biological father is at aged 18.

Superior ART do all types of treatments including IUI, IVF, FET, etc. They can also do fertility testing including AMH and so on to check everything is ok before starting treatment. I would suggest anyone wishing to become a SMBC (single mother by choice) spend time researching methods and getting an idea of what direction they want to take. The choicemoms website is helpful to many as well as the single moms trying to conceive thread on fertilitycommunity website. If you are in Bangkok, make an appointment with one of the doctors (they speak English fluently) and ask all the questions you have. They can provide information about cost which is no where as expensive as an earlier poster wrote.

There are other places that will consider working with single women but your case will have to go before an ethics committee for approval.

PM me if you have a question but I'm not on here very often so may not see the message for awhile. Bit busy being a SMBC to 5 month old twins + a 7 year old from when I was in a relationship!

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