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Just A Nice Guy With A Great Family

Gonzo the Face

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I know this probably will mean little to most but I feel like saying it , so I will.

I just had a visit from Kn Rob and family...... aka Sausage King.....

To those who have not had the pleasure of having met the man,,,,,, he is a great and personable guy with a great family.

He stopped by and we just started yaking and kept on yaking and yaking with all the ease of someone you may have known all your life. Places we've been and things we've done. Cars and people and hospitals and a never ending line of stuff we could talk about.. I had to break away for a bit so they could eat their dinner,

Gunna have to come up with something new so I can try out some of The Sausage Kings product.

Thanks Mr. & Mrs Sausage King and kids.

Hope some will have the chance to meet him.

Now this may not mean much to most out there, but I thought it would be nice to see a happy post for a change, and mostly it made me feel good.


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Good to hear Gonzo. I find many of the CM local business owners to be good folks with whom I enjoy a good longer-than-planned chat when I run into them too. It's always nice to hear from the locals who have their finger on the pulse of whatever's going on.

I have a sausage idea for you. Keep it simple, grilled (flat-top) sausage and peppers (onions too) is an American- Italian institution, and it's hard to mess up. Can eat it over rice, mashed potatoes, or with a toasted roll. We also like to eat them in pasta - can do in a red sauce, or all'olio clear olive oil style with herbs. Both ways are great. Which Sausage King sausages would hold up best with peppers n onions ? And which ones would come through when covered in tomato sauce ?

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Hi Gonzo and i had a great time at your restaurant with the family and am sorry if i talk to much but you are a nice guy,the food was great and i just eaten the pie you give you kindly given us to try and wow thats good 10 - 10 for that. I will call in again soon. Rob/Sausage King and Family.

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Gee, it's nice to read about the good times two long stayers had together.....there should be MUCH more of the same!:D

Yes indeed. Makes me think of logic:

There are two kinds of long-stay residents here in Chiang Mai -

1. Happy :rolleyes:

2. Unhappy :angry:

As a percent, most associated with food are happy


Food = Happy :D


Place 'good' before above the words 'food' and it is even more true.:whistling:

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